IjyuW.mHiiMurm LAW NOTES. About n dozen Seniors met recently to take the bar examination; but upon conferring together they concluded that a diploma from the University would be more creditable thnn "pass " by the bar committee. Mr. Watson telegraphed tlmt it would be impossible for him to fulfill his ap pointment this week, The Seniors are struggling, with no vory brilliant results, over executory de vices, and other equally puzzling and uaeletB estates in land. The Cadet Hand is a very praiseworthy organization; but it has a way, all itB own, of playing right in front of the lec ture room windows, as a result of which demurrers, music and laud titles get very much mixed up. In looking up statistics in regard to Iaw School matters Mr. Williams has found that there arc about sixty-five stu dents now enrolled, thirteen of whom are graduates of colleges and universi ties, and that seven stutes are repre sented. One of our Seniors appeared on behalf of the city in an amusing case in the po lice court a few days ago, in which it wus sought to punish a man for selling a chicken that was too old for boarding house purposes. Of course such a state of facts could ijot be proved, and the of fender was discharged. ATHLETIC NOTES. We are pleased to note an increasing interest in base ball at the University. Several games have been arranged. We expect to see some good ball played here thiB year. Turn out boys and take a hand in the practice. The manager is looking for new material. You may be the man he's looking for. Field day will soon be here. To those rrho are athletically inclined, we would ay that this is about the time of the year when the winnei s begin to train. Make this year's record better than those of the past. Come out ye athletes. Start early and train aG if you meant busineu. Don't let one oiganization cany ofif all the honors this year. Each society and fraternity should be repre nted in as many events as possible. What has become of that inter-state athletic mret of which we heard so much some time ago. If suitable financial in ducement is offered, the University of Nebraska will send her quota of athletes. The board of dirctors of the jAthletic association should cast about for some means of paying its debts. A little ex ertion is all that is needed to raise the money. There are numerous alumni in the city who would be glad to assist the association. Doubtless Mr. Crawford and two or three students would gladly exchange their claims for cash. Why not defeat the boys from Doanc in the tennis tournament this year. All we need is practice. We have enough players and good grounds. Give us a surprise this year, boys, ami see how we like it. The University nine went to Crete one day last week. Fisher, Mathews, Sear son. Graham, Talmadge, W. M. John ston, Weaver, J. H. Johnston and Mc Mullan were the players. It was a lively game. The question is who won ? LITERARY. H. Muriou Crawford is one of the few American uuthors of any note who can properly be called romanticists. We say American advisedly, for Mr. Crawford is neither a native of this country nor has lie spent enough of his life here to properly entitle him to the name of an American writer. He has chosen American subjects for but very few of his stories, and not for His best, by any means. Iu fact he has rather slighted merica. lie has not shown a due appreciation of the fact that this country is rich in material for the nove list. Perhaps it is from the very fact that he i3 a romanticist that he has chosen to lay his scenes in the old world, for to be sure we have no ivy-covered castles nor baronets, and our traditions do not go back very far. Or perhaps it is because of his education abroad that he is so fond of dealing with foreign characters and places. His intimate knowledge of the life of a large part of the civilized world has enabled him to touch on certain phases of existence in many countries. We are sometimes tempted to think that he has sacrificed reality and accuracy of detail to dra matic effect, but the effect is usually so good that we are little disposed to quar-1 rcl with the probability. We ure so in terested in the hero or heroine that we forget all our little modern Idias of real ism for the lime and thoroughly enjoy the story, His slvle is smooth, even polished, and shows the effect of a care ful and liberal education. Ho often goes to extremes and displays n knowl edge unnecessarily erudite, but the greater marvel h that he has been able In the course of an ordinary lifetime to sec and absorb so much that most men scarcely take time to read about. His experience of German student and pro vincial life furnished him the material for "Greifensteln," his long residence in Italy enabled him to write a series of stories of Italian life, his experiences In India prompted "Mr. Isaacs," his first novel, and his extensive travels have given him the inspiration for many other works. He has yet to write a thoroughly good American story. LOCAL. Miss Uassett joined Union society on last l'riday evening. Prof. Ward will address the Palladiau society on Friday evouing. All write-ups for the Annual must be in by Monday next at six o'clock. Phi Delta Theta will entertain next Wednesday evening, at Lansing hall. Prof Bates was a successful participant in the Hare and Hound chase held last Saturday. Sigma Chi, Beta Theta Pi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon will occupy the boxes at the Glee Club concert. C. M. Skilcs, '92, spent Monday in the city for the purpose of attending the contest in the evening. C. Reach, of Washington, formerly of the class of '89, was a guest of his old classmate, Tom Allen, last week. The Palladians have arranged for three boxes at the Glee Club concert in the Lansing on Monday evening. The young ludies of' Kappa Kappa Gamma will give a musicale at the home of Miss Whedon on the evening of the 3 ist. The Y. W. C. A. has organized a chorus which practices once a week. As many young ladies as possible should give it their aid. Are we going to have a vacation or are we not? Charter Day recess was pleas ant, but it was not enough to last for four months. A special police force should be em ployed to restrain the hilarious "Preps" from destroying furniture in chapel dur ing the noon hour. Prof. Bruner and A. C. Paucost had a very pleasant duck hunt on the Platte, near Ashland, last Saturday. They fuil to report material results. The judges are now at work determin ing the winners in the prize-story and poem contest. The result will be an nounced as soon as possible. On last Friday evening, all the Liter ary societies pased resolutions unani mously endorsing Fisher as candidate for float delegate to the Inter-state con vention. A move has already been made to pro vide for the June program of the literary societies, and on Friday evening a joint committee will be appointed to com plete the arrangements. A "Y. M. C. A. Wedding" recently took place at the parlors of the Misses Bcklesaud McCrosky, Miss Tremaiu offi ciating, after which the wedding party took supper at the Weldeu. On Wednesday evening, March 28,. Judge Lambertson of Lincoln will ad dress the Political Science Club in chapel on the subject, " The Practical Work ings of the Treasury Department as I Know Them." Perhaps one of the best general de bates ever held iu the history of the so ciety was indulged iu y the Palladians last Friday evening. It was a truly co educational affair as both men and wo men participated with equal glee and freedom. A girl's debating club is a new thing iu this institution, and it promises to be a good thing. Too many of the girls devote their time to their regular studies and give no attention to the questions of the day. This club will be a means by which all the important questions may be discussed. Notwithstanding the severe dust last Saturday evening, the first year classes in American history attended almost to a man the reception tendered by Prof, and Mrs. Caldwell at their home on Twenty-fourth street. A characteristic good time is reported by all present. GoldgmbbiTs Is the Cheapest place in FRANK PACAL, BOOTS AND SHOES HADE TO ORDER, Repairing Neatly Done At the Lowest Prices. 1040 P ST. LINCOLN, NKH. SULPHO-SALINE BATH HOUSE, Rheumatism Hkln. Hlond and Nervous iIImcubus, LiVur and Kidney troubles mid elironlo ulimentH arc (routed with uniform StteeOBH. The Ho 5 rt Baths iiretlio Important feat res or this OKtubllsIiim nt and cur me speedily oll'eeted where other means Imvo Hilled. Thesu Artoslan Waters are ninny times HtroiiKor than ocomi brine, mid the (IiomuikIi system of treatment mmhi resutiH In toller to thuultllulcd put Units. All Sorts ot Bathu are Ivon Ineludliu; a tfroat swIimnliiK pool Wl.xlvi feel, ami '.j loll 10' tdoop. Thore are Spring lloanta, Hhowor 11 ml Needle Hatli8,'J'iape.oi:r,d other conveniences. DRS. M. H. & J. 0. EVERETT, Nth and M Streets. LINCOLN, NKII. R.H OAKLEY, iouosl Handles all the best grades of COAL Rock Springs Nut and Lump. Canon City (Genuine). Hurricane. Colorado Smokeless. Vernon and Silver Creek Nut. Scranton, Lakawaumt, Lehigh, Colorado and Arkansas Hard Coals. Don't fail to try our SMOKKLKSS and Vernon Coal. Best values in the market. Telephone 66. Nicely Furnished Rooms Gun, Steuni Heat, and Water iu every room. Lansing & Hull lllook. At 1334 O STREET. Lincoln Colto of Music MR. J. L. FRANK, Director. Voieo Department, - Pino nrrraii w iijyu uifiuii. Theory and Harmony. MRS. KATE HKKWSTHK CHENI2V, Volco Department. MHS. GEUTUUDE WHITTKN, IM11 o Dcnaitmoiit. MIL HENUY LK1TNEH, Violin Department. MISS LILL1E EICHE, Teacher of Vlollncello. MISS KATE SCOTHOHN, Elocution und Dramatic Art. Competent Instructors In Music, Elocution and Dramatic Art. Brace Building 1 5tb k 0 Sis., Lincoln. Neb. H.W. BROWN, DRUGGIST, ooks aiid Stationery, CoLLF.GK TlCXT BOOKS. And a Complete Stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Hooks. 127 South Eleventh Street. TELEPHONE 270. LAUNDRY COMPANY - 330-3-4 S. 1 Ith St. THE A. M, DAVIS CO. Carpets 1 1 1 2 O Street. Furniture 2 1 1 South Eleventh St, LINCOLN, NEB. Boston Stohb. town for Clothing, Dry Goods, (P. &TVXW TL .. 1 ARK THE IIEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS Who are Will- lux to pay 11 little more Hum tliu pilco elmiwd rortlie oidlimr.v trade Cluarctle.x, wllllliul THIS BRAND superior loullollii'is. The Richmond Straight Cut No. I nre niiide limn the lirlulitest. most delicate In iliivor, mid lilitliosl cost GOLD LEAF ; mown In Virginia. r BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, ami observe Hint I In- luitiH' or 1 110 iimnuracliiH'M ai below ls on every package. W nnANCH " TucitMOND Virginia N?vwirrc:S s3 Fine foot form - SHOES Usual Courtices Extended to Studeuts. J. II. KVANS, Prest. and Treas. 327, 329, 331 N. Telephone 199. RAT KOLSOM'S- Home-Made Bread VIENNA BAKERY. The Largest and Finest. Assort ment of Candle In the State. Families and l'ai-tlus sup plied with lee Cream, lees. etc. etc. 1!W7 O STKEIiT. - - - PHONE. (VII. We Told You to Take the BURLINGTON When You Started on that Trip. Don't yon wish you had taken our davice? USEFUL HOLIDAY GOODS. mis Lauiiary Cony W. R. Dennis Co., 1137 O St. RATTERS, : FURRIERS, FURNISHERS. BAKER'S CGLOTHIN HOUSE - Complete Line of Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises, iiiIm iiiMili loonlci mi iihliim Deputtineiit Kntlie Millnfurtlnii guaranteed. -11J2" C) Street. 5fcJN(D m,W You Want a SPRING SUIT MJLC. BHLBRS, ERCBaNT TaiLOR ?-. Repairing and Cleaning also Neatly Doue. 116 South Eleventh St. u Corner P and Tenth Sts. NCOLN, - NEBRASKA. and General Morohandise. Now In Yuiii' Opportunity Iohuvo money on AIE. FLEMING'S, 1224 0 St Who Inn Just received a nice line of CloekH, Walulii'H, Jewelry, Diamonds. Silverware, etc. Optician Coiiiio ted with the Store. 0, F. LAMBERTSON, D. D, S. LINCOLN, NPJI1. (1 1 minute or OliloColloyo of Dentnl Hurgery. Ollleo Alexander Milt. IIooiiih J.8 and 1. Cor. 12th and 0 Sts, C. E, SPHHR, M. D. Pmetlco Limited to Diseases of t u EYjCJ AMn nocp EAKJ GliiHBen Carefullv Adjusted. 1215 O STREET, LI COLN, NE . Highest Quality Lowest Prices. BARR PARKER, llOS O Street. C. C. QUIGGLK, Secy, and Mgr. 12th STREET. LINCOLN, NEB. H. HANSEN. Cloanlnfi and T A '( T f"D Repairing. A aXJ..LI. Special Inducements to Students. lt'il N STUEET. J. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent.. OMAHA. G. W. IJONNELL, City Passenger Agent. LINCOLN. MODERATE PRICES, PTICHL liUQRK AND Lens Treatment for the Eyes. I.eiiM'H for Far SIkIH. Near Sljfht. AHtlyniiillHiii, Ciohk'iI K t'H, titled In HiieciiieleH. Eye OIuhhch, koIiI or Meol U'lisesoranypiirtHof Frame inaaufiiutiirecl to rdor 0. E. THOMPON, MWaunr.,nB ' 1214 O Street. 0 ww JW'Speolal Inducements are offered to Studenta.1 r 1 ,.-, r' if najgEiESSi vmnwMN