The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, April 20, 1894, Image 3

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Don't forget to onlcr n copy of the
1'rofcHHor Joh wan III for a few lny
Inst week,
MIhh Ilarluy Hpont Saturday and Him
ilny in Crete.
The Huydcn t(h Club met in Chapel
l'lpes nre quite fnnliiomiMc nt Uulvor
ulty bait tfiui'CH, J
MeBsrH, Dixon mid DuflT spent Sunday
in Nebraska City,
Tlic U. of N. nine plnyrt with the Cot.
uer team Saturday,
MIhh Unit of Onmlui Ih vl'tiltiiiK her
friend MIhh Curtlee,
II. A. Wise, the Ilalrcuttcr, t Thir
teenth and O HlrcctH.
Youtitf Indies are fond of flattery, es
pecially Mr, lMiittcry,
Mr. W. S. Mcl.ucnn spent ltiHt Sunday
at bin home in I'nirlniry.
MIhh Gelletly of I'nirbury will spend
.gunriny with Miss Whiting
A UniverHity party will be jiven Fri
day evening at I, mining Hall,
MIhh Hall of Omnhn Ih the gucbt of
MIhh Kstelle Curtis thia week.
Messrs Tines and Pope joined the
Unions on last Friday evening,
Iook for the new Freshman hats.
Simple, graceful and convenient.
The seats on the campus are being ex
tensively utili'.cd between rains.
Mts. Richards, wife of Professor Rich
ards, has been ill for the past week.
The Delian officers for the third "per
iod" were "initiated" Friday night.
Interest in tennis is reviving under the
influence of returning warm weather.
It is about time that the annual Junior
Senior banquet was being arranged for.
The Freshmen will give a reception
on the twenty-Seventh at Temple Hall.
.Statistics show that the Glee Club
boys gained five pounds each on their
J. B. Barnes of Norfolk was in town
looking after the welfare of his son John
B., Jr.
i An inforriuH xryecption was given for
' the Glee Club in Union Hull Moudny
iThe Hayden Art Club had" a very in
teresting meeting in the Chapel Tuesday
. ' evening.
The new shapes in Fedora and Stiff
Hats have arrived at the Kwing Clothing
Every student in the University should
, subscribe for at least one copy of the
Junior Annual,
. The Sophomores and Freshmen arc go
idg to indulge in n dance nt-xt Friday
evening at Temple Hall.
Just arrived, today, the Intc Nobby
Shapes in Neckwear. New patterns.
'tj Ewing Clothing Company.
' '"' M'iss Cay ford of San Francisco will dc-
,, Hyena lecture'on the' "American G rl" in
. the Chapel Saturday afternoon.
' ' ft." might be well for the persons who
swipe the college papers out of the mail
boxes to take out a subscription.
The Alcazar Shoe Store is making it
lObjcct for Students to trade with
them. New and Stylish Goods Cheap.
1406 O street.
The New Members program of Delian
'4(, society will be given on Friday evening.
An especially meritorious program has
been arranged.
If you are looking for a new suit of
Clothes and want Style, Quality and
something Reliable, go to the Ewing
Clothing Company.
Several old University boys came down
from Omaha Tuesday to attend the Iight
Infantry minstrel show. Among them
Were Messrs. J. B. McDonald and Nor
man Fetert.
The Shakespeare class,having taken up
the study of Othello, are learning how to
full in love systematically. This will
undoubtedly be of great practical bene
fit to n large number of the class.
A picked class of girls from the Uni
versity Gymnasium will assist in the Y.
M. C. A. exhibition at the Lansing next
week.. The girls will take the place of
the ladies' class ot the Y. M. C. A. gym
nasium. Botanizing parties are becoming quite
popular. A singular story is abroad of
one gallant young man who took two
young ladies to Saltillo to hunt speci
mens. The moral that goes with this
story is: "Boys be careful to have money
to pay railroad fare in case your horse
puns away,'-'
tUe Annual hon Just gone to pros,
Now Ih the time to "oppress" thu mali
ngers with your subscriptions,
It Is repoited that the Kappa Knppn
Gumma fraternity pledged three jmuiik
ladles for lulllntlon Into the mysU't .'ft ol
Hint society,
"Ate wu going to hnve ciimp this
yenr?" This question is troubling the
minds of the Cadets. Of course thuy nil
wnnt to go,
The batalllou "showed olT" before
the Regents Inst Wednesday evening,
llatnlllon drill is being held every drill
evening now.
It was henrd remarked that the Kelly
brnuch of Coxey's army avoided passing
through Lincoln on account of the Uni
versity Cadets,
There hns been considerable misuu
dcrstuudiug over the society exhibitions
In the annual, It has dually beuu de
cided not to charge for space as at first
The interest . itt field-day sports Is
shown by the grent number of men in
training for the events. All the athletic
ally inclined in the Uiiivi rally should
turn out and help to make local field
day a success,
At a called meeting of the Junior clnss
the following officers were elected for
the spring term: Einnta Boose, presi
dent; A. J. Weaver, vice-president; Ella
McCrosky, secretaty; J, W. Searsou,
treasurer; and W. V, Honglnnd, ht-gcant-ol-nrms.
One of our venerable post-graduates
was going around "broke" the other
day innocently unaware that he had
nine dollars in the bank. One of the
Seniors, too, was very much surprised to
find he was two dollars richer than he
thought. These two arc recommended
as subjects for psychological experiments.
They should be made cxninples of.
Intelligence was received at the Uni
versity yesterday afternoon announcing
the death of E. A. Thomas, a former
member of the class of '9.. Ever since
leaving school his health was quite poor
and he was compelled to spend most of
his time in Colorado, where his death
occurred. He was a very bright young
man and exceedingly popular while in
the University. His ninny friends will
deeply regret to hear of his death.
A mass meeting of the students was
held in the Chapel yesterday afternoon
for the purpose of taking some action
relative to the proposed joint debate with
Kansas State University. The Chnir
wns authorized to appoint a committee
of five to confer with a like committee of
the faculty, and make all the arrange
ments. The committee will report nt a
future meeting, notice of which will be
announced later.
A great surprise was experienced by
many young ladies, friends of Mr. Eu
gene Brown, when it was announced
that he was a charter member of the
new Delt Chapter. Mr. Brown did not
wish to shock the people too greatly at
first so he took a little pleasure trip be
fore entering school again after the
event. Of course it is understood that
this is Shakespeare's old method of
working up interest in behalf of a favor
ite. The second joint debate between the
U. B. D. C. and Cotner University will
be held in the chapel on May 1 1. The
question for discussion is: "Resolved
that the principles.nnd policy of the A.
P. A. are inexpedient and un-American."
The U. B. D. C. affirm the question.
Judging from the large number of Uni
versity students that yelled for the boys
at Cotner, our chapel will be entirely too
small to accommodate the crowd.
Thu young Indies of Knppn Knppn
Omiimn had a mailing Inst .Saturday af
ternoon nl llio hoiilt' of Miss Una Klok-
...... ,(.. ,JH.. ,..i mi.,., tt ;., ri. 1
tun, itiirtu hiivii (i jui m inn ciimvin tuir
mid Miss Pnscoor were pledged. After
the plt'dumg service mi elegant dinner
,ih ..i. AhtiiU ihlily Knppas were
It is unfortunate that so smnll 11 mini I
her of students attended the Glee Club
reception In Union Hull on last Monday
evening, This was doubtless due to the
short notice given, us well us to lnck of
systematic preparation. As it wns, only
about one-third of the Club were in
attendance and but a small number of
students were present to extend to them
hearty eougrntulntions on their success
ful lour and a cordial welcome home.
Thu (Jills' Gymnasium exhibit is the
principal event for May, The girls are
working much balder under their new
Instructor, Mr. l'lnlterj, than thuy have
ever worked before Few complaints nre
beard and the girls are very enthusiasti
cally planning for what promises to be
an excel'i'iit exhibit Several new na
tures will be introduced. A new clns In
fencing hns been orguui?ed. A volun
teer class of thirty girls will work with
single slicks, a picked class of leu will
work with sabres and two of thu girls
will have a regular fencing bout. Indi
vidual work on the flying rings, bars,
and so on, will bunn nttrnctivu feature.
There will be olnss work as follows:
Fancy marches, walking exercises, club,
dumb bell and bar drills, running exer-
crcises and work on the various machines.
Wo earnostly Invito all Stu
dents to visit our store before
makinp any purchases jn the
line of Dry Goods, Cloaks.
Ladies' Furnishing Goods and
Men's Furnishing Goods. Our
stocks are especially attractive.
Wo refor new students to any of
the professorsor any old stu
dent In the University as to
our manner of doing business.
Very respectfully,
133 to 135 South Eleventh St.
Dr. A. P. Burrus,
1S08 o STB
At a meeting of the students of the
Electrical Engineering department, on
Saturday evening, April 7, the Society of
Electrical Engineers was formed and
the following officers elected: M. M.
Maghee, president; IS. N. Corbin, vice,
president; C. A. Skinner, secretary, and
C. Warner, treasurer. The object of
the society is to further the interests of
electrical engineers and to, lead to broad
er practical individual investigation.
Semi-annual entertainments will be
given by the new organization.
In the columns of last Sunday's State
Journal appeared an article entitled,
"History and Fiction," by Charles
Kuhlmau of the University. Prof.
Fling's good training in historical evi
dence shows to a great advantage here.
Mr. Kuhlman's plan was to criticize an
account of the battle of Issus in a prev
ious edition of the Journal, in which he
succeeded admirably. The class in Greek
and Roman History spent the recitation
hour on Tuesday trying to tear apart
some of Mr. Kuhlman's statements.
In Female, Nervous
and Chronic L'lseascs
Impotence. Sleiility,
Netiinstlicnin, hc
unl Kxlimi'Uiou mid
nil ilcrnuKemeiit.s o!
the Stnmncli, 1.1 ver
ami Wood mic(x-k-hilly
trcnlcd liy lilm.
Oflico, 1127 0 Street,
Officii lny 1 In City
Tuosdays, Thursdays
and ban
As a local antusthctlc. Phenate 0
Cocaine Is the best yet known, and is
not followed by any unpleasant symp
toms or soreness of the gums. The
dental bulldozer who reported that we
had ulceration and sloughing of the
Sums, had ho lived in the. time of
t. Peter, ho would have been buried
with Ananias and Scphiru! It is the
best agent for common use, and en
tirely without danger. It is only
those who use hydrate of chloral In
excess that arc troubled with ulcer
ation of the gums.
Is used much of late, and is inter
mediate in its eil'ects, between chloro
form and gas, and less expensive than
the latter.
Is preferable to other agents In most
cases where several sore.inflamcd teeth
are to bo extracted at a single sitting
Wo have used chloroform extensively
for over thirty years without accident.
generally works well where there is noi
more than two or three teeth to be
extracted, but is more dangerous thnn
is generally supposed, especially when
the capacity of the lungs hns been
diminished by disease or the heart
dilated. Several deaths from its use
have been reported in medical journals
of late. Dental journals do not publish
theso cases for fear of injuring the gas
u jin vjjiimuuuiujiiu.
Standard Bicycle
oif the Woirild,
graceful, light, nud strong, this product
of the oldest bicycle oBlabllnhment In
America Hi ill retains its place ut the
head. Always well up to the time or
11 little in advance, it well-denervednnd
ever Increasing popularity is a source of ,
pride and gratification to its ninkurs.
To rido n bicycle and not to ride n
Columbia i to fall abort of the fulleiit V
enjoyment of 11 nobla spoil.
Pope Mffff, Co,,
Boston, New York,
.Chicago, Hartford,
A lionnllfnl WiiMrntcil camIkkih free
ntany Columbia flReiuy, or mailed fur
two two-coat nintnpi.
fV L. Shader's Cycle Store
1 426 O Stroot, n ' V 1
All Work carefully executed by VM. I , A II I 0 K I ftJ () ACt
OSCHSKNHUUCIIHU. formerly with! I fl, I I I V I J I'jlN
the l'opclManf'g Co., Chicago, 111. V' ' UNI Ml 11' l-IUJVIVkJ
has long been used yith great success
in brief operations, but is not well
adapted to prolonged surgical oper
ations. But very few accidents have
happened from its effects, and those
mostly from its prolonged use.
A Spring
If you do, it will pay you to call ou
11827 O STK.EET
We have just received au excellent line of Spring and
Summer goods. Prices low as the lowest. The
usual courtesies extended to students.
Dr. A. P. Burrus,
1208 O STREET.
Molar Roots Banded
with Gold and Porcelain Crowns,
the finest and most durable
cro-.vns over made, and unexcelled
for "jaauty.
Repairing Neatly Done
At the Lowest Prices.
1010 V ST.
finutuntool Ohio CollojiO of Dcntnl Surgery.
Olllee AIpmiikIci' lllk. Ilooms 2Snii(12.".
Cor. 12th and 0 Sts.
Teas, Coffees and Spices.
1 234 O STREET.
Police Itoasted TTM . .
Tw Ice a Wcok. i- x!-L. 04-
Removable Bridge Work
AU Gold or part Vulcanite.
We are putting up the finest remoT
able bridge work on gold and French
Vulcanite over mudo, superior to anyi
thine over before o (To rod to the public.
Can be worn with the greatest comfort,
and costs less than ordinary bridge
work. Is easy to ropalr, but seldom
breaks or needs repairing. We alio
put up artificial tooth with gold palate,
t.lio finest artificial teeth ever made.
All work warranted first class or no
t;ilo. This style of work Is supreme
perfection for public spoakors.
Aluminum can be used instead of gold,
f desired. The back undor molars can
be restored with the groatest perfec
tion which are so usoful, and prevent
iho cheeks from sinking in,
Fine gold fillings of puro gold at very
reasonable rates.
Dr. A. P. Burrus,
(noon 0 and 10, 1208 o firman-,
m W
3UJJd- mr
J-. ijt-tr v
&TRA ake the best.
lntr id ,i a huh mure 1 tin ii the prlro
cliiii'Coil lor Hi,' imlmurv Inulo CltriiU'llcs,
III IliKll HIS BRAND superior lo allotliers.
The Richmond Straight Gut No. I
nro nnulp from tin lirtRlilcst, most ilollcnto
In iliiMir, uikI IiikIii'i cost GOLD LEAF '
urown In nirinlii.
Unit thu mum' of Urn iiinnufiiutururti us
below la on uery packagu.
yw mtANCH WT, wrtmoND Virgins
jC. E, SPHHR, M. D.
'Practice Llmltou" to DIhcujos of t o
EYE Ann wncsTT EAR
OIubscn Carefully Adjust ort.