The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 09, 1894, Image 3

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    s ' WfTO(rPr,"',5 fig
fRJjFW" -g-iffp1- '
Oliver Oliimibors nmdo n Hying
trip to Omiihti, Tuesday, lo votu(0.
For '1)7 olnss pins call nt 10.
Klunring's, (liu juwulur, lL'iM 0 si.
U T. "Mi-. S. "(M along with
us littlo space as you can do with
out. Mon lino l'encjy is drawing eighty
plunks per month "doing some
thing" in Anaconda, Montana.
Students who patronize Paine,
"Wui'fol & Humstoad will never re
gret it.
Mead's news stand is the stu
dents' headquarters for news, ci
gars, etc.
.P. II. liradl made a business
trip to the Hig Horn mountains
the first of the week.
Miller & Paine have now settled
in their new store where they are
now prepared for business.
Mr. (J. 10. 'Petit went home last
Monday to see that the votes were
cast the right way in his county.
, Wo give a free ticket to the
Wilbur Opera Co. with every pur
Vhuso. A. Kroner, JW!) O street.
Miss Nina Weller, of Syracuse,
.a .former student, was visiting old
friends at the university yesterday.
Several of the young ladies at
tended the V. W. C. A. convention
at Hastings, Friday, Saturday, an. I
10. llaughton (outside the library
window) "Come, give me your
hand, Maudiu!" (audible titter in
Miss Kobbins, the new cata
loguer, arrived Thursday, anil is
now busily engaged with her work
in the library.
Go to Mrs. Gosper's, 11 14 O st.
to look at millinery ami at the
same tune have your hair dressed
in .latest style.
Some new dissecting stands,
made according to Dr. Ward's
model, have been received by the
zoological department.
Owing "loThe large munhejr oiH
law students who went homo to
vote, the law school was closed
from Saturday until Wednesday.
Misses Ferguson and Evans of St.
Louis, have opened a dancing school
in the Lansing dancing hall for la
dies, gentlemen, misses and masters.
Every member of journalism
class: Tho football team returned
from Kansas City yesterday where
they played with Missouri Satur
day.' Prof. W. "iow the liiv,t hen
evidently came from an egg; but
where did the iirst egg come from?"
Gone Brown "From the hen, of
Professor Burnett, of the Ger
man department, has just received
a quantity of New Testaments in
the German language to be used
by his class.
It's strange that so many minors
suddenly become voters when the
passes are issued just before elec
tion. Woll boys, its a cheap way
to see the folks.
Dille, a former law student of
the U. of N., exercised his lung
capacity Tuesday evening, reading
the returns to a republican crowd
in the Lincoln hotel.
For Sale. A set of encyclopedia
Britannica, Ninth Edition, with
American revisions and additions,
at a greatly reduced price, for cash
or on time. Address F. T. ltiley
care of Nobraskan.
li ydii want
' Feet
! to Look Neat
SHOES ....
His overcoat he bought it at
and it was right.
Judging from the number
sweaters worn by the boys,
must have a large number of alh
letes in the university, at least
5 'would be" athletes.
Several of the foot ball boys
stopped oil' at their respective
homes to vote on their way back
from Kansas City. Among them
were Sweeny, ' Iloinmii, and
Many of the forge workers are
troubled with a sort of snow blind
ness from the white hot iron.
They can't see anything but stars
and eclipses for half- an hour after
All literary societies have an
nounced that there will be no pro
gram this evening on account of
llio local debates held that night to
decide upon who shall enter the
Kansas-Nebraska Debate.
Several of the university boys
secured places on the election
boards or the various wards.
Hoagland, Powers, and Flippin
told the uninitiated how to make
a saw buek after the names of the
right man.
The band is contemplating giv
ing a concert in the near future.
'Phose concerts which have been
given in the past were meritorious
and very enjoyable. The annual
band concert should be made a per
manent thing.
About one hundred university
boys went home to vote. How
they got there is not known, but
it is rumored they did not pay
their fare. The following were
among the number; Lenholl',
Gibbs, Craig, Crowd 1.
The aquarium has been titled up
with a live '00111, and live tanks
for keeping- mid-turtles, mussels,
cray-lish, and frogs alive through
the winter. This will provide the
Uiws with live material lov- dfsw.c--tiftn
which is a great advantage.
Prof. II. (to Haggard at the
board) "Now Mr. Haggard what
does Sin A divided by Cos A
Haggard "niuinumumum."
Prof. 11. "Yes that's right, Tan
A" and Haggard writes it down.
The Democratic-Republican-Populist
debate at the U. B. D. (J., last
Sal unlay evening, was one of the
most interesting of the season.
Fiery speeches were made by the
champions of the diiferent parties,
consuming so much time that there
was no open debate.
The English Club at the univer
sity met Tuesday morning and
elected ollicers: Mr. Oberlies,
president,and Miss Edwards, secre
tary. The club will meet every
Saturday evening. Its purpose is
to encourage literary work among
its members.
Professor Peyton, for fourteen
years principal of tho Syracuso
High School, but now of the linn
of Allyn & Bacon, of Boston,
spent Tuesday with the Chancellor.
Ho is 0110 of the best known edu
cators in that part of tho country,
and has traveled extensively, lie
expressed tho greatest surpriso anil
gratification at the extent and gen
oral work of tho U. of N. Ho
also admired tho laboratories, tho
clean buildings and tho gonoral
appearance and management of our
: . 1215. O ST. :
The courts of the lawn tennis
association have been greatly im
proved. 'Phe little stones' and
brick-bats have been cleared oil
and the ground leveled. Instead
of the old tapes which were con
stantly bothering the players, the
lime mark is used. New nets have
been secured so that one may now
play tennis and enjoy the game.
All who desire, may join the asso
ciation by paying the'initiation fee
of lifly cents and the assessment of
one dollar.
'Phe various literary societies of
the II. of N. have increased some
what since the opening of the col
lege. Tho following have joined
the Delian society this year: Misses
West, Lunger, Messrs. lOrwin,
Denton, Storch, Tompson, Sayer.
The names of those who have
joined the Union society this year
are: Nellie Watson, Frank Reach,
L. Keene Abbott, Nettie Hender
son, IOd. Searson, IOmily Whitham,
Carrie Melick.
John Oury, of Chicago, is visit
ing his brother Harrison Oury. His
health has been somewhat broken
down by hard stud', in one of
Chicago's high schools, and he was
pu rsuudod to lake u rest, only by
bis brother going to Chicago after
mm miu wringing nun n.tcu lie
is a football enthusiast and went,
down to Kansas City lo witness the
game there last Saturday. He
will remain in Lincoln a mouth or
A specialty is made in the library
of state school reports. A short
time ago the librarian sent a circu
lar letter to all superintendents of
public instruction in the state, ask
ing for as complete a file of school
reports as possible. These are nr
riving every day. They vary
greatly in character, from one or
two small pamphlets to large pack
ages of woll bound books.
James M. Sinclair, agricultural
commissioner of the Victorian gov
ernment, from Melbourne, i- visit
ing the sugar-beet factories in this
country. Ilo intended coming to
Nebraska, but on finding that he
will not have time, ho has sent for
iU&s:p4ruwijte-Jj)- thidUiutd. of
Sugar Beets 111 Nebraska, and
also for several bulletins on the
sugar-beet industry.
Word comes from Stanford Uni
versity that Professor "Waver has
left for Arizona for his health.
Fov some time he has been con
sumptive, looking badly, and had
to provide substitutesfor his classes,
though he only had three, it is
not known how long he intends to
stay away. Tho other U. of N.
profs at this institution are reporto I
all right.
Y. W. C. A. Convention.
'Phe annual convention of the Y.
W. C. A. met at Hastings, Novem
ber 2-1. The meotings were at
tended by many and were very
interesting and profitable to all
who participated in them. The
delegates from tho University of
Nebraska were the Misses Auman,
L. Burrows, Atkinson, Eckles,
McCrosky, M. Chappie, Pillsbuvy,
and Boose. Chanccllov McDowell,
of Denver, delivered tho opening
address in his usual interesting and
forcible manner. A prominent
part was takon in tho meetings by
the state secretaries of Kansas and
Missouri, and by tho general secre
taries of Topeka and Lincoln.
Miss Booso delivered tho response
to tho address of welcome. The
young ladies present roport a vevy
pleasant time and wore greatly
aided in their work by the conven
tion. 33oys
Do You
Want a
SHOE . .
at the
We have
(D. or n. 'oi.;
At, 1100 0 Stroot, Richards Bloolc. Telephone 343.
Has been engaged for the season by the
Missos JPurauson and JSvans,
who have opened a Dancing School for Ladies, Gentle
men, and Children, University Students are cordially
invited to call and learn terms, etc.
Third floor of; Lansing Theatre Building.
We do not Offer.
To give students or any other class of people special
discounts, but sell to all at the same low prices. We
invite you to our new store, 1235 t0 I239 O Street,
and think we can please you.
Miller & Paine.
It. (I. DAWKS, l'rtwlilrnt.
(llll llfllVtTOl! tl) HtlllllMltH
ill nny HHiui'lly ili-Hlreil.
When you want
Come to
Corner 13tli and O Streets.
Take the
m L&lW2Zi TA
v . .. r
Tfl OMAHA all points East, Kansas City,
and SOUTH,
Denver and all Colorado points, Ogden, Salt Lake, Butte and
Helena, Portland and Spokane Falls, Seattle, Tacoma and
Alaska, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
For illustrated descriptive books, time cards, or any infor
mation, call on or address,
E. B. SL0SS0H, Gan. Agt., J. T. MASTIN, City Ticket. Agf.,
1044 O Street, LINCOLN, NEB.
aiaxweirs mw yvI
The Choicest of Candies and Oon
fections. Pure Ice Cream and Ices.
ISO South 12th.
Livery and Boarding Stables.
1027 and 1029 Q Street.
Telephone 147.
Work the Finest.
1029 O St.
W. It. DAWKS, Hecretiiry,
1045 0 Street.
v JLJncoln,
75 Cents per Year,
10 Cents per Month.
H '
J I ,.jL
,4 Jteftj.v . .-.J , , - ,
"Mgrai HflPO
J"! t Kok MhUkj.jtt&,w
rwaw mm hi nmmwjm
ijafcic j. iM.. -.i .
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asftBXMtwfcwi c,
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