The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 09, 1894, Image 1

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Vor, III. No. 7.
PltKT. FtVI. C'r.NTS.
Majority of tho Spodkors Very
Well Prepared.
SunthiK Cnpaolty of tho Chapol Yot
to bo Sovoroly Tnxocl-Do-
btitotJ and Dobntora.
Tho first olio of tho series of llio
preliminary debates was hold in tho
chapol Wednesday evening. Tho
iiostion, Kesolved, that tho prin
ciples and policy of tho American
Protective Association arc un
American and inexpedient, was
ripped up the hack and patched up
nmiiii in every conceivable manner.
'1 he attendance was fair but the
chapel could seat a few more. Mr.
Qtminlancc, president of the debat
ing association, held the gavel.
Only four took part in the do
bate, Ha it, Walsh, Weaver, and
Baker. Slronian was out of town,
and what had become of Fairfield,
no one could toll. The other two
in "'fill's division had withdrawn
soinoljnio before.
The roniafks of all were charac
terized by much force and earnest
ness, and showed that a good deal
of time had been spent in prepara
tion. Mr. Walsh probably became
a'little bit too earnest and resem
bled a campaign speaker at times
- with his gestures and lone of voice.
The aflirmative side kept more to
the substance of the question than
the negative, and utilized the fif
teen minutes time to the host ad
vantage. K. O.. lWrwas thoC'irst sneaker
and defended tlio liflirmativesidcof '
the question. Ho did not wander
from the subject, but only discussed
the substance of the question, that
it was inexpedient and un-Amori-can.
Ho was a little hurried but
took up all thejilloled time.
Walsh appeared next for the
negative. Air. AValsh has an ex
cellent voice. His gestures are
natural, and he puts his whole soul
in his address. ILe proved him
self "Very" rea'dy iir answering his
opponent's argument, while his liow
of language Wasalmost as even and
smooth in his extemporaneous re
marktyis iivhisprepared discussion.
His argument consisted mainly of
a tirade against the Catholic church.
It required a couple of sharp raps
from the president to induce him
to cease firing.
Weaver was a little impassioned
and hurried but ho kept tho 'l0.NC.-5t
attention oi' his audience. He
claimed to have knocked his op
ponent's argument in the head, by
admitting some of the evils of the
Catholic church. His questions
were natural and a great deal of
earnestness was put in his address.
His speech was short and to the
point. His points were well .sup
ported by evidence, and attacked
tho tender parts of the question.
Mr. linker had the rather difli
cult task ofMirisworing tho argu
ments of the former speakers.
Ho hesitated a little at times and
his greatness was rather stilted,
. but taken all in all he put up a
good "talk." His remarks closed
the debate.
The second evening's debate was
before a small house. Tho debaters
certainly derived but little inspira
tion frpm f 10 audience. Tho oues
. lion chosen was: Kesolved, That
capital punishment should bo abol
ished. The aflirmative was opened
by McGufl'y, supported by Burr,
.. S11wloa.11, awl Whitmore. McNeil
led tho nogativo, followed by Wil
,son, Skilor, and Corroll.
' ' 'Mr. McGufl'y, in opening the de
bate, said that whilst capital punish
ment was once useful it had served
its time and should now be oonsid-
ered a rolic of tho past. IIo advo
cated tho reformatory method as a
substitute. Mr. McGufl'y has a
good voice, but was not at ease on
tlio platform, lie hesitated at
times and Ins delivery was destitute
of gestures.
McNeil was rather too violent at
the outset. His argument was
logical and well arranged. I lis
justification of capital punishment
was that it is based on natural law.
When a man takes the life of his
fellow-man, he must suffer the pen
alty. Society can trust no other
method. Ho showed that in those
states whore capital punishment
laid been abolished and a decrease
of crime had followed, it was be
cause of increase of intelligence in
the people, or of decrease in moral
Mr. Ban was not at all ein
barassed, but his material was not
well in hand and his arguments
were not well clinched, lie made
the point that it was not the just
ness but tho kind of punishment
that should bo considered. Punish
ment is for two purposes, to pro
tect society and to reform the crim
inal. Ho thought those could bo
best accomplished by abolishing
capital punishment.
Mi. Wilson, tho next speaker on
tho negative, like most of the de
baters, showed a lack of prepara
tion. His delivery was very good.
Tho facility with which 'Hilly"
could quote scripture to sustain
his point was marvelous. He
showed that the burden of proof
was on the aflirmaaivo who were in
troducing a substitute for capital
Mr. Sundean, of the aflirmative
showed that a man had not the
right to take his own life, nor to
delegate that right to another per
son. Neither could that right be
delegated to an artificial person,
the stat. Henco cajiitalfcjninish
i.ont was wrong. Mr." buntiean
hesitated at tunes, presumably
from lack of preparation.
Probably tho host speech of tho
evening was that of Mr. Sidles.
Mr. Sidles is an old debater and
knows how to clinch his arguments,
lie is perfectly at ease on the plat
form and is free in gesturing. He
spoke somewhat rapidly and quoted
too many statistics. His prepara
tion was much more thorough
than that of the majority of the
Mr. Whitmore followed in a
somewhat oratorical speech. The
speech was well prepared but was
delivered too rapidly. The speaker
did not stop long enough to drive
homo his arguments but rushed on
to tho next point. Tin speech was,
however, one of the best produc
tions of tho evening.
The debate was closed by Mr.
Corroll. Mr. Corroll has evidently
not had much experience in de
bating for he appeared very much
frightened. These debates arc just
the place to remedy this fault.
Tho question to bo debated this
evening is, Kesolved that it was a
mistake to grant tho negro the
right of suffrage. Tho aflirmative
bido will bo conducted by Tal
madge, Kenyon, and Barry, tho
negative by Maguire, and Edwards.
Funko has withdrawn. Tho liter
ary societies wilf not hold their
meetings tonight, but attend tho
debate instead. This promises to
bo the most successful evening of
tho four. At any rate it is not
thought that "the judges can bo
picked out on account of no others
being prosont.
Saturday night's question is, Ke
solved that the present political and
social condition of the United States
demands a material increase of tho
standing army. Tho speakers are,
Aflirmative, ' Walkers, Shorman,
McMullon; Negative, Neil, F. W.
Martin, S. II. Martin, S. 11.
Those who havo joined the Ptilla
dians are Misses Cook, Edwards,
and O'Connoll. Messrs Hills.
Moody, Graves, MagceJ Cushman,
and VanDorn.
We Will Meet tho Y. M. C. A.
on Their Own Grounds
Opposing Toam Vary StranK-Some
Notes on thu Missouri Gnmo
Alhlotlo Inolclonts
The football team leaves to-morrow
morning at lOo'olock over tlio
B. & M. whore they will fight,
bleed, awl die a couple of times on
the V. M. C. A. football ground,
in a struggle with the eleven that
that organization has put up this
year. And if will be a struggle.
'Hie Omaha Y. M. C. A. leninTm
braces some of the best foot It-ill
players in the west. Thomas, who
coached Doane, is also coaching the
Omaha team. Other star players
are, Polcer, who played on his
class team at Princeton. TullioM,
one of tho best trained athletes in
Omaha, and an old football player.
Waltemeier, .Jeffries, Volkhart,
Gardner, and Burdick are other
men who have a reputation for
knowing how to conduct them
selves upon tho gridiron Held.
A ono-and-a-tnird fare has been
secured and a number of students
have declared their intention of
going down with the team, but
several are holdingolf until Thanks
giving when the scheduled game
with the Iowa State University will
be played there.
. The nine will probably line up
like this, but there may be some
Clark 1.. e.. Yont or Thorp
Coleman 1.. t.. Oury
Volkhart l. o...Bradt
Waltemeier.... a ...Homing
Brown it. g.. ..Jones
Joll'ries it. t. . . Dorn
Pixloy it. e... Wiggins
Tufliold q. ...Spoouer
Gardner i n...Flippin
Burdick it. 11. ..Fair or Yont
Thomas i n I lay ward
Points of Interest Which Did
Not Reach us by Wire.
There are several interesting
points about tho Missouri game
which did not reach The Ne
nitASKAN by wire, as tho report
en mo at "day rate," just double
what the night rate is.
Of the three touch downs made
by Nebraska, at no time was tho
ball taken behind tho goal posts
but went over near the side lines.
From this position it was next to im
possible to kick a goal. Mr. Oury
deserves great credit, for assuming
the responsibility of trying for goal.
Fair has always performed this
duty heretofore, but as he went as
a substitute, tho team found itself
lacking at a critical moment. It is
not generally thought that any
blame attaches to Mr. Oury for
his failure to kick goal. This idea
should bo banished by anyone if
ho has entertained it. The goal
which was kicked, was a surprise
to Mr. Oury's friends, as thoy
were not aware of his ability in
this lino. It seems that tho U. of
N. is always downo I by hard luck.
In the second half tho run of
sovonty yards, made by Shue, was
one of the finest ever seen on tho
Kansas City grounds. It happened
just a couple of seconds before
time was called.
Tho gamo that Flippin put up
was marvelous. The Kaunas City
papors smear glory all ovor him.
llayward bucked the line very
successfully, making good gains,
but a couple of times when ho
punted, Missouri men were allowed
to break through and spoil his kick.
Missouri puts up a sort of under
hand game. In one instance when
they failed to gain tho requisite
live yards, tho full back punted the
ball out of bounds, then fell on it
himself. This would not work,
however, and tho referee gave the
ball to Nebraska. At another lime
they withdrew most of their men
from tho line, and gave the signals
very rhw. The field was clear to
Nebraska players and 0110 of them
walked into 0 trap by stepping
across the line. This was tho play
and Missouri got live yards on an
oil' side play.
Whipple played "out of sight"
(this is oflicial.) Ho was only very
slightly injured, and is out prac
ticing regularly.
Athletic Notes.
F very (.no is complaining of the
lack of enthusiasm shown by the
students of this university. The
Nehuaskan will post bulletins
after the firs I and second halves of
tho Omaha game, on tho bulletin
board. Got up a little enthusiasm
and come down to meet the boys
when they 001110 back, win or lose.
At r:l,"), Saturday ovoning, Rob
bins entered the Postal Telegraph
of lice, in Kansas City. At v2)
tho report of tho first half was re
ceived at the Lincoln oflice. This,
speaks well forthePostalCompany.
The same thing maybe expected
from Lawrence when tho Kansas
game is played. Look out for the
Xedhakkan then!
After all tho howling that has
been raised, it is now announced
that no one has over applied to the
proper authority to obtain tho
privilege of using the lockers. It
roused the ire of the chancellor,
somewhat, who had been blamed
bysoy.oral who know not whereof
thoy wore Unfiling about. BTTt
everything lovely is promised for
tlio future.
The second eleven flunked a little
during the past week, in tho way of
getting out to practice. Just why
those fellows should get out every
night and get walked over is difficult
to understand. No one can blame
them, but tho excellence of tho iirst
eleven depends almost entirely
upon tho practice they get from
tho second eleven. There is some
talk of getting a few game for the
second team, which, if it is done,
will rouse up their enthusiasm a
bit, and get them out to practice.
Will Be Held at Four O'clock
This Afternoon.
Tho first recital given by the pu
pils of the conservatory of music
will be hold this afternoon at -I-o'clock.
This weekly entertain
ment is to bo a permanent feature,
and forms only one of the modes
of instruction introduced by Pro
fessor Kimball. Tho recital will
bo held in the chapel and is open to
Tho numbers composing these
programs are presented by those
who are proficient and represent
tho work thai is actually done from
week to week by the students of
The program to bo rendered is
as follows:
The Program
Tnientella Uinmiv Schumann
II at do .Mai no.
"Thu Holy City" Stephen Adams
Myrtle Ilitchoy.
Hymn do Hico HIiimnnHtoiigel
Nt'llii SchleHinger.
Two IOtndi'H Chopin
(lorti'iido Fitzmnuriue.
"Queen ol the Hai'th" l'insuti
Albert Kendall.
ObortiiBH, Mazurka WioalawHkl
Iua IOiiHign.
Professor Ansley Back Again.
Tho students in Professor An
sloy's classes have boon having a
snap since last Friday, when' tho
Professor was called to Illinois by
tho illness of his father. He re
turned yesterday and met his
classes as usual.
'Varsity Rifles Elect Their
Businoss Officers.
Will Hnvo Ronl Llvo Hotrqb nntl
RaKulntlon TrnpplnKa Uniforms
by ThnnksfirlvlrtB.
The 'Varsity Uiflos mot last
night al 7:.'$( in tho armory. Tho
committee on constitution was
ready to report and tho substance
of tho constitution which was ail
opted, is as follows:
Name, 'Varsity Rifles. Candi
dates for membership must have,
at least one year's previous drill,
be eleeted by ballot and rejected by
ten adverse votes. Twenty mem
bers form a quorum. Meetings
shall be hold every Thursday even
ing. Military ollicers shall bo
captain, two loiutcnants, live ser
geants, and requisite number of
corporals. Captain and Loiutcn
ants must bo a senior or alumnus.
Xo oilicor can hold tho same oflice
more than one year.
The company shall have a busi
ness organization, tho oflicors of
which are president, vico president,
secretary, and treasurer. There
will bo an executive committee
and a membership committee, etc.,
Dick Heed was elected president,
Bontly, vico president, Johnson,
Secretary, and Benton Dales,
It was decided to put oil' the
election of company oilicor indeti
nity. It was also decided that live
vmcxo'-ifed-iibiJoncGfl in ib.'' j
wonici uc, cause ior urop--piug
any inemler. Fred Clements
was eleeted drill master temporal-
The cavalry troop is now consid
ered a sure go. About twenty-live
havo promise l to be present to
morrow with real live horses to
engage in the first drill. Tho gov
ernment will furnish the necessary
equipments, saddles, blankets, etc.,
it a suflicient number join to main
tain a troop.
About twenty-five now uniform-;
have arrived, and the others will
bo hero before thanksgiving time.
Almy Dismissed.
The cadets were somewhat sur
prised Monday evening to hear the
order read which reduced Sergeant
Almy to tho ranks and dismissed
him from the corps of cadets, with
out honor. It seems that lie had
already handed in his resignation
which was refused and tho order
issued, presumably on the ground
thai Almy was dissatisfied with his
promotion. The order read that
the reason for his dismissal was
for making the statement that ho
was drilling for promotion only.
It is understood that his brother,
who is quarter-master sergeant,
has also handed in his resignation.
For an Omaha Club.
There is a movement on foot to
form a club of Omaha students at
tho university. Its promotors
have in mind a social club for the
mutual benefit of its members, but
it is thought a lasting benefit will
aceurc to themselves and the uni
vorsity from the organization. It
is a fact, that has been a matter of
comment, that such a small number
of Omaha boys attend this institu
tion from Nebraska's metropolis,
but the number thi year has in
creased wonderfully, there being
about thirty Omaha students in at
tendance. Duo notico will bo posted when
the lirst mooting is to bo held
which will bo in tho near future".
,. -
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