The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 23, 1894, Image 3

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    WI&MKmmSBBmlm iimir r ' ',..- ..-.
Tho Clmncu: "Lot Iho opening
hynin bo a yoll.
If you hoo it, full of foot ball thin
time, iCa tho NuiutASirAN.
For '07 class pins coll tit JjJ.
Floming'H, tho jowolor, 12iM O si.
Center rush Humming went
homo' Wednesday for a short visit.
Tho most complete lino of driv
ing caps will bo found at tho low
ing Clothing Co.
Miss Gortrudo Marsland has re
turned to Lincoln, after a visit of
several months in England.
Tho now donarturo in conduct
ing tho chapol sorvices, makes it
possible to hear somo good 'music.
Wo aro headquarters for good
underwear, from M cents per gar
ment to $5 per suit. Ewing Cloth
ing Co.
Gran Ensign may be sure that
the boys appreciated his kindness
in allowing them tho uso of his tally-ho.
Why don't you take tablo board
at tho Conservatory restaurant:
The host board in tho city for
Gloves and mittens retailed at
strictly wholesale prices at tho
Glove Factory, 140 South Eleventh
Go to Mrs. Gosper's, 11 14 O st.
to look at millinery and at tho
sumo time have your hair dressed
in latest style.
There is no school of music in
the West that can offer as complete
courses as our own University Con
servatory. It proved a dangerous thing for
any one who did not wish to be
tossed, to tell how he got hurt
playing center rush.
Latest novelties in men's fur
nishing goods 10 per cent dis
count to students Kroner, the
shirt man, 039 O street.
The next term in the Conservato
ry commences on Monday, students
who are talking of studying music
should register promptly.
It is alleged that tho cadet band
played several tunes Tuesday
night, but no one could bo found
who would swear that ho heard
The Ewing Clothing Co. re
ceived another invoice of tho very
latest stj'lcs in overcoats. They
are up to date. Step in and see
"Papa Snow's Darlings Downed
by Uncle Jimmie's Kids" was the
head line a Kansas City paper
placed over the account of the
Koversiblo Tios 2fie and f0i
The New Club House Ties fiOe.
Fifteen of tho Omaha boys met
in room 8 Tuesday afternoon, and
decided to organize an Omaha
club- 11. P. Leavitt vfixn made
temporary chairman and .1. II.
Ivuhns secretary. A committee
consisting of Rutins, Hussoll, and
Uurnham was appointed to assist in
reeoivhi'T the members of tho foot
ball team when they arrive in
Omaha Thanksgiving! Everybody
was instructed to make up a yell
for the Omaha game, and another
mooting will be held at 1 I'M Fri
day afternoon to select ono of the
yells handed in.
Some foul liond (who does not
belong to the university) swiped
button & lloilowmish s hi
The first public rehearsal of the
Conservatory will take place in the
chapel next Tuesday evening. All
students and their friends are cor
dially invited to attend.
Outing flannel night gowns sell
ing freely this season of the year.
See Ilerpolshcimer & Co.'s stock.
Sale now in progress for men,
women, and children.
For Sale. A set of encyclopedia
Britannica, Ninth Edition, with
American revisions and additions,
at a greatly reduced price, for cash
or on time. Address F. T. Riley
care of Nchraskan.
Creme oat meal soap, made 13r
French milling process. Manu
facturer says I he only difference
between creme oat meal soap and
the best 10c;nt soap is the price.
Ilerpolshcimer & Co. aro agents
and sell creme oat meal soap. Ono
box of three cakes for 12 cents.
Iho last seen of it was a
little scroll of gray smoke ascend
ing heavenward oVr the campus.
It is said the phrase, 'Taffy, l."c
per pound," was clearly described
in the atmosphere by the curling
smoke. (Tho fellow that said this
must have had a guilty conscience. )
The steam engine which Everett
and Robbins hired to follow the
H'ocession and maUe tlie night
lideous with its unearthly noise
n'oke its rear axle at Tenth and Q
and had to make the remainder of
its racket at lhat point. Everett,
who was riding on top, was thrown
to the ground and quite badly
bruised up, but he soon recovered.
A report comes from Springfield
Ohio that the Hev. Geo. llerron,
of Grinnel college, created a sen
sation among the congregation of
tho Methodist church there, and
that, ho was as promptly sat down
upon as ho was at the Lansing last
dune, when Gov. Crounse objected
to his socialistic explosion.
There arc 410 students from
accredited high schools, and ,"70
from other colleges and universi
ties, attending the university this
year. Miss Tuttle has not yet
figured up the number of post
graduates. '
It was four Kansas boys who
iirst started tho yell, "Hock chalk,
Jayhawk, K. U. I don't think, 1
guess not, for wo forgot Nebras
ka!" They came under the window
of the hotel the boys were stop
ping at, and yelled it with a will.
If the battalion is uniformed by
Monday evening, dress parade will
be formed. As there are not
enough guns to go around, sabres
will be used with about as much
ease and grace that the raw recruit
will display in handling his gun.
When anyone finds he must be
absent he must first submit his ex
cuse, and if it is accepted he can be
excused. Despite the increase in
the size of the battalion, it is bettor
organized than it has ever been be
fore. When the M. P. train slowed up
at the depot Tuesday evening, it is
said that one passenger, f wiring a
lynching was about to take place,
jumped trom tho side of the car
and ran hurriedly up a side street.
One would not expect to find
many flowers in the green-house
this time of year, but tho west end
is filled with some of the prettiest
chrysanthemums in town.
John Green's latest scheme is to
I)ut a big chime whistle on the
ligh-pressure boiler, and to blow
it instead of ringing tho ol I bell
And didn't, Toelo smile?
'80 Chan. AVesloy Higolow. of
tho class of '80, superintendent of
(he Madison Iligh school in '01
'011, is now acting an Professor of
English Literature, and History in
the Denver High School. His
wife (formorly Miss May Lower,
also of 'SO.) leaves Lincoln this
week to makohor home in Denver.
Tho special articles prepared by
tho members of tho Journalism
class aro coming in rapidly. Ono
of these, an article on tho work of
the Salvation army, appcarod in
Sunday's Journal,
Mrs. J. K. Hudson of Topcka,
Kansas, is the guest of Mrs. Can
Hold this week. Mr. Hudson was
ono of tho lecturers who addressed
the students year before last.
Members of Journalism class
who desired to practice dramatic
criticism were jjivon tickets to most
of tho lato shows. Of courso
every ono wanted to try.
Charlie Chandler thinks of start
ing a dramatic school of art. For
further information. address Prof.
Chandler, IUU5 South Thirteenth.
It is probable that thero will be
no drill Wednesday ovening, as so
many want to go home that after
noon. Otis thinks that next to losing
one's head, losing one's voice is the.
next worse thing to be desired.
The chancellor speaks at A'bion
Friday evening before the Hoono
County Teachers' Association.
What about that Faculty whist
club; What are we coming to!
And the baud played pool and
(O. OV N. 'tU)
At 1100 0 Street, Riohards Blook. Tclophono 343.
Has been engaged for the season by the
Misses Furguson and JSvans,
who have opened a Dancing School for Ladies, Gentle
men, nnd Children. University Students are cordially
invited to call ana learn terms, etc.
Third floor of Lansing Theatre Building.
We do not Offer.
Notes en the Kansas Game.
Tho Lawrence grounds are said
to be ono of the Hnest in the west.
Regent Kaley, of Red Cloud,
was a visitor at the University Fri
day morning.
Ottawa boys wore the uni. colors
at Lawrence at the Baker game, tho
Kansas fellows did the same.
Tho Kansas students have their
yell down to perfection. They
have a remarkable yell, which they
know how to use.
The Kansas team has not yet ac
quired the art of Unking defeat
gracefully. They did not even in
vite the visitors to inspect their
Ono of the prettiest plays of the
game happened in the lirst half,
when Nebraska took tho ball on
downs. Kansas was right at our
live-yard line the fourth down
brought it within two inches of be
ing over. When the whistle blew
Dcrn had his hands on the ball,
with his lingers scraping in the
lime with a Kansas player on the
opposite side trying to push it
over the remaining space. We
took tho ball and brought it nearly
to the center.
To give students or any other class of people special
discounts, but sell to all at the same low prices. We
invite you to our new store, 1235 to 1239 O Street,
and think we can please you.
Miller & Paine.
D. Q. DAWES, r-reMdont.
TV. R. DAWES, Secretary.
Coal delivered to students
In nny qnnntlt.r desired.
1045 0 Street.
When you want
Come to
Corner 13tli and O Streets.
Thoiwnglily Coniiortable.
Passengers destined to the prom
inent cities of the Missouri Itiver
should patronize the Chicago, Union
Pacific and Northwestern Line.
Magnilicent Pullman and Wagner
sleeping cars, elegant Pullman and
Northwestern dining cars, free re
clining chair cars, handsome day
coaches and comfortable Pullman
colonist sleepers. City ticket office
10U O street.
Our Patrons Get.
Through passenger trains,
through freight trains, quick time
via the Chicago, Union lJaciiic and
Northwestern Lino to the principal
cities east of tho Missouri Itiver.
If you want
to Look Neat
SHOES . . . .
S3 " jTojtfy
: 1215 O ST. :
Do You
Want a
SHOE . .
at the
We have
Take the
S picTQ
Tn OMAHA a Pnts East, Kansas City,
and SOUTH,
Denver and all Colorado points, Ogden, Salt Lake, Butte and
Helena, Portland and Spokane Falls, Seattle, Tacoma and
Alaska, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
For illustrated descriptive books, time cards, or any infor
mation, call on or address,
i E. I. SL0SS0H, Gin. Agt., J. T. HASTIN, City Tickit. Agt.,
" -WWf WW- f i -
" 1 'V
Livery and Boarding Stables.
1027 and 1029 Q Street.
Telephone 147 -
WLaxxodVs m Jfrrk
The Choicest of Candies and Con
Pure Ice Cream and Ices.
130 South 12th.
Work the Finest.
1 029 O St.
75 Cents per Year.
10 Cents per Month.
d&' rftiEfT'
Tir"-- ni'v-A -tSM ':"" "m nr""iliiWi ii Lnwa, l,.M -- imm Iff' jEk
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