The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 12, 1894, Image 4
HHMHNHHMMHilBBBB?'i uy ' 'JKSSj, "7"' " 5pF ?W! ffP? ow Tariff Ten Dollar Suit Sale -" ii JjijilP? 'Ht mu X t txi Jmfevxt slue or Black M Cheviot NOTHING LIKE IT BEFORE . . INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELF YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR THE MIRROR At Ucntrico. TWo days ho fonstod in tho camp, On moiils that filled his soul with woo, Tho butlor thoro was full of hnir. Ami still ho "wist not why 'twas so." Ami so before tho brcnkfast hour, His brain upon his mission bent, IIo swiftly dons his uniform, And liios him up to Pershing s tent. Tho Lieut wns wakened from his sloop, IIo rose in fiery wrath, and then IIo called, "Who at this hour, Dnres 'beard tho lion in his don.' " The private bravely held his ground, His linllid brow was chill and dnmp, He quick n-pliod, "I camo to find Who boards tho butter in this camp. No moro the fostivo prep doih rage ! No more old maids conceal their ago f No collego yell assails onu's oars p No trolly ears cause people fears, tr "No doubt you think this very s trail no t, And ask tho reason for tho chnngo A man's been found who lookingoncc Translated "Sownium Vitnlos Fans. EXCHANGES "Shall 1 brain him?" cried tho hnzer. And the victim'c courage fled. " You can't; it is a freshman, ..Tnt hit it on tho head." -Ex. i'Tf ! lilt .! iiuj uiiHwur mo xnis What shape is a kiss, . """""Oirinidi'ii, most charming and fickle?" "Why, sir," answered she, "It seometh to mo, That I surely should call it n lip-tickle." Ex. We'll Do It. The Senior is tho climax Of earthly good, 'tis true, If you can enp the climax, Why not gown him too? -Ex. English as Slic is Wrote. A TYimfilimiin tlinnirht nhemiHtrv tnmrli. . - - ...- -.. .,,.. ., ., n... s-iTill he found that the l'rof. ho could blough, , lie made uso of his tongue, And although ho wnsyounguo, ' In time he became tho right stongh. illo belonged to tho Fifth Army Corps, And was just going out of tho dorps, When a big heavy weight tFull down on his peight; 'Twus dreadful tho wuy that hosworps. Ex. Town College, Grinnoll, issues a somi-wcekly -which is ji credit lo (thai institution. The Daily Cardinal from the Wisconsin university lias a genu ine newspaper flavor which is quite fascinating. Make yourself an honest man and then you may he sure there is one Hess rascal in tho world. Carlyle. CHAS. 33. GEEGOEY, CO. OF N. '01.; SELLS o At 1100 0 Street, EichardB THE LANSING THEATRE DANCING HALL Has been engaged for he season by the Misses Furguson and JEvans, who ihave opened a Dancing School for Ladies, Gentle men, and Children. University Students are Gordially invited ito call and learn terms, etc. ;t,Q3h'ird floor of Lansing Theatre Plain or Fancy Cheviot $1022 When tho Gorman horse, and tho Latin horse, And tho French horse, and tho Greek, With tho Spanish horse, and tho Hebrew horso, In council together speak, Tho question will be, "Khali we work so much, Unless our wages they raiso?" Tho common opinion will then bo such That the votes will be all "neighs." Brunonian, Thn Jinmmiian. nnhlishod sit Brown University, stands high among our exchanges. It avoids the common error of "catalogism," toward which many college publi cations arc tending. Some Consolation Here. A religiously inclined student was found poring over a bible one day and industriously taking notes. After several hours ho laid down the book with a sigh of relief. ""Well, have you found much con solation '( ' ' asked his chum. 4 ' You know 1 failed to pass last term. Well, look here," and he shoved the paper across the table. It con tained the following: " Thou shall not pass Numb. 20: IS. Suffer not a man to pass Judges 3:2S. Ihe wicked shall no more pass Nahum 1:15. Neither doth any son of man pass Jeremiah 1:43. Beware that thou pass not 2 Kings 0:i). None shall pass Isaiah 34:10. The BuclddiUs. The Inter-Stato Debate. For the last week, tho registra tion for the local debates prepara tory to tho Kansas-Nebraska de bate has been, going on. Last night tbc registration was closed with thirty-two orators as candi dates. These will be sifted down until the three best men are left and these three will represent the U. of N., in the inter-stale debate. Those registered for the local debates are: Messrs. Elmore, New branch, Baker, Maguire, Walker, Teele, Walsh, Stroman, Davis, Magufl'ey, Weaver, Barr, Sundean, Correll, Skiles, Iartin, Woods, Kandolph, bherman, Brown, Mc Neal, Wilson, Whitniore, Funke, Martin, Edwards, Tallmadge, Mc Mullen, Berry, Kinyon, Neil and Fairfield. Tho first of tho series will take place in tho university chapel about November 10th, when a warm time is anticipated. For sale: Two oil heating stoves, two soft coal stoves, and one baso burner all in good repair, and cheap. Enquire of Mrs.Boecham, 1809 P, or at the "Nkukaskan" office. CO A. Blook. Telephone 343. Building. $1022 MONEY BACK. A "Sorority" Reception. An initiation followed by a de lightful parly took place' at the home of Miss Lottie Whcdon, Saturday. The initiation took place in tho afternoon, and it is rumored that a real live goat par ticipated. The following girls were initiated into the mysteries of Kappa Kappa Gamma: Mioses Uoru Uropsey and tiertrude Han sen of Fair bury, Stella Eliolt, Francis and Ellen Gere, Nellie Lau, and Grace Broad'. At 5:30 an elaborate supper wa served. The dining-room was beautifully decorateu with the Kappa colors, and flowers. About twenty-eight members of the Kappa fraternity were present. In tho evening the young men called, ami an informal reception was held. Then the dancing hall was thrown open, and cards and dancing indulged in until a late hour. The following were participants: Misses Winger, Soucrcst, Burks, Whiting, Whcdon, Shaw, Harloy, lticketts, Groh, Maitland, Law, Jones, Conklin, Smith, Addie Whiting, Lindley, Jury, Gere, Roberts, ltisscr, Griggs, Broady, Grace Broady, Nellie Law, Eliott, Francis and Ellen Gere, Hansen, and Cropsey. Messrs. Uardy, Eliott, Haggard, Corwin Haggard, Wing, Pilsbury, McCreery, (Jury, Wheeler, Jones, Raymond, Forbes, Bocher, Corley, Adams, Ames, Marlay, Barber, Clements, Mauley, Burnham, An drews, Frank, Saxton, Hebbard, Wheeler, Packard, Young, Hay ward, Westennann, Canfield, Mor rill, Walsh, Paw, White, Haugh ton,Williams,Mueler, and Spooner. A Three Cornered Debate. On the Saturday evening preced ing the election, tho U. B. D. C. will give up the regular program and instead hold a political meeting and discuss the views of each party. Each party will be represented by two speakers, us follows: Repub lican, Lien, Baker; Democrat, OberJies, Maguire; Populist, L. J. Abbot, S. W. Martin. The Best Place to Buy . . . Dress Goods, Cloaks, Furs, Fur Capes, Carpets, Millinery, Shoes, and Toys Is at the Big Stores of . . . HERPOLSHEIMER & CO. 12TH & N ST8., 1-2 BLOCK. PRICES THE LOWEST . . . HIQH CLASS WORK A SPECIALTY THE Herzog Tailoring Co., J,uu(ers of Fmililou at I'ojiular 1'rlcoH. 120 N. rciovuuth St. JtichnrdH Diode, G-O TO S 10 Worth Ninth St. FOU THE BBST 15c. M&JUL$ Munis ut nil hours. Oysters und Oanio lU HUUBUll, M. E. CHEVEONT, Prop. 0p. Btuto Joumul If you will drop a oard to. John Anderson; 8U2 North 18th Street, Ho will cull and prit your laundry, such us t1u dorwour, Hocks, Night ltobuH.Oolornd Hulrta,iif und do thorn up b-lRht. Jivory thing mound noatly without extra charge. 4 1 Tweeds in Latest Patterns Browning, King & Co. 1013 TO 1019 TOOTHACHE. That little nnisnnce. tho toothache, tho worst of nil Uh vhhcs, cured in Ickh than three minutes, or may he extracted with little or no pnin! Vino sold fillings for stu dents at low rates. Host flint teeth, that will be as good after J45 years service as now. Itnsli whacker teeth, best offered lor est teeth out. Everything in the dental line of the best qnality at reasonable rates. 1308 O Qt. Kooms 9 and 10. DR. A. P. liUKRUS. Nebraska Pant and Suit Co., 1 2 1 7 O Street. (West halt of Trunk Factory.) All Wool Pants Made to Order, flrBt-clnss mid cmnrnntaed to flt, $3, $, $5, ?C, and upwards. Business Suits, $1.1, $18. $20, and up. OVERCOATINGS, VESTINGS, Popular Trices. Goods sold by yard, and Ends tor Boy's Pants, etc. Few uncalled tor pants nnd suits at your owa price. O. R. OAKLEY. O. N. Holcom, Cutter. Jacob North & Co, (Lincoln Paper House) BOOK AND "'riW COMMERCIAL PUBLISHERS, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS (9) STEREOTYPING LITHOGRAPHING (g) Wholesale Paper Dealers 1116to1122 M ST. The Students' Co-operative Book Co. HANDLE ALt. :STTJDE2TTS' SUPPLIES.: S. E. Cor. of University Hall. Baker's Clothing House, COMPLETE LIKE OF FDRNISHIHG GOODS, TEUUKS AKD YALISES.-k Holts made to order In Custom Department. Entire sattofactlon gnu. an toed. Special Discount to Students. 1039 O Street. OALIj at- Mead's News - Fine Cigars, Tobacco 1 Stationery. All the Latest Novels always in Stock. The WORLD-HERAJLD and CHICAGO PAPERS delivered to any part of the city by carrier. L. L. MEAD, FRCP., 118 SO, 11TH STREET. Pictures Framed 11 y TUG LINCOLN FRAME AND ART CO. (JltOtlP I'ICTUUES JruuiMd at lluducoU Vrlcuu to BtuduntH. Artbtw' BujijiIIuh. 226 South 1 1th Street oo O ST. LINCOLN FRUIT STAND, PUCCINKLLI BROS., Trops., DKA1.KRS IN limits nnd Confbotionory, NUTt, CIOKR, AND TOBACCO. Special nttontlon Riven to student nnd fnrnllj trade, (luodn uellvcred to all parts of the city. N.W. Cor. O and lath Sis. Suits to order, . $16.50 to $45.00 Overcoats to order 18.00 to ao.oo Pants to order, . 3.00 to 10.00 We guarantee nnd keep nil (roods we mann Fucturein repair, tor six months, tree ot charge. LINCOLN PANTS CO., 1223 0 St. GEO. A. WEBB, rnormcTon op the OLIPP BARBER SHOP Special attention paid to Students. Good Work and Gentlemanly Treatment. 129 So. 12th Street, LINCOLN, NEB. Furnished Rooms and Lodging Jones Block, S. W. Cor. 'ilth And P Sts. Entrance J 39 North l'-th St. REASONABLE RATES. Office, room 188. V. V. J05HM. $10 HPrinters (g) Lincoln, Neb. and Cigar Stand FOR - FRANK PACAL, Bids ail Skits Midi tiOriir. Itepulrlng Kuatly Dune ut tliu Lowest Prluea. SI'ECIAIf KATES TO BTDDENTS. LochvitbUIMIluBoniont) near cor. 11 &P :. 1 t -v.l $ v rv l -" Wtrnm' Mbmrw&w--m&M-.Mmm4&mi . m-m, 4 6 eJtt. ' viuimi j-i -. - -& &&" wife. V " l, hx j , J, t m -g'