Q O si A W'cokly Nownpatior ImniiimI Kvcry Krlilny Noon nt tho University of Nnhntskn. KNTKIIKI) AH HKCOND-CIMHH MAIIi MATTKII. 1 T. Ilil.RV MnnnRltiK Killtnr A, H. I.von KiHtorlnChlr AMOCIaTK KMTOHR. I., II, Itnnmm , Nnws (J, A I'l.MOTT Athlfltlo (, 0. Oil HMKH Kxrlinngii Otis (l..'iuriM.K I.iiw Miss tQtA Hkwkkhk Society MlSS (IllACIt MltllOANi'l JJ'W 'M"T."A ,U"IKI', i.oMi (J, V AtMM. V., II, llAltlMITON. I'rk'o jioryonr , " li.v mnll ' 111 tn t li $ ,7r. ,. . . .10 Adilrt'xn nil Onminiiiilmtlona lo Tiik Xkiiiiahkav, Univnrslty ol Nctirnskii, Tiik Nkiiharkan will lio Innml on sulo (it llio follow Iiik turns NtnmlMi It. It Mcnil, IIS Hniith r.loviiilli Shoot, VrnnOuTlol, lO.'O O Si root, XlMon-Oiife. ! Sorlli 'IVnili Slrcot. IJd Yoniw. lSOilO HliiHit, tTTOnly thoso Bubnorlbora who havo paid up their subsorlp Ions to January lnt, nt loast. will reoolva a holiday num ber of " Tho Nobr.iHkan " Subscriptions may bo paid at this oflloe, or at tho Co-op, AtCjivc pvepmutions lnvt boon boffim for Tiik Xkuuaskan's holi day number, which will bo u thing of bounty, and a joy for a long time. Wo hope to have it ready by tho l.Mh of December, and tho liytiiagoniont will spare no ctl'ort lo hurry its appearance as far as is consistent with good workmanship. Yot wo may bo disappointed in tho date. It will bo in the form of a mag azine, the pages boing just one half tho present size of Tun Ne Qiikaskan. The insido pages will A)o of tho finest enamel paper, the same kind that was used in the An nual. Regular subscribers to Tiik Nk uraskax will please call at The Nenraskan office for their holiday number, as they will not be put in the mail boxes. All subscribers will receive a copy who have" their subscription paid up to January 1st. The cost of The Nehkaskan from the bo ginning of the school year to this date is 30 cents. Wc pause hereto boast a little. The last issue of The Nehkaskan was a hummer. Before 7:150 Sat urday evening it was being dis tributed in the mail boxes, con taining a column and a half account of a foot ball game that was finished at Lawrence, Kansas, at (I o'clock. The facilities which Jacob North & -Co., our printers, have at their command, alone made such a feat possible. The prospect for somo good clean athletics in this university was never so bright as it is at the pres et time. With tho Chancellor, members of the faculty, and even tho co-eds so enthusiastically aroused there should be no diffi culty in perfecting the closest and most beneficial athletic association that tho west has ever seen. The tide should be taken at its a.;od. Now is the time to act for pure, scholarly athletics. There is present, the opportunity to bring within one union, tho whole student body. The thought of everyone pulling together, for a common cause, is inspiring. Com pare tho little ring of enthusiast who joined tho A. A. this fall, to tho immense gathering in the Ar mory last Tuesday. When we get everybody interested in athletics, purely for athletics' sake, we can expect something wonderful. We cannot afford to let any of the en thusiasm die out after tho Thanks giving game. Wo havo a tennis club, a base ball team, and various other associations which need en couragement as well as tho foot bull team. Ask ono of tho tennis nals in a tennis touriniuont. Ho would bo dazed for a moment. Why can't wo .send a couple of tennis playors down to Ilunsus to treat them as our foot ball team did, or a base ball nine to Missuri to got even? Athletics is tho life of a college. Lot everyone come out as strong as they did last Tuesday and wo can mako the state university of Nebraska tho center of athletic sports in tho west. Hut lot us go in for tho pure article solely for tho honor, bonetil and pleasure. Kulo out every semblance of pro fessionalism. Hive those teams a wide berth whioh show any suspic ion of having paid men. "Write? honor in capital letters on our es cutcheon and keep it there. Tho demonstration of last Tues day evening was tho first of tho kind in tho history of tho univer sity. Heretofore tho foot ball team has generally received no reception whatever. Aftor a long, weary trip and several hard games, there is littlo encouargement for tho playors in finding no ono at the train to moot thorn, or in having no appreciation shown for their hard work. There is nothing that so inspires the playors, makes them work hard, and lcel good as to givo mem a right royal reception. The boys were, indeed, heroes and every fel low in tho university envied them. If tho team is always mot on its return from a successful tour as it was Tuesday evening, the players will do their very best to win. The thought of no grand recep tion in case of defeat will inspire them to win or die, as nothing else could. More men will bo encour aged to try for a position on tho team in order to be one of the heroes of these triumphal entries. As a result the university should put in the field the best team in tho west. Down in Missouri. The following is clipped from tho M. S. U. Independent, the col lego paper of tho Missouri State Univor&ity. When a college pa per rebukes its team like this, they must bo a tough set: Capt, Sawyer says that tho treat ment the team received during play and after from our boys and some hoodlums was the very worst that the team has ever received any where. Ho bears a cut on the upper lip that ho says one of our finely dressed hoodlums gave him as ho walked along tho line after he had ceased to play in the game. .several or tho team say that dur ing the trouble several persons in the crowd drew knives on the team. Allen was a witness to this pro cedings. The Iowa boys claim that the treatment received by them here is a sorry return for what our boys receive I from them and their peo ple last year at Iowa City. There our boys were treated in the very best way possible, tho lowans lin ing up and giving tho Missouri yell as our boys left tho field in defeat. Such treatment ought to be appre ciated and reciprocated." fut imagine how the very corn stalks quake on a certain farm down near Syracuse, whore Prof. Eboneer Warren Hunt is wont to stalk about arrayed in an astonish ing pair of blue jeans and glare at the trembling corn and roar out "Why don't you grow Any body l think 1 putyou out there to look pretty!" And tho wind blew in its accustomed place. At the present time there are enrolled in the University (includ ing tho art and music departments) 1,407. A Warm Numbor. lOvorybody who desires lo tulco homo a Christmas presend should got a oopy of tho Holiday number of tho Nmhhahkan. It is designed to fill tho place of the Junior An mw, whioh will llot bo published this year. Thoso desiring extra copies should lonvV their orders at. this olllce. All subscribers will be furnished them at fifteen cents apiece. Others will bo charged twenty cents. H y bocoming a subscriber, for fifty-live cents you can get one of those and the Nkhhaskan for tho rest, of tho yo.ir, ami be entitled to purchase what etra copies you want. A special feature will be the "half loiuV' outs of each member of tho football loam. Thoso will lie two by throo-and-a-half inches in si.c and will woeupy tho two middle pages of tho paper. Nu merous other cuts will bo inserted. Among them will bo tho commis sioned officers of tho battalion, tho foot ball town, second eleven, and somo more. It will contain thirty-six pages, twelve-and-a-half by nine inches in .size. No ono can afford to miss it. Strictly In It. The Chicago, Union Pacific and Northwestern lino oilers tho hot accommodations to the traveling public en route to Chicago. Through trains, fast time, magnifi cent sleeping oars, elogant dining oars, colonist sleepers, reclining chair cars and handsome day coaches. City ticket office, 1044 O street. HETRICK'S Fifteenth j and CIGAR STORE. j 3 O Streets. Brace Blk. The Latest Brands And a New and Choice Stock always on hand. NEWS STAND IN CONNECTION. Sutton &Holkwbush FINEST CANDIES, POPULAR PRICES. HOT and . COLD SODA. Always open nOor Society McetliiKN. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text-Books, And a Complete Stock of STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 127 South Eleventh Street, -twiwi-wiMa WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL s!iXXmt,.DICTIONARY jf Crana Baucator. "" "" Successor ot the A " Unabridged." Sbindara nt Urn V 8. Qor't Print ing Ofllce, tlu-v S. 5 Supremo I'ourtcnil 5 of nearly all the J Schoolbooks. J "Vorinly com- t iiKtmlcd liy every g Btato Superlnton- 5 dent of SelioolH, - and otlier Educa- ? tora olmoHt with- S UUb MUlill'Ur. w A Collogo I'rcsfrtcnt tvrltos: 'Tor " ease -with which thti tyo finds llio ? " -word. Bought, for accuracy of doOnl- $ "tlon, for effective methods In liidl- $ "catlnpr pronunciation, for torse yet S " comprehensive btatoments of farts, J "and for practical use ih u M'orldiifr J " dictionary, ' "Wehstcr's International' " excels any other single volume." t The Ono Great Standard Authority, Bo writes Hon. I). J. Iirownr, Jimtlco V. S, ouprcmu uoun. C & C. XmitlllAM CO., ItibUshorn, Sprlngaeld, Mam,, U.S.A. iWBeiid to lliu publishers for tree pamphlet. J - uu um uujr uueap rvpnuu oi ancient edition. $ Students who Pntronistu Paine, Warpel AND MERCHANT TAILORS i '- Will never rogrol ll. They sell Stylish Clothing nt Reasonable Prices 1136 0 Street. J. II. 1EVANS, l'lest. and Turns. Evans Laundry Company, Telephone 1 09. LINCOLN, STlflB. THE PALACE DINING HALL In 77: I'llOI'lii: 1'h.U I! lo not your inenln. SSsiJir.civViJ katios to s'l'u n ir.N'rs.r.jsSr AM. YOUIl 1T.M.0W STlIDKNl'S IIO.MU) IIKHK. THY U.S. II30N Street. Baker's Clothing House, COMPLETE LINE OF FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS AND VALISES, Suits nmdo to ordor In Custom Department. Enllro satisfaction gnnrnntood. Special Discount to Students. 1039 O Street. Cigars, Pipes, News. Frank DuTeil GIVEN AWAY. A $135 Sterling Wheel. A coupon tli'Uct clvpti nwny lth every rash pnrclinxu of 2.'. cents. Nr.tv I.axsiso I'harmact, HICKS IlltO1., I'ltoiM., Cor. 1.1th nnil r. SPECIAL PRICES HADE TO MTl'lll'ATX O.N A I.I. Photograph Work. C'nrrtul nttcnlloti Riven to (iroupa. U'l-IlC KlilTK STUDIO. isc, So. nth St T W T0WN3END, Prop. AVALTKR HOGE, aPrinter 1115 P Street, Lincoln. CnnlM. I'iokiiiiiih, Iiivltitt Ioiim. (Jootl Work. lluiiNiiiiiiijle I'rli-fK DR. T. O'CONNOR, (Kui'ceiBor to Dr. Clin .Sunrlxo 1 Cures Cancers, Tumors, Wi'MH, nnil I'Mulim ultlinii! tlm mm of Knlfu, Chloroform, or i:ther. Offiool306 O St., LINCOLN. - MSURASKA. Art's Place, At 1010 O Siret, IS THE BARBER SHOP FOR STUDENTS TO PATRONIZE G-ivio us a. 'rmwi.,. TO AND !T!to1PPtPPI! lallil liyllill toiri'i iiimiiiiiiiiii 1 hi mil 1, hibi 1 J & Bumstead, C. C. QL'IGiH.K, Soc'y and Mgr. A. G. OSMER, Prop. Red Dude Cigar Store 1020 O St. First National Bank, LINCOLN, XKIUIASKA. Capital, - - $400,000.00 Surplus, - - lOO.OOO.OO ori'ici.iis: II VltWOOIi. I'rcwIuViit. HAS A. II N. . Vint I'rt'Hldent. I M CttOK.CVishlei-. C. S. I.I I'l'IVi'DTT. nnil J. .. KllliKMAN, Anst. Cnshlors. IMItKCTOItS: N. S ( N. s. M 0111. .loli n Unmootl. .1. D. Mnclnrlnml Clnrk'(. T M. Mnrqnott A. Ilnimn. John II. Ames. I'ltZKernlil. It. K. Mooro. I) W I'. M . Cook. C. T. IIocrs. , Cook. J. I.. CnrHon. A. It. Clark. "The Wheel" 113 North 13th Street, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND HEWS j(Muoiia(1 , Milk Shake, CIDER, AND OTHER SOFT DRINKS. J. E. MO WE, Prop. J. II. W'rlchl, 1". K. JolniKon. J. H. McClny, I'rcHlilcnt. Vic I'reHlilunt. Cushler. John A. Amt'H, ahmI, CiihIi. The Columbia NATIONAL BANK, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. Capital, $250,000. miim-rnits. A. 8. liniiHiiil. t'lifiH WfKt. TIioh, Coclirni hut chins fe Hyatt SKLL A1A. GO AI XV AT REDUCED RATES. 1040 O Street. Telephone 225, 1 iIOT -3 SODA AM) COLD AT- Rector'e Pharmacy, N. W. Cor. 1 2th and N Streets. C. A. Shoemaker, M.D. (U. OFN. 80.) Office, No, 1134 L Street, Ground Floo Hours, 7 to q a.m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p.m. Telephone 685. wm