The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 19, 1894, Image 3

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Tablets at Uawkcs1 Pharmacy.
Hawked Pharmacy, 14th and O.
Buy your medicines of Ilawkes.
Drink soda-wator ut Hawkcs'
The finest sodu-wator at Ilawkes'
Pharmacy. ,
Day board, $-2.fi0 per week, at
42T north 10th st.
Harry V. Miliar, junior law,
spent Saturday in Omaha.
K. II. llaughton spent Saturday
at his homo in Tecuniseh.
Miss Nora (5 raves, of York, is
visiting friends in the city.
Walter MeLuoas spoilt Sunday
with his University friends.
"Doc" Meredith saw the foot
ball game at Ashland Saturday.
James Burks, of Beatrice, was a
visitor at the University last week.
For '07 class pins call at 10.
FlomingV, the jeweler, 122-1 O st.
Students who patronize Paine,
Warfel & Bumstead will never re
gret it.
Mead's news stand is the stu
dents1 headquarters for news, ci
gars, etc.
The Capital Hotel barber shop
has reduced the price of shaving to
ten cents.
Look before you enter through
that library door, or you might gel
hit nn the head.
, . ,,,,. i i I
1 ho crack in that triple plank
are Demg iiiieti up oui noi wiui
Miss Lottie Brown, of Fremont,
was a guest of Messrs. Bridge and
Webster last week.
Mr. F. F. Tucker, '04, was in
the city last week attending the Y.
P. S. C. E. convention.
Miller & Paine have now settled
in their new store where they are
now prepared for business.
The class in Browning, under
Professor Sherman, is at present
interested in the study of "Lucia."
For rent: Steam heated rooms
at 42." north loth street. Coineand
look at our place before locating.
The Albion.
Go to Mrs. Gosper's, 1114 Ost.
to look at millinery and at ihc
same time have your hair dressed
in latest style.
Miss Emma Snelling, of Marsh
altown, Iowa, formerly studying
with Professor Kimball at Grin
nell, is attending the university
Fremont delegates to Y. P. S.
C. E. convention were Misses Julia
Cleland, Lottie Brown, and Mr.
Charley Mulloy.
And now the freshmen who have
to buy essay paper are asking for
a kind with the themes already
written upon it.
See the special underwear sale,
33 cents a garment, 00 cents a suit.
Ihe best value in underwear ever
offered in Lincoln at the Ewing
Clothing Company.
John Hay Kuhiis, comes around
this office every day in the week
but Friday asking when tho "New
brasscan" will be out.
C. E. Teirt, Stanley Pickett, and
Sidney While went down to Ash
land, Saturday to see tho Ashland
Lincoln foot ball game.
Mr. Keene Abbott amused a
largo and attentive audience at the
Union, with an impersonation of a
"'fraid cat" in the dentist's chair.
Mr. Abbott is a new but valuable
member. ,
W. R.
Hatters and Furnishers.
All tho latest styles and boat qualities.
1137 O Street, under Funke Opera House.
Ilia suit ho bought it at
and it was right.
See Lonholl' for instructions in
"currying anus."
The trumpotei now sounds a real
buglo at assembly call.
"What's that ?" Yes Kiloy has
actually registered. Don't let it
got out!
Students can gel what they want
and can get it right, at tho Kwing
Clothing Company.
Wheeler says that Yont is becom
ing hump backed from carrying so
much hair about on his head.
The eleven o'clock division in
German "8 a" recites everywhere
from the fourth floor to tho base
ment. The Omaha schools will close on
the 2rth of May instead of the loth
of .June, on account of a depleted
It was demonstrated in the junior
law class, the other day, that suit
cannot bo brought by a man after
his death.
The Nebraska Pioneers' associa
tion hold a meeting in the chapel
Tuesday night at which twenty-live
new members were admitted.
Get your "Girl "Wanted" badges
and Kodack collars at Kroner's.
AVe carry the latest novelties.
(Hates to students) 5)31) O street.
Last Monday the university was
visited by a large number of Chris
(j.m E(Uloavorers who were in Lin
coin attending tho state convention.
In their ardor to make known
their woes, some of the boys are
developing into first class artists.
It lakes genius to advertise any
thing. All students must answer imme
diately all notices from the execu
tive ollicc. To neglect this is a
To know that you wear the
proper thing, and the right quality
at tlie right price, trade with the
Ewing Clothing Company.
Just wait till tho Union girls
quartette appears! The names will
speak for thoinolvos, Misses Fur
geson, Gingery, Parker, and Morgan-
And now the disappointed soph,
says ho will stand up straight and
drill hard, just to make the
"Lieut." sorry he did not make
him a corporal.
The members of the committee
on "hats and gowns" arc just now
making life a burden to the several
merchants about town who deal in
these commodities.
Cadets, who arc required to get
new uniforms this year, are furn
ished the same for $15.50. This
is seventy-five cents cheaper than
they were last year.
Everyone is invited to turn out
to-night to hear Frank Eager and
Fred Shepherd talk on current po
litical topics. They will speak
under the auspices of the Bryan
Ilolcomb club.
If you care for the comfort of
being well dressed, the satisfaction
of style, the knowlcgc of the best
material in tho best make for the
money, you can get it at tho Ewing
Clothing Company, 1115-1117 O
"Why does tho 'Lieut' compel
the new cadets to put tho too down
first? "
Kaw Recruit "Maybe it is
natural for some folks, but a negro
puts the hollow of his foot down
first." Fuom Illinois.
Should bo your
Shall wo bo oblidged to put a
guard in tho cloak rooms to pro
tect our property ? Huh! Can-it be
wo have a thief among us?
There arofour hundred and sixty
students enrolled in tho Gorman
department. Tho beginning class
has been divide I into seven divisions.
What do you know about Sonior
gowns ? Shall wo take up with such
a crazy fad? les; and let sail part
our hair in tho middle and wear tun
Professor Burbour illustrated his
previous lectures on glaciers by
magic lantern views last Tuesday.
Those lectures are very interesting
as is shown by the large size of the
Mr. Philbrick who has been sick
with typhoid fever for tho last
month, came back to work last
Monday. Ho is looking rather
thin, but is still tho pride of Prof.
Dr. Woife thinks there is such
marvelous force in the inflaming
tides of the ocean that some day wo
may obtain our heat from that same
force. That's a now idea what
do you think of it?
The University orchestra met for
the third time last night with a
good attendance. In another week
it is hoped it will be fully organ
ized. There are two or three new
members who will bo taken in if it
is found they are far enough ad
vanced. The weather bureau is to have a
library of its own, all books in the
university pertaining to meteorol
ogy being placed there. Some very
interesting matter is gathered here
among which are pamphlets of the
weather reports of all states in the
Students should examine the
mail boxes in tho hall once each
day, as mail, telegrams, and special
notices are always placed there,
and should have attention. Much
matter goes from the executive
oflices to these boxes, and notices
that parents or friends arc in the
city are often sent in this way.
Thursday evening the rooms of
the Sigma Chi fraternity in the
Halter block were the scene of an
initiation, followed by a delightful
"spread." The initiates were A.
A. Bishoff, George Burget, Bert
Langworthy, and George Cullen.
Many alumni members were at the
banquet and some enjoyable toasts
were given.
Professor Sherman lectured Sun
day noon to a large class of Uni
versity students at St Paul Metho
dist church. The lectures arc on
"The Natural Law tho same as
Spiritual Law." The ease with
which Professor Sherman can turn
to every branch of modern thought
to illustrate his ideas is simply as
tonishing. The Historical Society Library
is in coiiLtant use by the history
students. There are old books and
documents which one would not
think of being there. Among
these are old public papers, histor
ical newspapers, Indian curiosities
and old books especially interest
ing to students of Nebraska's his
tory. The library is open nearly
all tho time to those who wish to
visit it
Miss Helen Gregory served a
fiyo o'clock tea to a numbor of her
young lady friends Saturday after
noon. Miss Gregory's excellent
ability as a hostess was agreed
upon by all guests, Those- present
were, Misses Bridgs, Schwab, Sow
ell, Loraino, Case, Camp, Coch
rane, Harwood, Smith, Wing, Rico,
Fruman, Million, Webster, Burks,
Polk, Mimes Brown and Cleland,of
Fremont, and Mrs. Nicholson.
& CO.
We do not Offer.
To give students or any other class o people special
discounts, but sell to all at the same low prices. We
invitn von to our nnvv s!iv. t-jic in roin C c;t,n-i
and think we can please you. n
1. O. DAWKS, l'reldtnt. W. II. DAWKS, fipcrotnry.
i-xiwrcJOiuKr coal co.
Conl delivered to nttitlcntH
In nny quantity ilvnlrcd.
Tho Chancellor regrets that the
Seniors have begun to scrap quite so
soon in the year. But come lot's
have some excitement oven if it is
a iittle stormy.
A German club has been organ
ized for tho purposo of practice in
speaking German. Some of the
modern German novels will be read.
Tho first meeting of the club was
held last Saturday evening at Miss
Schwab's home. Tho members
are Misses Fruman, Pound, Law,
Griggs, Harwood, Bridge, Burks,
Schwab anil Messrs. Fling, Will
Wotornian, Benedict, Abbott,
Packard, Pilsbury.
Misses Ferguson and Evans of St.
Louis, have opened a dancing school
in the Lansing dancing hall for la
dies, gentlemen, misses and masters.
These ladies come highly reccom
mended by Mr. Jacob Mohler of
St. Louis, and have taught for three
years in Missouri State University,
Columbia University, Missouri
Military Acadomv, at Mexico, Mo. :
also in Galveston, Tex. They make
a specialty of the waltz, also solo
fancy dances for children. Class
hour: Children: Mondays, Thurs
days, and Saturdays, afternoons at
4:30; Adults: Mondays, Thurs
days, and Fridays, at -s:00 p.m.,
For further information, call or
address, Lansing Dancing Hall,
third lloor Lansing Theatre build
injr. Strictly In It.
$The Chicago, Union Pacific and
Northwestern -line oilers the best
accommodations to the traveling
public en route to Chicago.
Through trains, fast time, magnifi
cent sleeping ears, elegant dining
cars, colonist sleepers, reclining
chair cars and handsome day
coaches. City ticket office, 1011
O street
Thoroughly Comfortable.
Passengers destined to the prom
inent cities of the Missouri Itivcr
should patronize the Chicago, Union
Pacific and Northwestern Line.
Magnificent Pullman and "Wagner
sleeping cars, elegant Pullman and
Northwestern dining cars, free re
clining chair cars, handsome day
coaches and comfortable Pullman
colonist sleepers. City ticket oflicc
1044 O street.
Work the Finest.
1029 O St.
The Commercial Barber Shop
Tho Finest Bath Rooms in the City.
Student putronago solicited. Agency (or tliu Heat
10 N. 11th Street.
The Tailor
Suits Made to Order J
donning and Ilopnlrlng also Dono,
126 S. Ilth St, Over WoldonhurK'H ClRftr
a tot Ot
v- tjt
Miller & Paine.
1045 0 Street.
The nledffed moinhor of dm lo
cal chapter of tho Phi Delta Thota,
fratermtv were vorv nlnnsnuflv
surprised Monday ovoning. Thoir
rooms were invaded, and tho un
suspecting young men taken to tho'
rooms in mo state block. Hero an
elaborate banonet was nronHiwl
and the destruction of good things
began. Tho rooms have been re
decorated and are very pretty. An
initiation will probably take place
in the near future.
The university is pushing its ex
tension work in a new direction.
This year it is furnishing coachors
for the various high schools. Tho
excellent work of the Ashland
team is duo to the efforts of A. E.
Yont. J. II. Johnston is getting
quite a reputation along this line.
For tho past week or two, ho has
been coaching tho Bcatrico team
and is now engaged in teaching tho
Falls City boys tho mysteries of
foot-ball. Nebraska City had on-
s".1" "" " iiiuu"n mjuh; mis
understanding the deal wjus de
clared off.
Killes Drill.
Tho 'Varsity Killea met in the
armory last night, and were put
through a .still' drill by Lieutenent
I'iif,liiiir. K.tiniicrh in fnrm lliron
sets oi fours were present, but on
account of the absence uf tne
others, the election of officers was
not held. The boys are showing
up in line shape and with the
"Lieut's" assistance the new com
pany promises to bo a "cracker
jack." There is now no doubt ex
pressed but that the 'Varsity Kitles
is a sure thing.
Athletic Board Meets.
The members of the board of di
rectors of the Athletic Association
happened to meet each other on the
campus last evening, and it was de
cided there and then to hold a
meeting. Useless formality was
cast aside, and in a few minutes
the committee to select the players
was appointed. It is to consist of
Captain Dcrn, Manager Tcelc, and
Corporal (Jury. Will Hayward
was made base ball manager. An
interesting play was made at this
juncture by one of tho team, which
immediately broke up the meeting.
75 Cents per Year.
10 Cents per Month.
i '',i