The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 26, 1894, Image 1

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189-1. PmoK Fivk Cknts. f
Wore no Match for the Sturdy
Nebraska Boys,
Iowa Tonm Fnlla to Sooro for tho
First Tlmo In Yonrs How
It Wns Dono.
It was a game of foot ball that
was played at tho M Street park
last Saturday, and 000 people, who
stood about m tho mud and wot for
an hour and a half, will boar wit
ness to this fact. There was a
eoinploto absence of "pferd spiel,"
and from start to linish tho
game was gontlenianly. Evon
when tho Grinnoll boys kicked on
tho umpire s decisions, it was dono
in a way that was far from boistor
ous. The Grinnoll team, on leav
ing Lincoln, left tho best impres
sion that has ever yet been made
upon a Lincoln audionco by a visit
ing eleven. But notwithstanding
this, they are not educated up to a
sufficiently high standard of foot
ball playing.
For tho comfort of the specUiT
tors there is not a better foot ball
ground in the west, a fret which it
is hoped will be appreciated at to
morrow's game. Dern won tho
toss, but took tho east goal and tho
lowans started the game with the
punt, tho substitute for tho old
time Hying wedge. It netted them
twelve yards, but was soon after
resting on their twenty-live yard
line, as a result from a rush by
Flippin for ten yards and a punt
by Frank for thirty more. Tho
foreigners then succeeded in get
ting it within oight yards of our
iroal lino on account of Harry Frank
bcinjr too anxious to catch the ball
to make a touch-down with it, re
sult imr in a bad fumble. Oury
then came to tho rescue by making
a brilliant twenty yard run, and
another punt by Frank took it into
the enemy's territory again. The
former action was repeated, how
ever, by both Jones and Frank,
and once moro the pig skin was
dangerously near our goal line.
This would not do, so it was punted
back again, but ton yards of
hard-earned space wore tendered
the opposing team on account of
an alleged foul. Their ill-gotten
gains availed them nought, how
ever, as Crawford was standing in
front of Jones when ho went to
punt the ball. The ball struck
him full in tho breast and bounded
over seven of those chalk marked
spaces toward their own goal,
whero Willie Wilson conveniently
fell upon it. Then by bucking tho
line iand anotheraood punt by
Frank, the IowanSfound tho ball
rolling about promiscuously near
their own goal line. It was sent
to the center by a punt. It had
licen started woll on its way again
for a touch-down, but time was
called at this juncture with the ball
five yards on the proper side of tho
By the time tho second half
opened tho Nebraskans had learned
a thing or two. Thoy found out
that when thoy wanted the ball
they need only to walk behind tho
lino and take it, which thoy did
with awful frequency. Then thoy
discovered that when they wanted
to advance a few yards, it was only
necessary to give a signal for a
holo to be made in tho line through
which Flippin was allowed to pass
unobstructed. If it was thought
necessary to gain moro than a few
yards, Yont was sent around tho
ends for whatever amount was
desired. After these facts woro
generally known, it iust took thir
teen minutes to make 22 points.
It was done with all neatness and
dispatch. Jones, at tho kick-off,
would send tho ball into touch.
"'Frlink would bring it back and
punt for forty or fifty yards. Then
as soon as tho ball was caught,
Oury or Alius was right thoro to
seo that it was not advancod any.
Thou aftor Iowa got through play
ing with the oval bag, it was placed
in tho, hands of Yont or Flippin
and properly planted behind tho
goal posta. 'This little program
was repeated four times in rapid
succession, and no one knows what
the score might have boon, had tho
roferco not called time.
Tho third touch down was mado
by Yont, on a run very similar to
the kind ho had on exhibition at
Omaha last year.
Flippin mado a star play when
ho attempted to go around the right
ond. Thoro happened to bo a
small llawkoyo clinging to him,
and after dragging him about tho
field for a few minutes, ho shook
him oil' and started around tho left
end for a gain of twenty yards.
llio score ereuits Urnmell Willi
a total gain of two hundred and
five yards during the first half,
against Lincoln's one hundred and
sixtylivc. Of this amount G rinnell
secured ono hundred and ninety
yards by punting, and Lincoln ono
hundred and ten yards. Tho two
hundred and live yards does not
include the ton yards penalty.
The second half their gains
amounted to ono hundred and
ninety yards while the locals se
cured four hundred and ninety by
other means than punting. In this
half, Grinnoll secured only seven
yards. Ono hundred and twenty
yards resulted from tho four kick
oil's, and from this it will bo scon
how superior the playing of our
team is to theirs. Nebraska made
ono hundred and fifty yards in the
second half by end runs and buck
ing tho lino. 'The bovs lined up in
tho order as published in the last
issue of the Nkhkaskax, except
that Reid, for Grinnoll, played
half, instead of Palmer. L lippin
in the second half played his old
position as half-back.
Was Over the Line Four Times.
Who bet wo wouldn't score?
Oh ye calamity Howlers now
Our line is good but there is
plenty of room for improvement
The Grinnoll boys played the
cleanest game over played on the
Lincoln grounds.
Bud Jones with a little more
practice will undoubtedly be the
best guard in the league.
Capt. Dern covered himself with
glory playing tackle if it was his
first game in that position.
It was tho wonder and admira
tion of the crowd, tho way
"Willy" Wilson followed tho ball
and fell on it at ovory opportunity.
Flippin played the game of his
life. lf he will only keep it up
through the season no one will ever
dare raise a complaint against him
Jesso Yont is making himself
famous at Ann Arbor. He played
tacklo in the game against Orchard
Grove, and tho press dispatches
mention him as a brilliant player.
Don't get tho swell head now,
boys and not get out to practice.
Tho game Saturday Avas not fast
nor hard, and only lasted twenty
fivo minutes each half, still some of
you were almost winded at several
tstages of the game. It is evident
you aro not in shape yet.
The second cloven is working
like troopers and have succeeded
in scoring against tho first several
times this week, llayward is cap
tain when Sweeney is playing on
tho first, and has boon doing some
lino work bucking tho lino and
punting. Ho is ccoing to push
some ono close for a, position on
$it. ' 4
Delegation from Saline County
to be Defeated.
But Show Thorn a. Fow Polntn About
tho Gamo How Thoy
Will Plav.
Doano will bo hero to-morrow.
"Little" Doano that has struggled
for so many years to beat the U. of
N. team. But tho Doano boys are
bettor prepared to give our team a
struggle than ever before. For
the past wook thoy have boon saw
ing wood, so to speak, and to-morrow
thoy will play tho game of
their lives. Coaeh Thomas was
presont at last Saturday's game,
and under tho guise of a "nows
papor" man, was upon tho field
taking notes and watching tho
iramo carefully.
They will not be a snap, that's
certain, but then we will win, bc
causo tlie boys aro going to lino up
like this:
Houston l. k Bowman.
Stull l. t Oury.
Lee l. o ... .Wilson.
Fisher c Humming.
Owen u. o Alias.
Rcasonor it. t Dorn, Capt.
Konagy it. k Wiggins.
Leavitt Q. Packard.
Mains, Capt...L. Fair.
Foes u. Flippin.
Fuller f. n llayward.
Battalion Notes.
All but twenty cadets have been
measured for suits, and it is ex
acted that the whole battalion will
io in uniform by tho Thanksgiving
A now order of tho military de
partment requires that all cadets
who wish to bo excused from drill
on account of sickness must go to
the orderly office, obtain there the
company sick book, and take this
to Dr. Clark. He fill out the
blank, stating the reason and giv
ing his authority for excusing the
cadet. With this authority tho ca
det makes out his request and pre
sents it to the commandant, who
gives him permission to bo absent.
The object of the Lieutenant is to
make the battalion as nearly like
that of tho National Academy as
possible, and this is one of the
ways to go about it. If every ca
det will stud' his littlo bluo book
there will be no danger- of getting
reported for any breach of military
The guns will be issued to the
now cadets next week. Then lame
shoulders will bo in order.
It was amusing to watch De
tachment" 3 " trying to execute the
command "Fours Right" when
they were marching backward.
Lieut. Haughton evidently is de
sirous of introducing some new
maneuvers to tho battalion.
Cadets aro now referring to
Lieutenant Pershing as "The Fear
that walks by Noonday," (with
apologies to Dorothy Canficld and
Willa Gather.)
Tho Lieutenant has organized a
singing school for tho bonotit of
officers, and as a result Joo Beards
ley's voice has been cracked since
tho organization of tho same.
Probably the most novel excuse
given for not drilling is that it is
against tho cadots religion.
llavo you noticed our littlo mas
cot? Ilo likes sabre drill best.
In tho annual report to tho U. S.
A. Inspector General last year,
tho three graduating officers show
ing tho highest proficiency in mili
tary affairs were John M. Dixon,
Fred C. Clomonts, and F. F.
Tucker. Those qualified as officers
for thoU. S. A. woro Dixon, Clom
onts, Tucker, Gorrard, Hiltnor,
Richmond, Montmorency, Bontly,
and Westgrman.
Two Unl. Alumni Unite In Holy
A very pretty wedding took
place at tat. Paul's M. E. ohuroh at
ll:J10 Friday evening, tho contract
ing persons being Noll Sh roves
Cochrane and Frank Woods. Both
aro woll ami favorably known in
university circles, Miss Cochrane
boiiiij a member of tho class of '!)!
and Mr. Woods of 'NO. The pronii
nonce of both bride and groom in
social oleics awakened much in
terest in tho event. Miss Cochrano
is a most attractive young lady and
Mr. Woods is a promising young
attorney, and has a host of friends.
Tho decorations of tho church
woro confined to tho chancel and
woro very pretty. The space was
filled with palms, ferns, anil potted
plants. Tho guests began arriving
early, and when tho dooru were
closed at 0:20, but few of tho pews
were unoccupied. Miss Stella Rico
was tho organist, and tho way she
rondored some difficult selections
was a surprise to those who know
hor best. While tho guests woro
arriving sho played a number of
beautiful pieces, which added great
ly to tho ellect.
Promptly at i:!J0 came tho first
thrilling notes of Lohengrin's wed
ding march. A novel feature of
the wedding was the chanting of
tho wedding inarch by the young
ladies of tho Delta Gamma frater
nity, of which Miss Cochrane is a
The voices blended sweetly with
tho notes of the organ, as the gjrls
came two by two down the aisle,
and grouped themselves on either
side of the minister. The effect of
their beautiful dresses and bouquets
of roses and smilax was very pretty.
Mr. Woods, accompanied by his
best man, Mr. Hugh La Master,
entered by the south door, and
taking his place before Dr. Lasby,
awaited the coming of the bride.
From the opposite door came Miss
Daisy Cochrane, as maid of honor,
dressed in white silk and carrying
a bunch of roses. Then camo tho
bride, looking her lovliest, which
is very lovely indeed. She wore a
beautiful gown of white Ottoman
silk, richly trimmed with lace, and
made princess, with a long square
tram, nor veil or wiiuc nine was
thrown back from her face, and
she carried an exquisite bunch of
brido roses.
The ushers were Messrs. Charles
Gregory, Sam Lowe, Harry Reese,
and Jess Beehcr.
After tho ceremony the Delta
Gammas and the ushers onjoyed an
informal wedding luncheon at the
bride's home.
At !) o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Woods
started on the Rock Island train
for St. Louis. From there they
will go by boat to New Orleans,
and expect to be gono some weeks.
They will be at home aftor Decem
ber 1st at 2003 F street.
The Delta Gammas present at the
wedding were Misses llarwood,
Bridge, Schwab, Woods, Lansing,
Webster, Tromain, Kelley, Greg
ory, Doweeso, Wing, Dennis, Star
rett, Bess Wing, Camp, Sewell,
Greon, Rickotts, Haggard, Mill
ion, and Mrs. Nicholson.
Considerable objection has been
raised about tho way our boys
fouled in Saturday's game. Thoro
was undoubtedly too much of it
and tho boys should bo moro care
ful. Bettor not play at all unless
wo can play a squai'c, manly game,
at any rate it is more honorable to
bo beaten than to havo tho reputa
tion of playing unfair.
lfiero is no reason why tho sec
ond cloven should not havo a man
ager and arrange for some games
wlion tho first team is away. Thoro
aro a number of high school teams
over tho state who would gladly
arrange for games with them if
some would push matters a little.
Thp second team has earned tho
privilege of mopping up tho earth
with somebody! tjiis, year..
Open Their Purso Strings for
tho A. A.'a Benefit.
NnmoH of Those Who Havo Paid
Tho"r PlodKon-Othors Will
Anto Noxt Wook.
During the past two wcoks, Car
Burnhaiii has boon working like a
trooper for tho benefit of tho Ath
lotic Association. Ho has boon
ehietly engaged in soliciting funds
from tho students and among them
were found the following loyal
supporters of athletics. Only tho
names of those who have paid tho
amount of their pledge are con
tained in the following list. Mon
tion of the others will be mado
noxt week:
C. B. Burnham 83 00
P. II. Powers 1 00
Irvine P. Gardner 5 00
11. K. Wheeler 1 00
Charloy Elliott L 00
Benton Dales 2 00
Howard Parmcleo 1 00
R. 10. Finney L 00
J. Albors L 00
E. E. Nicholson 1 00
J. V. Z. Cortolyou 1 00
W. L. Westerman 1 00
N. S. Richards 50
II. Oury 2 50
V. P. Sheldon 50
W. II. Sudduth 1 00
Sidney White 2 50
Eugene Pace 1 50
L. M. Weaver 1 00
NcdC. Abbot 50
C. S. Norton 50
A. W. Carpenter 50
The Freshman Reception Is
Largely Attended.
The annual class reception of tho
class of 'OS was held in Union hall
last evening. The fact that it was
an evening generally given to study
kept a great many members of tho
class away. As it was, however,
there was a large number presont
and ovory one had a good time.
A sort of progressive game of
self-introduction was inaugurated
early in the evening, and when it
was finished no one was a stranger.
At ! o'clock ex-President Smith
introduced Mr. Limn as the presi
dent for this semester. If Mr.
Lunn's administration is as good
as tho talk ho gave, tho class will
not regret its choice. He said that
college spirit was lacking in tho
"Uni.," and it remained for tho
class of 'OS to push it to the front.
He admonished tho boys that while
freshmen woro naturally looked to
as models of dignity, they would
not lie considered in bad form if
they woro heard no more than
twelve blocks when they wTcro out
celebrating. He concluded by
complimenting the class on its num
bers and the good feeling and in
terest displayed by all tho mem
bers. "Keno" Abbot then appeared
in his favorite role "The Man
With a Toothache," and brought
down the house. Mr. Martin dcr
fended the life of the benedict in a
very able mannor. Tho program
was concluded by some very ex
cellent music. President Lunn
then gave the command, "as you
were," and tho company proceeded
to make good use of the acquaint
ances formed during tho forepart
of tho evening.
Messrs Lunii, Smith, and Ax
ling, and Miss Chappol deserve
much credit for their untireing ot
forts in making a success of th&
Freshman reception of tho class
of '98.
Prof in Latin. "lam ono paper
short Has anyono seen Mi
Shortf s papers?" Mr. Short's pa-,
per was immediately, produced, i
'i .
i ., 4
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