The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 12, 1894, Image 1

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Vol. nr. No. 3.
M-: Fivrc Cknto
The Campaign for an Appro
priation Has begun.
Every Student Asked to Aid in Avert
ing this Calamity Everybody
Got to Work!
To the JCditor of tho Ncbrasknn :
In tlio lust nuinboi' of your paper
thoro was a vory pleasant and un
expected reference to the offer
which I received last summer from
tlio University of Ohio, and to my
determination to remain in Ne
braska. The paragraph closed
with the suggestion that the stu
dents should sco that thoro was
some formal expression of their
appreciation of what you arc kind
enough to call my loyalty to tho
While 1 appreciate vory keenly
tho kindness of this suggestion, 1
beg leave to say that testimonials
of any kind have always been bur
densome to me. That tho students
as a bod' are satisfied with the
general conduct of University af
fairs, is all tho reward that an ex
ecutive can possibly ask or expect
Their interest in tho university and
their confidence in its management
is shown by their return in such
unprecedented numbers to tho
work of tho current academic year.
If it .cost anything to decline. tho,
offer, I am already more than re
paid. There is a work, however, which
the students of this University can
undertake if they will, and can
carryforward to a successful issue.
Whatever tho motive for such ef
fort may be, tho results would cer
tainly bo such as would kindle tho
prido of every Nobraskan, and es
pecially of all who are interested
in tho success of the great scheme
of free state education. Every stu
dent has every hour and every day
an object lesson as to tho demands
of this University, and its legiti
mate demands, upon the considera
tion of the next legislature.
The present crowded condition
of our rooms and halls is unprece
dented in the history of education.
In most states timo and money and
energy are expended in placing in
formation before tho people and in
offering inducements to attend the
State University. But wo are ac
tually under tho necessity of re
ducing our attendance fully ono
half unless the noxt legislature is
wiso enough to give us such appro
priations as will permit tho com
pletion of the library building and
tho enlargement in some form or
other of recitation and lecture room
facilities by at least ton or fifteen
rooms. Tho legislature can do no
less than this without compelling
us to determine by some artificial
method which must necessarily
carry with it hardship as well as
some injustice just how to' limit
tho attendance ot tho Univorsity to
not more than eight hundred.
... Three years age wo Tiad not to ox
j cecd four hundred and fifty stu
dents at any one time upon tho
campus. At present thoro must
bo at least thirteen hundred stu
donta engaged in daily work. Yet
our revenues havo increased less
than a thousand dollars a year dur
ing this paviod, and wo tiavo not a
singlo square foot moro of lecturo
room or recitation-room space than
wo had in 1891. Wo havo endured
this strain as patiently as may bo
during tho last year. It has now
reached its limit. Wo havo en
dured it because wo felt that it was
a strange thing that tho state gov
ornmont should not hoop pace with
tho demands of its own peoplo for
higher education; and wc there
fore felt sure that if wo could tide
ovor tho period between tho two
legislatures wo should find relief
noxt spring.
To secure this relief J am sure it
is only necessary that tho actual
facts should bo make known to the
peoplo of this state. So fow of
them havo visited tho Univorsity,
and so fow of them really know
anything about its condition, that
tho matter of getting information
to tho peoplo in such a way as to
carry with it a conviction of tho
necessity of action is now tho most
important matter before the Uni
versity authorities. This whole
matter is not a question of political
parties or platforms; it is not a
question as to what tho political
complexion of the next legislature
shall bo. Tho Univorsity stands
for all tho peoplo and for all
slmdes of creeds and political be
liefs. It is not above any political
party, in tho sense of being grcator
than a political party; but it
stands outside of all parties as
ministering to all and to all alike.
Tho singlo atatement to bo placed be
fore tho peoplo is that tlu Univer
sity is carrying nearly twice the
number of students which it can
carry strongly and successfully in
tho highest sense of tho words,
with its present facilities. The
singlo question to bo placed before
tho people is: shall the next legis
lature, as representing the people,
make such appropriations as will
give tho proper facilities for all
who wish to attend tho Univorsity;
or shall tho University go back
wards, cut its attendance in two,
and thus deprive a thousand stu
dents a year of opportunities
which they would otherwise enjoy.
If every student in the university
will write at least two letters a
week, every week until tho opening
of tho legislature; sending these let
ters to parents, friends, the county
press, and influential men with
whom they may bo acquainted, I
havo no fear as to tho results.
Such work calls for a little study
of the conditions, a careful prepa
ration of facts, tlio compilation of
statistics, and above all the mani
festation of earnestness and down
right sincerity on tho part of tho
writers. All this is possible and
easily possible to the students of
the university. I doubt whether
in all their after lives there will
como a more remarkable opportu
nity for rendering really great
public sorvico to the entire peoplo
of tho stato than tho opportunity
which lies beforo them this fall.
Now if tho studonts will under
take this matter on no higher
ground even than because of a sug
gestion from tho oxecutivo, and be
cause of tho willingness to thus
show their appreciation of his ef
forts as an oxecutivo, it will bo one
of tho greatest and most satisfact
ory testimonials over offered by a
student body. That its results will
bring him intense satisfaction,
gratitude, and prido, goes without
Vory cordially,
James H. Canfield.
Air. G. C. Monzondorf, who for
a number of years has boon con
nected with tho Univorsity as in
structor of music, wishes to an
nounce that ho has severed his con
nection with the institution, and
will hereafter givo private lessons
in piano, violin, viola, cello, har
mony, and theory, at his residence,
1512 It street. The best and most
thorough instruction at a modorato
Erico. Only three blocks from tho
White to Preside Over the
Athletic Association.
Much Intorost was Shown and
Goodly Number Enrolled Re
sult of the Elootion.
Tho regular annual mooting of
tho athlotic association was hold
last Saturday in the chapel and
was largely attended. Eiglity-four
names woro placed on the roll and
forty-two dollars in tho treasury,
a sum that will help out consid
erably. Thoro was tho usual amount of
wire pulling and political engin
eering carried on, both by tho
barbs and frats, but tho influence
of tho latter scorned to predomi
nate. Tho two tickets had been
carefully arranged by tho opposing
factions, and when President Ger
rard called tho meeting to order,
each side had its part of tho pro
gram fully propared.
The election of a president was
first in order. A. J. Weaver in a
neat speech nominated Sid White,
a man ho said, who had contributed
more financially to tho foot ball
team than any one olse in tho in
stitution, and who was a foot ball
enthusiast and would look out for
tho best interests of tho association.
Ned Abbot nominated J. P. Cam
eron, saying ho was ono who ox
celled in his studies, was an athlete
and had formerly very creditably
acquitted himself as manager of tho
field day exorcises. Tho first
twelve votes, cast avc six apiece,
but after this everything favored
White, and tho tellers announced
the result, 5A to 2G in his favor.
For tho board of directors, tho
first ticket in tho field consisted of
Whipple, Barnes, Packard, and
Jones. Cheney, Pollard, Stro
man and Hoald was tho ticket put
up by tho others, but Stroman
later withdrew. In placing Whip
ple in nomination, Mr. Oury spoke
of him as ono who had fought, bled,
and died a couple or times upon tho
gridiron iiold. Whipple received
an almost unanimous vote, there
being only two men who did
not vote for him. Tho re
sult of tho ballot was as fol
lows: Whipple 71, Barnes 50,
Packard 5S, Jones 57, Cheney 2S,
Pollard 1G, llcald 17. When
Cameron was nominated for vico
president ho withdrew, and Bert
Vilson was elected by acclamation.
For secretary, Ralph Johnson de
feated E. Y. Porter 50 to 13. John
Barnes was elected by acclamation
to the office of custodian.
The following resolution intro
duced by Sweeney was adopted
after a little discussion:
HivHoiiVi:i), Tliutintlio futuroonly rucIi
foot ball playorB na shrill havo nctuully
pluyod in somo mutch guino, upon tho
univorsity olovon that season, shall bo
allowed to vote for tho captain of tho
foot ball team.
On motion of Ralph Johnson, a
committee of three was appointed
who are to make all necessary
arrangements for a students' ex
cursion to Omaha when tho
scheduled game with tho Univorsity
of Iowa is played. The chair ap-
Jiointed Johnson, Weaver, and
Torbcs. On motion of John
Barnes, an adjournment was taken
sine die.
Tho following list of names shows
who tho students are who take
enough interest in univorsity mat
tors to join tho athlotio association.
W. K. Forsyth, C. E. Toft, Geo.
Dorn, W. G. Dungan, L.W. Sher
man, Paul Pizoy. O. Chambers,
II. J. Lehnhoff, Summors, Steon,
J. H. MoDuffy, H. V. Minor, N.
J. Shrove, L. J. Abbott, N. C.
Abbott, L. D. Martin, Manst,
Charles Davis, L. N. Weaver, N.
Pollard, R, C. Johnson, Mil t Crow
ell, Korfor, II. C. Parmeleo,
Stollz, Bridonduhl, B. W. Wilson,
E. Y. Portor, II. C. Laughlin, W.
M'Kuy, Sid White, G. N? Portor,
A. J. Weaver. II. K. Wheeler, V.
MeLucas, E. 0. Ames, Duff, v. P.
Sheldon, C. C. Norris, R. 11. Fair,
Hay ward, F. W. Sweeney, Geo.
Ashford, E. M. Mayor, J. P.
Sedgwick, Ed Adams, Lohman, J.
Farwell, F. Hall, L. P. Sawyer,
C. R. Welden, J. P. Cameron, A.
B. Lyon, W. W. Woods, E. W.
Brown, Bert Forbes, R. F. An
drews, E. C. Ewing, F. C. Cooloy,
Crook.G. A. Mapes, L. G. Thayer,
C. C. Young, P. A. Powers, A. C.
Fling, J. E. Shafor, J. B. Barnes,
R. P. Teele, C. R. Spoonoiv J I.
Oury, L. 11. Robbins, F. T. Riley,
MoDowoll, R. S. Mueller, F. R.
Hoagland, Bud .Jones, A. E. Car
tor, B. Marine, E. B. Sawyer,
Harry Frank, R. Strausman, Pack
ard, O. G. Whipple, and John
Charley Jones.
Saturday's Game.
Tho game played last Saturday
between tho Uni and High School
teams, while not very interesting
to tho spectator, showed the, weak
points of our team and whore it can
Oo strengthened. Of course we
won easily, the score resulting 8 to
0. Tho High School team is in
pretty good shape and will prob
ably secure its share of tho games
with tho other high schools of the
state. Fair, tho new man from
Kansas, made both the touch downs.
It is evident that the boys must in
dulge in somo good, hard practice
beforo the first scheduled game is
played, but judging from tho man
ner they worked Tuesday night,
somo of the other teams which have
more means at their disposal will
havo a hard tusslo to beat us. It
was really tho Second oloven which
played Saturday, as only three
members of tho regular team woro
Crawford Will Coach.
Manager Teele has secured the
services of Frank Crawford to
coach tho team for a littlo while
this year. There seems to have
been much doubt as to whether
King or Crawford should coach us.
Crawford came down Wednesday
noon and after much discussion at
a meeting of the board of directors
of tho athletic association, tho mat
ter was not entirely settled, but'.jo
foro Crawford loft for Omaha, the
arrangements wore completed. Ho
will get to Lincoln sometime to-day
and begin on tho team as soon as
While thoro has been much doubt
expressed as to who was tho better
man, tho selection of Crawford
seoms to givo satisfaction. Ono
objection to him is that he will
probably not havo any now plays
which ho can teach the boys, while
King who played on tho Iowa team
last year seems to bo well supplied
with a stook of ideas, now to the
univorsity team.
Athletic Notes.
Fair is a now man from Kansas
who will probably play tackle.
King has docided not to play and
Dorn will take his place as half
Whipple will probably play in
at least one game this season. This
is what ho says but Dr. Clark says
Thoro are two or threo of the
old players who aro not coming
out to practice regularly and who
will expect to take their old places
on tho team. This is not fair to
those who aro working hard every
night in tho hope of gotting a po
sition on tho olovon.
Packard and Frank aro having a
merry tusslo for tho position of
quarter back with favors about
oven. Frank has the advantage of
having played upon tho team last
year but Packard is showing up in
lino shape.
W. IT. Thompson delivers a
Pleasing Address.
Now Quarters Havo Boon Solootod
Faoulty Enlarged Law Col
lege Notes.
The College of Law, of tho Uni
vorsity of Nebraska, has thrown
open its doors for tho fourth year's
work in that department. Though
still young in years,- the high stand1
ard of the college is fast making it
known both within and withouttho
This year tho college, located
pleasantly on tho second floor ol
University Hall, can oiler many
advantages that wore not supplied
last year. The faculty is enlarged
and several new branches of tho
Jaw have been added to tho courses,
of instruction. Tho enrollment is
larger than ever before.
On Monday evening, October
Slh, the law students with their
friends, and many students of the
other colleges of tho Uni, assem
bled in the chapel for the opOning
exercises of the College of Law.
Introduced by Chancellor Can
field, Judges Stark and Wilson
spoke brielly, after which the
opening address was made by tho
orator of tho evening, Mr. W. H.
Thompson, of Grand Island. Mr.
Thompson spoko at length and im
pressed all by the directness of hhV
speech and the soundness of his
advice to the young students of
McAllister, formerly '05, is
studying law in tho city. Craiof
the same chibs, is studying in his
father's of lice.
Several of tho law students havo
announced their intention to take
part in tho Kansas-Nebraska de
bate. Apparatus for tlio Gym.
Tho bill for somo new gymnas
ium apparatus has been received
and tlio gooils arrived yesterday
from Ohio. There is a spring
board, which can be used to great
advantage with either horse, buck,
paralells, jump standard's or mats.
A buck will add largely to tlio
range of class work.
Two incline! planks will make
easy approaches to tho ends of
the paralells. Two ten foot and
ono twelve foot polo and a vaulting
board into which said poles may
bo stuck will make indoor polo
vaulting possiblo through the
winter. It is hopod that somo way
may bo found of lighting tho gym
nasium so that an evoning class in
athletics may bo formed.
Thoro will also bo a dozen hoav
bar-bells. Nor havo tho ladies been
forgotton. Three long poles Avill
bo suspended from tho beams over
head for their special benefit.
Young mens' classes will begin in
the gymnasium Monday, October
15th at 8:00, S:30, 11:00 and 11:30.
All who do not see Dr. Clark in
class beforo that timo aro requested
to report to him and bo assigned
to divisions.
To Distinguish Themselves.
Tho senior class hold an interest
ing meeting Tuesday ovoning.
Nearly all tho mombers of the class
were present Everyone scorned
to havo a different opinion as to
Avhat tho class should wear to dis
tinguish itself from tho "common
herd." Somo wan tod pins; others
caps and gowns, for uoth la .ies
and gontlomon; still others, pins
and canes. After numerous
Rnnnnhns and much ballottinff. it
i : . ,--- ; --;, , .. ' x;
was ucciaeu una uio lauies weaiv
caps and gowns, and the gontlo
mon hats and canos.
i r
' i