25fctA WTO .? "&. ,. ' Vrfb1 ""Wf ;,:' 1 j, . ,'. i ' . . . .. y tmff it ' j. f" ' ,'' , t , 3?,." H ,.-' ,l4V. , . ,'. ; 1 ? , . r-. i i laUft luEppiOBTOHinffiHMlH lf .. 'iiLt'ii'Ai:; uAJMMMHlMHHBKSlr'l fe . i L . a .-. " cM&Mff'fa SSrSMPwyw Yi' y A ; V i , i' w k. H 1" , tfl " T..vv j . i" r ; 1 tfK fa ii , , v-1 r- t .. ? . !, fif 1 t - 'V- . "" ff ( h ' r If - looIl Day board, $.5( nor wuolc, at 427 north lQth h(. ' Tho Y. V. C. A. rccoivod olovon now inombors Sunday aftornoon. It. JO. Dlngos '02 is employed as molnllurgisl near Sponcor, Colo. For '07 class pins call at E. Floming'H, the jowolor, 1224 0 st. Schuyler Miller, '1)4, hasaccoptod a position in one of the ward schools of Sohuylor. Mr. 01 instead, a last yoar's freshman, is lunching at "Woodruff, Ncbr. Students who patronize Paine, "Wnrfol & Jiuinstcad will uovor ro grot it. Tho English club moots at Miss Edward's residonco to-morrow ovoning. Mend's news stand is tho stu dents' headquarters for news, ci- ml tu n4i O") "" Tho Capital Hotel barber shop has reduced tho price of shaving to ton cents. Did you over seo a studont skip ping Gorman class to read Flicgqidc Jilattcr in tho library? Prof. Davis in analytics: "Two lines which meet with a gap be tween them ." Students can't got hotter meals for 2.25 than McGuffy and Allen put up, at 1507 P St. Tho Dolian scorns nourishing, too, this fall. They have rccoivod oight now mombors this wcok. An examination of tirsc year Gorman students was hold Monday. Tho results are yot dark. Miller & Paiuo have now settled in their new store whoro thoy aro now prepared for business. For rent: Steam heated rooms at 425 north 10th streot. Como and look at our placo before locating. Tho Albion. Go to Mrs. Gospor's, 1114 O st. to look at millinery and at the samo time have your hair dressed in latest style. Tho Browning Club moots to morrow evening in room 7. "Lovo Among (he Ruins" is tho poem un der discussion. Tho only horso in active opera tion in tho uni. is tho horso used to to run tho buzz saw down at the carpenter shop. Tho geology classes aro inter ested at present in making arti ficial glaciors by putting broken ico in a big press and squeezing it till it flows. Tho Unions evidently still have an artist with thorn dospito tho de parture of Gu3 Chapman, if one may judge from their programs in in tho hall. Hon. C. II. Marple, of Omaha, an ox-regent, will address tho stu dents, or rather tho republican stu dents, in chapel Saturday evening. All aro invited. A brother of L. C. Smith will bo m tho city Friday from that (lis reputable town of Council Bluffs; but it's all right since ho comes for tho ball game. Prof. Brunor goes to Washing ton, D. C, next month to read a papor before tho scientific conven tion there. While ho is in tho east ho will visit some largo museums in order to classify a numbor of in sects. Tho fact that Prof. Brunor is a rising entomologist is recog nized as far away as Washington. His suit ho bought it at E203SESES33 and it was right. The class in Journalism is doing its best to help thu Uni. by writing special artiolos to the' country press about tho crowded condition of affairs here. Tho Palladians have ordered some now pictures to bo framed to adorn their walls. Bettor have your curtains washed too, Pals, a soon as possible. Some people like to write funny things to put on tho bulletin board. Ono man had an illustration wherein was depicted a fortain person in tho act of stealing his hat. Tho "Gymnasium Momoranda" issued by tho physical dopartmont is a model of neatness and contains somo pointed truths that ovon stu donts should read and oboy. Tho Mandolin club mot last wcok for thopurposoof organizing a now club for this year. Quito a num bor wero presont and a club as good if not hotter than last year's will bo formed. Tho Unions aro steadily advanc ing. Last Friday thoy olccled four now mombors. Thoy have nearly a dozon prospective mombors on probation, as it wore Lookout tor quality not quantity. Havo you hoard about tho girls' debating club and criminal law court. Just wait till tho girls bring Pullman up boforo tlioir judges for trial. He'll recoivo ptotty rough usage, wo assure you. In tho leading scientific papor of England, tho work of the som. hot of tho U. of N. was very favorably commontcd upon and that of Messrs. Clements, Pound and ltydborg was especially men tioned. r At a practice foot ball game Tuesday ovoning, Harry Frank had the third linger of his left hand broken. It is feared that when it heals ho will not bo ablo to straighten it It has not kept him off tho fiold however. Tho Univorsity Dobatinir Asso ciation mot- Tuesday aftornoon at 5 p.m. in Union Hall. Tho resig nation of President C. R Woldon was read and accontcd. II. W. Quaintaneo was elected to fill tho vacancy. After a report on tho progress of tho dobates bv tho sec- rotary tho meeting adjourned. The freshman history class feels especially honored by tho presence of their august seniors. Thoy aro thoro to frighten tho props into good behavior and to show them what an exceedingly great amount of work thoy can't copy into their note books in tho required oight hours. It's not brain, but tho quick ponman that wins tho day. Nit! A cosy little room which is ad vancing into popular favor with university studonts is tho apart mont in tho Library building known as Barrett's Retreat. It is fitted up with all modern conveniences and still has the subtle charm of being tho most delightful study room connected with tho university. If ono has tho good luck to bo a favorito with tho professor ho may bo invited into this sanctum whoro ho may enjoy blissful quietude among hooks and flowers which is extremely soothing. The Chancellor will talk to tho studonts of tho conservatory of music this aftornoon regarding tho relation of that academy to their othor sources of musical education. It is not gonorally known that tho conservatory is ready to tako pupils at any stage of advannomont, and to allow thorn to pursue a highor courso in tho samo way that a pu pil passes from a high school to tho university. Tho Chancellor will dwell upon this point. All aro urged to invito thoir frionds to in spect tho now building. A reception was given tho Grin noil foot ball players by tho con servatory girls who came from Iowa collego when Prof. Kimball W thoro. Tho parlors of tho con servatory woro tastily decorated in tho colors of both 'colleges. An adjournment was taken at LO o'clock to Sutton & Ilollowbush's ico cream parlors, when delicate refreshments woro served. Tuesday ovoning several of tho alumni of tho university, among them Sam Cox, Judgo Field, and Attornoy Ilolmos mot in tho chan cellor's oflico to doviso ways and means to mako known tho crowded condition of tho collego. Thoy arrived at ono conclusion, that was, that tho univorsity was pretty well crowded. Now books aro continually com ing in for tho library, and tho need oi moro room tor thorn is sovoroly folt. A largo box of Gorman books purchased by Prof. Fling while in Europo last summer, Bartlott's Concordances of Shakes- )oaro, books on Amorican History, ?olitical Economy, English and Psychology aro among tho latest recoived. A zoological club will soon bo organized undor tho guidanco of Prof. Ward. Tho zoology dopart mont is rapidly growing and is at tracting a "rent deal of attention outside of Lincoln. (Tho subjects discussed also attract attontion in tho basement of Nebraska hall. What did Hall do with that poor canine last wcok?) Tho senior boys havo boon having several meotings lately, and have indulged in much worry over tlioir canes. Thoy want them all alike of courso, but each follow wants tho size that will fit his own mouth. The dopartmont of zoology has received about twenty now dissect ing lenses which woro patterned by Prof. Ward. Thoy aro a great im provement on anything heretofore secured for that purpose. Prof. Clark is to have an "awk ward squad." Tho Profs, havo formed a gymnasium class whioh will bo undor his direction. President A. N. Norton and wife from tho State Normal School, woro present at tho Chancellor's reception Saturday night. It is noticed that ono of tho fair haired co-eds is sporting an ani mal of tho bovine species for a watch charm, It is understood that Lieutenant Pershing's next move is to start a bicycle brigade. It has been suggested that tho senior boys compromise on "sport" lead pencils. Sydney Whito made a flying ousinoss trip to ralrayra Tuesday. Gonung's rhetoric is to bo intro duced into tho Omaha schools. Miss Wilder spent Saturday and Sunday at Kansas City. Billgreon has registered for five hours moro bench work. Rufus Steon spent Sunday at his homo in Wahoo. Subscribe for The Nebkaskan. (5irls '' ' ' ' ' ' IP . . . OHAS. B. GREQ-O (D. OP N, '01,; BELL'S CO At 1100 0 Street, Biohards Blook. Telephone 343 t THE LANSING THEATRE DANCING HALL .... Has been engaged for the season by the Misses Furguson and JSvans) !! W ! !! i tm I...( who have opened a Dnncing School for LadiesS men, and Children. University Students are invited to call and learn terms, etc. Third floor o Lansing Theatre Building. We do not Offer To give students or any other class of people discounts, but sell to all at the same low prices.' invite you to our new store, 1235 to 1239 O and tliink we can please you. Respectfully, Miller & Paind I). G. DA.WES, Prenlrtont. W. 11. DAWES, BecraJ COAL MERCHANTS. Conl dollvorod to students In any qnuntlty tlcnlrod. 1045 O Streel Boys., When you want SCrntfTHING GOOD, Come to Corner 13th and O Streets. June; Take the The Best Route tfiij !!!',ljfjj3l 2sr tm m w 1 1 1 irwi r." 0 OMAHA, v - O'tTrloxpV all points East, Kansas City, From Lincoln, Neb., A 11 EAST, "WEST, and SOUTH,! Denver and all Colorado points, Ogden, Salt Lake, Butte and Helena, Portland and Spokane Falls, Seattle, Tacoma and ft A In air o Ran Pronnioon ond T.rta Aniralao I For illustrated descriptive books, time cards, or any infor- f mation, call on or address, E. B. SLOSSOH, Gen. Agt., J. T. MASTIN, City Ticket, ilgt., 1044 O Street, LINCOX.S, VBB. , maxvodVs rum yrk. 3akcry. The Oboloest of Candies and Con footions. Pure Ice Cream and Ices. 130 South 12th. PRANK A. GBAHAM, Livery and Boarding Stables. 1027 and 1020 Q Streot. If you want your Feet to Look Neat Wear Our FOOT-FORM SHOES . . . . : 1215 O ST. : Do You Want Swell SHOE at the Right Price? Telephone 147 nvwvvv KILBORN. . - i FOR photographs PRICES JUST RIGHT, AND r Work the Finest. 1029 O St. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEB A 75 Cents per Year, I! ii 10 Cents per MM$k'. " We have 'em -.i i V A, fcUfeUUittkiH ... vr-ri -i. -t . ! ' I - . ,-J " '-! w . '. ". . "'' - .....' M&.-:' di