The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 12, 1894, Image 3

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..... . . aMM Mifc MBB awwww
TWWMPllHEt iiw W'ai"-ji?sf
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BBSS ' ',
Tablets at Hawkos' Pharmacy.
Hawkos' Pharmacy, Mill and O.
Buy your medicines of Hawkos.
Drink soda-wator at Hawkos'
Tho iinost soda-wator at Hawkos'
Tho first Sonior orations aro duo
Novombor Oth. '
.Day board, $2.50 por wook, at
427 north 10th st.
No, Miss , "homino" is not
pronounced "hominy."
Borl Whcolor '01, spent Sunday
with friends in tho city.
Thoro aro now 30 1 puj usonrollcd
in tho botany department.
Ewing Clothing Co. has tho best
Drill gloves at 10 cents per pair.
For '07 class pins call at E.
Fleming's, tho jeweler, 1224. O st.
II. G. Barber hasjgono to St. Joe
to attend tho entomological conven
tion. Galin L. Tail, a former student,
visited with ooljearo friends last
Miss Manloy has been engaged
as assistant in tho English depart
ment. Students who patronize Paine,
Warfel & Bumstcad will never re
gret it.
Mead's news stand is tho stu
donts' headquarters for news, ci
gars, etc.
Tho Capital Hotel harbor shop
has reduced tho price of shaving to
ton conts.
John L Marshal, '03 is attending
tho Chicago Theological Seminary
this year.
Miss Holcn Wells is slowly re
covering from a severe attack of
typhoid fever.
Tho latest styles in Hats and
Neckwear havo just arrived at tho
Ewing Clothing Co.
Miss Dora Harloy and Miss Ada
Heaton spent last week at tho ex
position in St. Louis.
Tho class in psychology is at
present trying to master the in
tricacies of tho brain.
There aro two divisions of the
class in forgo work, and in both
every forgo is occupied.
Miller & Paino havo now settled
in their now store whoro they aro
now prepared for business.
Billgreen has kindly requested
that hereafter his name be proporly
written upon his Nebraskan.
Balaam Holvaticum is tho latest
epithet applied by the first prop to
that famous beginners' Latin book.
Rov. Barlow is taking French,
also chemistry, and a few other
studies in the Nebraska University.
Cornell: "There wore two fol
lows down horo one wore a light
colored hat and tho other was a
girl "
Frank Hadloy returned from
Ames last Monday, having finished
his work as sugar boot analyzer at
that place.
It scorns natural to seo tho beam
ing countenance of Frank Fisher
'04- around tho univorsity again
does'nt it?
"Billy" Wilson, tho old stand
by on tho 'varsity olevon, returned
Saturday. Ho will enter tho Law
school this year.
Says tho first freshio "Wo'ro
going to got credit for drill now,"
and tho junior roplied "Well that's
what wo'ro horo for to goto redit. ' '
W. R.
This suit ho bought it at
Invitations are out for tho wed
ding of Miss Nellie Cochran, '01-,
and Mr. Frank Woods, '00, at tho
St. Paul's M. E. church, October
Will Wilson wanted a "rubbor"
triangle in tho chom. lab. Tho
ideal A man who has studied chem
istry for fivo years not to know
better than that.
Fou Salic. A set of Encyclope
dia Britanica, ninth edition, with
American additions and rovisions,
at a greatly reduced prico, either
cash or on time. Addreso Nk
dhaskan oflico,S. E,cornor of Uni
versity hall.
Oskoy says, that tho work of a
second prop is worse than eating
tarantelars, but is willing to bet
five dollars with anyono that ho
will graduate in '00 and no less.
Tho name of E. II. Houghton,
who attained tho honor of being ap
pointed first lieutenant of Com
pany "D," was omitted in tho rush
of getting out tho last issue of tho
" It is really pitiful, " says a son
ior, ' ' to seo thoso props and f resh
mon trying tonavigato up that triple
plank walk, but wait till they vo
been horo a year or two and they
will get on to it. ' '
A zoology student complains
that tlio Museum has all been
crowded up in the third story so
that tho main part may bo used as
a geological store-room. Uoni
ment is unnecessary.
Professor Sherman says it is bet
ter only to feel tho influonco of a
higher ideal than it is to gain a
lower one, therefore, everyone
should try to get on the football
team and glee club.
Tho members of Sigma Alpha
Epsilon escorted their distinguished
member, Hon. Win. MoKinloy, to
Omaha Thursday evening, where
they gavo him an informal recep
tion at the Millard.
At a certain boarding club:
Mr. B. So you've come back
horo to eat again?
Mr. A. Yes, stayed away till I
got avoII, then thought I'd come
back and try it again.
There aro a few important
changes in tho organization of tho
battalion, for instance, we have a
now corps of captains, lieutenants,
sergeants, and corporals, besides
numerous additions to our privates'
"Shorty" Lehnhoff is no longer
tho longest man in tho battalion
and Burgott of Nebraska city, is
tho shortest. Thoro avus some ri
valry at first botwoon Ilomeo and
Burgett for tho tail end, but tho
commandant impartially gavo tho
position to "Stub."
Misses Ferguson and Evans of St.
Louis, have opened a dancing school
in tho Lansing dancing hall for la
dies, gontlomon, misses and masters.
These ladies come highly roccom
monded by Mr. Jacob Mohlor of
St. Louis, and havo taught for tlneo
years in Missouri State Univorsity,
Columbia Univorsity, Missouri
Military Academy, at Mexico, Mo. ;
also in Galveston, Tex. They make
a specialty of tho waltz, also solo
fancy dances for childron. Class
hours: Childron: Mondays, Thurs
days, and Saturdays, afternoons at
4:30; Adults: Mondays, Thurs
days, and Fridays, at 8:00 p.m.,
For further information, call or
address, Lansing Dancing Hall,
third lloor Lansing Theatro build
Should bo your
and Furnishers
All the latest styles and best qualities.
1137 O Street, under Funke Opera House.
D 0. Hall has left school for
Work in Kapid City.
Miss Jones spent Saturday and
Sunday visiting friouds in Beatrice
Mr. Stuhl, ono of our former
students, is principal this year of
the Bancroft public schools.
Tho now quartors of tho Y. M.
C. A., in tho conservatory of music
building aro ready for occupancy.
Tho sonior oration announce
ments havo tho words "to bo de
livered boforo tho class" crossed
For rent: Steam heated rooms
at 425 north 1 Oth street. Como and
look at our place boforo locating.
Tho Albion.
Go to Mrs. Gospor's, 1114 O st.
to look at millinory and at tho
samo timo havo your hair dressed
in latest stylo.
Professor Edgrcn gavo his sec
ond year class a short lecture on
tho authors whoso works thoy will
read this year.
Dr. M. H. Everett has presented
to tho museum a skeleton of a coy
ote. It is tho only specimen of the
kind in tho museum.
St. Paul's gavo a reception to
students in tho church parlors
Tuesday ovening. Printed invita
tions wero sont to the students.
Miss Solma Woldon who at
tended school horc last year is now
attending a ladies' academy in Lib
erty Mo., whore her homo is now.
Mr. Hardy, business manager of
the Hesperian has returned to his
homo in the east. Mr. Graham
takes his place on the Hesperian.
Some sneak thief has been steal
ing money from the clothes of the
boys, while they were playing foot
ball. Some means should bo used
to guard the locker rooms more
Hemming is a new man from
Arlington who was out practicing
with the boys on tho football field
last night. His weight is 100
pounds. Ho is quick and active
and will probably secure tho posi
tion of guard on tho team. (Jury
is out working hard and no one
will bo surprised if ho gets the po
sition of loft half.
Tho "Varsity Rifles" met in the
armory Tuesday night for tho sec
ond timo in their existence, but
nothing was done except to decide
on Thursday night at 7:00 p.m., as
tho proper time to meet. Owing
to some misunderstanding the
Chancellor had given tho drill hall
to the Glee Club examination so
thoro was no drill. On Thursday
night, however, tho company will
meet for drill and work will be
commenced at once.
The number of students who will
attend the Univorsity this year is
not yet completed. Nearly every
day ono or two new students ar
rive. Certainly the draymen, Avho
aro kept busy hauling students'
baggago do not suffer from the
hard times. Ono drayman was
heard to remark that ho could al
ways toll a student's trunk when
ho lifted it, as tho books which it
contained generally weighed more
for the amount of space they occu
pied than a ay thing else.
The prospect for a successful
year for tho art dopartmont is very
encouraging. Tho dopartmont has
more than twice as many students
as ever before, all of whom aro
taking extraordinary interest in
tho work. Beginners aro required
to make more preparation in draw
ing than over boforo. Some of tho
important additions for this year
aro china painting and tho organi
zation of a skotch club, which can
bo ontored frco of charge by all.
Tho director, Miss Parkor, is highly
pleased with tho way tho work is
& CO.
The University
Conservatory of Mustt
Is ready to receive pupils of
any degree of advancement,
In all Branches of Music.
With a full corps of instructors and tho advantages ex- 3
tended by the University, it is
cal education not equaled elsewhere in the West, and far su
perior to the training which it is possible to obtain from
private instruction.
Students aro cordially invited to visit the new building, and
inform themselves of all the privileges offered.
For further information apply to
Willard Kimball, Director.
We do not Offer.
To give students or
& discounts, but sell to
invite you to our
and think we can
U. 0. DAWKS, I'rcHldent.
Coal dollverod to Htudonta
tn any quuntlt.7 tlcHlrod.
Battalion Notes.
Hereafter, tho lieutenant's or
derly hour will bo from 1:00 to
2:00 p.m. All cadets wishing to
intcrviow him will find him there
at that hour.
By a recent rule of .the Faculty,
drill eounts one-fifth coarse each
year, and tho catalogue will read:
Drill, men, 3-."). Hygiene, floor
work, young women, 2-5.
All cadets must wear white
gloves hereafter.
Tho now men arc boing measured
for drill suits this week.
Thoro must bo no roll calls after
this. Tho first sergeants will havo
to hustle.
Company UB" had its share of
appointments, ninteon mon boing
promoted from that company.
Tho skotching club met in the
art studio last Saturday evening
for tho first timo this term. Thoro
was a good attendance and great
interest was taken in tho work.
Tho club will meet ovory Saturday
evoning from 7:30 until 9 o'clock.
Work the Finest.
1029 O St.
The Commercial Barber Shop
Tho Finest Hath Rooms in tlio City.
Stuilont patronago solicited. Agency for tlio llcst
Laundry, i ,
120 N. 11th Street.
The Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
Cleaning and Ropalrlug alsoDono.
126 S. Ilth St. Over Wol.Un.burg'8 Cigar
S )
-V f'1
enabled to offer to all a musi- v
any otber class of people special
all at the same low prices. We , J
new store, 1235 to 1239 0 Street,
please you.
" d
Miller & Paine.
W. It. DAWKS, Spcrotnry.
1045 0 Street.
Cents per Yeard
10 Cents per Month.
-.: L..
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