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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1894)
mm Lft-'MiiB. HVH MMHMMMMfiiMmtauiiaMIKtthriMM e 1- Thk Nebraskan. A Wfoklv I'apor IhsmiiI at tliu UiilvorsHy ol' Nuiiiuxkit. I5NTMI1I1H AH HllOONI) Ol.ARtf MAIIi M ATTIIII. If, (I. WlllTMIHIII IMIIltMll-ClllOf A-SOlllATH llltlTOIIH. KlIHI) IIAHNIIS Atlltullu 1. II. IIATI'IM.I) , ,. IW )'. A. I'owiiuh H.mIiiiiw MlHrt MAIITIIA UtlltKfr, "1 MIS8 lll'I.KN (llllinOHY, t.,,.,1 ('. K. AllAMS. f MH"' (JllAHI.lW A. IMM.H. I EDITORIAL. Tint NitiiUASKAN would not presume to advise the lmrny-lianded sous of toil of Lincoln, Imt when tliey, In conven tion attempt to puss rusolu lions doiioutiohijj Lincoln lm iness men for oii'ployinK ! dents who work for their hoiuil, we would rise to remark that those students wlm work eiht hour, a day over their lessons and eight homs iumiv for their hoard and lodging, are as truly laboring men as are the aforemen tioned h h. sousnf toil who diseussallairs of state from 9 a. m. to H p. m. on the shady corner of Ulevenlh and O stieets A good deal of history has been made in this nation during the past few weeks, and If wo but knew it we are living in stirring time . Pioui n hundred cities and towns "armies of the commonweal,' numbering anywhere from ux to 2,o.iO men each, are marching to Washington. Coxey's army, at first a est, has giown to assume an aspect no longer mirthful, but rather grave an serious. What this movement means and in what it will end time aloi e can tell. And while these armies of the unemployed are marching, 150,000 coal miners, whose earning ag gregate over 550,000,000 annually, have quit work, and from present aspects thi strike, involving the greatest number of men of any in the history of the United States, will be of long duration and per haps entail unparalleled suffi ring before it is finally settled. Ami so we say, these are stirring times. If. you, oh. pale young man with thoi ghtful bro have some ideas of worth and originality upon these topics, write them up and boil them down and send them to Tint NlillRASKAN. The Sunday edition of the morning paper of this city Is one that is uuexcel led for general literary merit by any similiar publication this side of the Mississippi, and Tint N mm ask an is tempted to ask, how many of our stud ents have thought of the reason why? It takes 01 ly a little notice to discover the cause of thnt merit to be the students of the University of Nebraska themselves. There is scarcely a page of the lit rary supplement of every Sunday's Jmirnal that does not contain articles of worth and originality, articles displaying thought and culture, to which are ap pended the names of our students, or which, being unsigned, yet betray the ear marks of University work. Watch and see. The Nhhraskan takes a pride 111 this evidence of the tendency of our University men and women to push to the front in literary work, and is glad to mention it as testifying both to the ef ficiency of the work done in those de partmenU to which this advancement is mainly due, and to the fact that we have ta ent and brains which are bou d to manifest themselves, among our student The University of Nebraska is the center of the thought and culture of the state, and the people of Nebraska are beginning to recognize this fact The best young men and young women iu Nebraska, young people with brains and ambition are seeking every year in great er uunilers those advantages of learning ami culture and association which our University ik so abundantly fitted 1o give. This it us it should be and we hope that our students will mention such facts as thefcc to ever' one they see or write to, and ask them to tell ever, one else. That is the on'y way to build up the University, We understand that at a recent meet ing of the faculty the question of recom mending the reduction of the years of required drill from three to two was voted down by about twenty to five. It is said that it was urged at that meeting that the members of the batallion them selves were not objecting to three years of drill, and that so long as they were satisfied the proposed change was use less. Tint Nkiikaskan is satisfied that the faculty is very much mistaken if they believe that the members and prospec tive members of the batallipu do not heartily favor the reduction of the years of drill. Aside from those few whose eyes are dazzled by the brightness of shoulder straps either present or coming, the great majority of the students of Whom three years drill Is required, are and have been for many years, very much dissatisfied with so long a period of required drill. It is a suggestive fact that just as soon as it was learned that the opinion had been expressed In the faculty meeting that the students them selves dltl tiol ask for the change, that a petition was at once started praying for this reduction of the years of dril, and we are told that four out of five of the uontbers ol the biitalllon who are askeil to sign this petition can hardly write their mimes big enough and often enough to satisfy their enthusiasm. The fact is that thr e years of compul sory drill ts very distasteful to the great majority of the young men of the Uni versity, and the only itnson for which they have submitttd qutilly to this re quirement is one with which the faculty should be familiar, the constant eud"uvor of our students in con form wilhc.u grum bling or signs of dissatisfaction to the requirements of the thriculum. And so, while theie has been for a long time widespread satisfaction among students because of what seemed to them an nil leasoni'ble amount of tcquited drill, they "nave dieuied it fitting, in view of the benefits which the University is con ferring on them, to keep this dissatisfac tion to themselves. Hut now, when the statement has been made that there is 110 general objection to three years of drill, the membeis of the batidliou, in our opinion, will be perfectly justified iu letting the faculty and regency know exactly where they stand. Anil if the students should ex piess themselves with any degree uuiui imity in favor of this proposed change, the faculty and hoard of regents will cer tainly take their wishes into considera tion. We believe that if the students themselves once take their stand in re questing but two ears of required drill, Unit but little reason could longer be urged iu favor of the retention of the present term. Two years of drill should certainly be enough to fit students for that visionary conllict. And if twoyeais are not enough to satisfy individual students, they could elect as many years more as would satisfy their thirst for military glory, without compelling their fellow students, who have neither the time nor tne inclination to keep on "hepping" with them "Oh pallid young man, with wild staring eyes, How happened this most sad rebuff, oh?" Ami grinding his teeth the poor victim replies, "I wore celluloid collars and cufis, oh." CHAPIN BROS. Florists CUT FLOWERS A SPECIALTY' 1 134 O Street. THE G. MILLER TAILORING 1 Company An lleiiliiiiiiH't fu mmi i CLOTHES AT Lowest Trices. LARGEST STOCK SUPERIOR WORK ARTISTIC CUTTERS ItiiiB () ST. Lincoln, Ncbr. SULPHO-SALINE BATH HOUSE, Rheumatism Mtln. lllo0 ami Nervous (llKNisfK, I- mi ami Kidney ti(ulilei mnl chroiile ailments me treat J with uniform sum-ess. The Ho z Baths arellie Important feat res of tliU oMiilillbliiii' nt nuil ours are speedily effected where other moans Inivo fall'il. TheBH Artesian Waters are many t lines stroiuar than ocean hrine, unci tlm IIhiii,'Ii svstfiii of treat uifiit mmjii roxiilifl in toliel to lliuiilllii-lctl putioiitH All Sorts ot Baths are Iven lnoliiilltii!" jrruut hwmimluK pool MkIVI feel, mid U)aioli lo tdeop. There are NprliiK Hoards, Hhmvur mid Neellu HathsJ'nipc.uacdoihci t'oiivuuienei's. DRS. M. H. & J. 0. EVERETT, lllh and M Streets. UNCOIiN, NKII, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO STUDLNTS -:- THE T-Ior"7ro Tailoring Company 12(1 North Klcv.nth Street, Ulchards block. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Why Do you buy ready made clothing when you can have a suit 10 order for the same money? ffaiiaiiiakfii' k Brown's AT PAINE, WARTEL and BUMSTEAD'S, 1136-1138 O Street. JDC'Vall ami son list of Studnnt Customers. SHIRTS! SHIRTS! A.KRONER Mutniriiettiie.s UK wn Shirs. Thej til the lorm and 1 Icsim' the iU'. A lfUM. IINK OK . . . Men's FurnishingGoods MATS, CAPS, ETC. On .shirts pi direct Initu 1 1 i ;- niuntifactiuvi to tiiiM-iiiiHiiner. Nomlddl men's prollls. Ton p refill disentail to students. 1KUI O Street, ltasiinent State National Hank Ihiihline;. H.W. BROWN, DRUGGIST, Books and Stationer', College Text Books. And a Complete Stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Hooks. 127 South Eleventh Street. J. II. Wriulit. K.K. .Ifihiirtiu .1. II. MfCliiy. I'lt'.sldunl. Vlee-lVes-ideiil. Capillar. John A. Ames. Av'l Cali. Mhe : Columbia NATIONAL BANK LINCOLN, NBIl. CAPITAL 250,000. DIltKOTOKS A . f1. Itnyin nd. Chug. West. Tho. Cochrane. Hutchins & Hyatt MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Canon City, Rock Springs, Pennsylvania Anthracite All Kinds o( GOAL & WOOD on Hand 1004-OSt. Telephono 225. DR. T. O'CONNOR,. (Siireot-bor to Dr. Charles Siinrlhoj Cures Cancers,Tumors Wdiik mnl I'isl hifl wllhoiil tho iibooI Knife, Chloioforiii or Klhor. OFFIOE 1300 O 8T. LINCOLN, - - - - NKIIUASICA. CHAS, B GREGORY (IT. Ol' N. 'HI 1 J Ah SEIIaLaS 5H At 11000 Street. n8EE- PHONE 343. he Interior Eeeorative Eomp'y unci 4s .11111 3M TH E2a NUi 1 la II SittA. x Snniplus Njg , lii " " -1 -"iwiinniii j OUK ICkC CKEAM PARLORS- AR13 NOW OP!N. '1 he 13est Candies, lee Cream nnd Soda Water in the City. Always open after Society. s;,fcl,llK ($&MtAj 'Phone 681 SUBSCRIUIi.. KOI! . . . SOMBRERO As only a limited number of copies will be issued. Leave Your Orders with the Business Managers At Once! Order at least 5 copies of the Neatest : Annual "SsrtSfCKvcr issued at the University TOCHN &. CMEDEY, Business Managers EXTRAORDINARY OFFER ! IN ORDER TO BRING TH Within reach of all the Stud nts, the management has decided to offer the paper for the remaninder of the year for if you wish to keep posted on University news, Subscribe. i APITAL CAFE U MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS C. W. BRANDHORST, Prop. - 121 North Eleventh St. ROOKS, STATIONERY - 'Window SliiHlcsnuil Mouldings, Artists' and Photographers' Materials, Drawing Instruments and Supplies. -bA:T. LEMING & CO., 1106 0 St., 1i8 H. 11th St. R. R. MOORE, President. R. R. HROWN, Vice President. C. II. IMHOPR, Cashier. -IUnin Savings S-ankI- hi South Tenth Street. mBBBB INTEREST paui0n Savings and Time Deposits. Students Who Patronize Vkm & Wmpel The Q:oth'ers Will Never Regret It. , n Qf They Sell Stylish Clothing at 2130 U Cat. Hoot Reasonable Prlcos. telephone? - CLARKSON LAUNDRY COMPANY "- bec 330-3-4 S. 1 llh St. Carpets Weill Paper iAti i J icin LATEST SIYL S, THE BEST MAKES, and I HE LOWEST PRICES TJX"Y TJS wmftmr- r.30-2.3S S. alovonth Stroot AC TMK EBRaSKaN The Only First-class EalnR House in ho City, $6 Ticket - - - $5.00 5 T.ckot - - - 4.20 3 Ticket - - - 2.60 WALL PAPERS . iu