t , t ' ' K , jbw Tariff Ten Dollar Suit Sale '' ue or Black Cheviot Plain or Fancy Cheviot Tweeds in Latest Patterns J NOTHING LIKE IT BEFORE .... "Dnvixra-in rt ITivirv Ar Prw' INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELF Dl O Wlllllg, XVlIlg 00 UO. m ' ' 'm0m.Jmu i $1022 $1022 $1022. ' ' Jfc-V THE MIRROR ."Y Fin Do Soiolo. Tlio maidon of IMh ditty h not cxcocdi'.B pi'otty, iiucuvoryiJOd.vHwoiu'H uiul hiioih "ciiiu; SIlO llllH fcllOWH, 1 HllOUUl tflK'HH, Twenty doron more or Ichh; For a boy who don't ad miro liur in a f real;. Now it in no more than right To mltnft she ih not bright, For In logK she in alwayu off her twirl, And lirr lully recitations Are a source of lamentationH To the prof wlio really hate to ilnnk tlio Blrl. Shu's a " rear row iiend " in eliapol, Hut I Hpfi'ihly would grapple With the follow who would want to kick on thut; For she KtH her German there While th Chancellor leads in prayer, j Yet she never has her lessons very " pat." Of course she is a frat Sim lint sense enough for that ; .'Ami a girl is not supposed to rank so high, But they take thoin on their looks, Not by what they know in books, . And prefer to have them just a little lly. And she's not but what the use? : Por sIu-'h quite beyond abuse, g,Jior you nil will understand tlio girl l mean. -Though her intellect's a fraction Yot I lovo liur to distraction : oi of all the girls in collego she's the k t cream. The Itacc is to tlic Swift. lie ib a sroodly youth of noble - nii en, x of stature and of .slight build. By moans of these tiwiljli culioub lie seeured an enyiuble po sition as cjis-hier in a local reslauf rnnt whero ho enjoys a nmtenal remuneration, in the shape of three good meals si day accompanied by a weekly stipend of moderate pro portions, let he does not appear nappy and contented, lie wear a worried and haunted look, and fre quently sudden shocks can be no ticed passing through his body, causing the spectator to believe that a spectre must be hovering in tho near vicinity. The gentleman in question is alllictcd with moody and reflective spells from which he emerges with tho countenance be fore mentioned. As ho enters his place of employment, he darts fur tive glances, at the proprietor, fear ful that he may read something there Avhich will mean his dis charge. It is noticed that when ham and eggs are placed before him, these glances arc intensified. He has a fearful past, and it is with horror that his thoughts re vert to that black day on which his actions, were they known to his employer, would immediately re sult in his leaving his employ. Then ho looks at his frail anatomy and thinks at least that his looks arc not against him. But that one day! O, why did he do it? How clearly he remembers that when on tho eve of last Easter morn, it was suggested when they were clustered around the table, that an egg race should bo hold the next day, with what eagerness he ontored into the spirit of tho thing, how ho won the victory by a score of oighteen to sixteen. But these aro sad remem brances, and he soliloquizes, " Sup pose ho should discover that 1 had a capacity for oighteen eggs, whore would I bo?" Where Ignorance was not Bliss. Thoy had strolled into an O street drug store, bent n having a dutch treat when Riley's oyc was caught hy the sign on tho big clock hang ing on tho Avail, which read "syn chronized to U. S. observatory time." " What does synchronized mean?" ho asked. Tho gonial clerk informed him that it meant "sot." OUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR The crowd agreed that Kiley had better synchronize Vm up, so it wasn't ii dutch trer, after all. Post no Bills. This is the way it looked: "Au gust 20th, ll:ilo a.m., Chas. 0. Pulis 10 S student K. & W. "Wis. Posting ad's without eon sent S Si 'S0. Not searched. Green I -I 'oinpl. ( Tinnnnn, $1.00 and costs, tf2.7, vol. appear ance, 1.00 SI. 70. 0:80 a.m., Au gust 21st, $10.00 Paid a p. by V. T. Ciillispie to appear 0 a 21st. Net." Whore Ignorance is Bliss. Miller (looking at that fascinat ing ad.), "(ice! wouldn't that make a daisy high live hand. Smith, I'll tell you what, fel lows, Fannie is a brick. .Jones (innocently), Is she a pressed brick? DURING THE SUMMER. What the Professors dil During tho Hot Weather. Professors Allen, Adams, Bates, Bruner, Edgron, Hitchcock, Inger soll, Nicholson, and Stout remained at home, and spent their time stutVing or holding special classes. P ofossors Barber, Lyons, Bur nett, Conkling, and Hodgeman studied in Chicago University. Pro lessor Sherman taught a class at Chicago University. Professor Barbour piloted the geological expedition through tho bad lands. Professor Caldwell spent a short time at Colorado Springs. Pro fessor Bates got married and cruised about the shores of Salt Lake. Professor Brace went to Europe to Study. Professor Candy went to his homo in Missouri. Professor Card went to his old home in Pennsylvania for a time, and then studied tho remainder of the summer at Cornell. Professor Fling visited Paris. Professor Davis visited tho Pa cific Coast and also attended tho wheel meet in Denver, Colo. Leiutcnant Pershing was in Den ver but left for the scene of the troubles in Chicago. He returned to Lincoln in time to act as judge of tho Suite Militia competitive drills. Professor Richards visited his homo in Indiana. Professor Tajdor wont to Now York and got married. Professor While visited his homo in Maryland. Miss Wilder was at Kansas City. Professor Wolfe was in Phila delphia. Professor Ward went to Michi gan for tho Fish Commission. On his way back he was married in Chicago, September 11th, to Miss Harriot Blair. Mr. Sinter wont to his homo out in Wostern Nebraska. Mr. G. C. Menzondorf, avIio for a number of years has been con nected with tho University as in structor of 'music, wishes to an nounce that ho lias severed his con nection with tho institution, and will hereof tor give private lessons MONEY BACK. in piano, violin, viola, eello, har mony, and theory, at his residence 15 12 K street. Tim best ami most thorough instruction at a moderate price. Only three blocks from the university. 1)K. CLARK ON FOOT MAu Thinks the Canto All Bight iVoin lOvory Standpoint. During the vacation Chancellor Caniield heard of a pamphlet which purported to set forth the undesi rable features of foot ball from a medical standpoint. Interested as ho is in all the athletic sports of the Mudonls, ho sent for some cop ies, and when Dr. Clark arrived referred them to him, with the re quest that he would examine the pamphlet anil see whether its cir culation would bo helpful. Dr. Clark read the circular carefully and then replied to the Chancellor in writing and at some length. From this reply we select the fol lowing as showing Dr. Clark's po sition, and as being suggestive and helpful to the members of tho ath letic association interested in this rame. "To boffin with I am not a foot ball enthusiast, I have played very little myself, but I have seen men made better, stronger, more cour ageous and self-reliant by foot ball practice and playing. 1 know that hard fought games have been played in a courteous and Christian way with none of the attendant ovils cited in the circular. There is no question as to many of the evils in the game as it is now played. There is also no ques tion thai an earnest attempt is be ing made to eliminate some of these evils. How successful the attempt Avill bo remains to be seen. The paper is evidently written by one who had never played foot ball. Tho writer absolutely ig nores any good features of the game or any intrinsic value which it may have, and lays to the charge of the game itself till the abuses, incidental or otherwise, which have attached themselves to it. This is not judicial fairness. Somo facts, indeed, tiro stated, but even these are warped to the purpose of the writer. There is noth ing intrinsically praiseworthy in the fact that a collego has tho 'poorest record in winning ath letic games." This condition does not anil never will exist in tho col lege that has even a good general gymnasium. Tho comparison with baseball is somewhat weak. Baseball is ac companied by quite as much of tho professional and bolting element as is foot ball. I believe no other game over played tends more directly to the development of skill, intellectuality i. e., special qualities of mind, instant obedience, united action, courage, endurance; in fact, to an all-around development, than this same much abused game." The Best Place to Buy . . . Dress Goods, Cloaks, Furs, Fur Capes, Carpets, Millinery, Shoes, and Toys Is at the Big Stores of . . '.' HERPQLSHEIMER & CO. 12TH & N STS.,1-2 BLOCK. PRICES THE LOWEST . . I lOi: TO lOli) TOOTHACHE. Tim IHle iiuiNitiiee. llu toothache, the wor.st of all din (mini, eureil in Ion than throi minute, or may he extracted with little or no imin! Fine n'olii flllingN lor stu dents nt low rates. Host (lint teeth, that will ho as good after Jift yours' service as now. Knsli whacker tooth, hest ode red lor 5. at your own price, i'lionn vi ioeth ;. Etoorj (Sting, !; tho dental lino of (ho best quality a( reasonable rates. 1208 O St. Kooiub O and 10. DEC A. IV Itl'lCKITS. Nebraska Jftmf and Suit Co., t 217 O Stroot. iWohI luilf of Trunk Tnctory.) All Wool Pants Made to Order, (IrM-i'liiHN iiml Kiiuiiiiiti'inl to tit, $!, ?l, ?r, ?u, nuil iiiwui1h. 1 Business Suits, $ir, Sl $'.'(), ami up. OVERCOATINGS, VESTINGS, Popular I'rlivN. OooiIh hoIiI liy yaril, mnl KihIm for lloy'rt I'iuiIh, oti Vow uncnlk'il for pnutM anil huIIh ut your own prlco. O. It. OAKLKY. O. X. 11oi.com, Cutter. Jacob North & Co, -(Lincoln Paper House)- BOOK AND COMMERCIAL PUBLISHERS, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS STEREOTYPING LITHOGRAPHING 4 Wholesale Paper Dealers 11 16 TO The Students' Co-operative Book Co. HANDl.i: A I.I. STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, S. E. Cor. of Baker's Clothing" House, COMPLETE LIKE OF FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS AND VALISES. -ara SultH mailo to order In OiiHtom Depnrttnuiit. ISutlrti HntlHfuotluu KUiiriuiteeil. Special Discount to Students. 1039 O Street. CALL AT- Mead's News - I'OK - Fine Cigars, Tobacco 1 Stationery.. All the Latest Novels always in Stock. '- ffltfj'JF The WORLD-HERALD and CHICA? TO delivered to any part . L. MEAD, Prop., OEA,S. B. GRE (U. OPN, 'Ol.J SELLS C At 1100 0 Street, Richards Block. O ST. Furnished Rooms and Lodging .lomm liloi'k. s W eor. I.'thiuiil I'KiN Kiitrancp l:m North leth st, REASONABLE RATES. Olllii'. room 1 id. M. V. JONES. Suits to order, . $ 16.50 to $. 5.00 Overcoats to order 1S.00 to .jo.oo Vants to order, . 3.00 to 10.00 Wo Kimrmiti'ii it ml Krop all kooiIk wo tunnm factum )u ropittr. for 8lx moittliN, friv of vhnrKO. LINCOLN PANTS CO., 12211 0 St. GEO. A. WEBB, lMini'iiiKTou or Tin: OLIP1 B A RH Kli SI IOP Spiu-lal attention pitlil to Student, (looil Work nml (JtHitlointuily Troatiaout. 129 So. 12th Street, LINCOLN, NEH. LINCOLN FRUIT STAND, I'UUOIN'Kl.M imOS., Vrops., m'.W.KIIH IN KVuitH nml Con Unit ionory, NUTB, CIGARS, AND TOBACCO. Special attention kIvoii to Htmlent ami family tnulo. OooiIh delivered to all pill two! tlio city. N.W. Cor. O and 12th Bis. HPrinters! 1122 Lincoln, Neb. University Hall. and Cigar Stand of the city by LOUIS us so, 1 AND ICAGO 7 I i 1 " J 1 L 1 yjjJWl -. I- i .&.. . '?4lr t ' ' . ".