The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, March 23, 1894, Image 2

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    Thk N ran u. ask an.
A Wooklv I'nptir ImiimI lit Ilin UiiIvoimII)' of
KNTHIIKI) AS Hiicond ('i,hh Mail Mattiiii.
A. K. MnrmtoitiiNtn' Killtor-lifClilof
II. (1. WiHT.Miimi UiiHiHfs Miuinuoi'
Ij. II, Pir.smmv I.llontry
Kami IlAitNiw Atlilotlii
I, II. llATKIIlf.11 ..I.IIW
w. f.. Vi:hti:iimn.v U.ilmnin
MlH IlKI.KN (Illl'.dOIIV.
C, riUii.iri.
Enster Is the appropriate time for new
clothes, In honor of the season tile
NitliKASKAN appears in 11 new form.
We feci that this Is necessary in onler to
give room for the news of nn ever grow
ing institution like the U; of N. We
hope to receive an increase of patronage
to correspond with the increased amount
of reading matter which we propose to
furnish. The quality will be up to and
even above our old standard.
With this issue the editor-in-chief of the
NmiRASKAN must make his farewell, in
his official capacity, to the public. Pres
sure of regular school work compels him
to lay down the pen which he has
wielded with pleasure to himself if not
with profit to his readers. In so doing
he wishes to thank the university public
for the forbearance they have shown to
his shortcomings and to thank his col
leagues for their able assistance. To them
he cheerfully gives credit for what has
been done well and with equal cheerful
ness taken the blame for what has been
done ill. With every good wish for the
future success of the paper, he hands it
over to his successor.
We heartily endorse the action of
Professor Adams in attempting to arran
ge a debate between the University of
Kansas and the University of Nebraska.
A joint debate will awake new interest in
debating in both institutions. There is
no doubt that the students of the Uni
versity are in favor of the debate. Ar
ranginents should be made at once for
the year's contest. Just at present the
students of the University are not in
favor of quitting the Oratorical Associa
tion. We need not. Oratory and de
bating are not antagonistic. They arc
both helpful in developing 11 good speak
er, but if we can have bnt one, let us
quit oratory and arrange a joint debate.
It is more practical. The debater tries to
convince; he argues. He has a point to
carry. He must be shrewd, logical,
earnest. The orator, in an oratorical
contest, strives more to please than to
convince. He sacrifices substances to
form. When the student leaves his
Alma Mater, he leaves behiud him col
lege oratory, but not debating. He then
learns in active life the benefit of college
debates. We would not forsake the
oratorical contest, but let us have a joint
From all prospects at present the Uni
versity of Nebraska will have an excel
lent baseball team. There are many
promising new men, and with such of
the old meji as arc still with the team
the prospects are most encouraging.
The boys have taken advantage of the
recent fiue weather and already play
good ball. As yet the team has taken
no definite form, but one thing, at least,
is certain, when formed there will still
be a good nine. What we wnnt, both
in the football and baseball teams, are
men who have trained and worked for
their posiiions. Competition for the va
rious positions is what develops a win
ning team. Let every baseballist be on
the practice grounds and encourage the
The continual agitation upon the "bru
tality of football has led the lovers of
that sport to investigate the matter.
Captain Dern of our team has received
the following letter from Walter Camp,
the great coach of Yale:
Nbw Havrn, Conn., March 6, 1894.
Capt. University Pootoam. Tkam.
Dear Sir: Enclosed please find set of
blanks with proper stamped envelope
for return. Will you kindly get the
members of your team of '93 to fill in
the blanks and return them to me by as
early a day as possible?
Thanking you in advance for the kind
ness, pray believe me,
Truly yours,
Wai.tkii Camp.
P. H As a spi'cinl favor will you gel
some member of the faculty to enclose
with these a brief statement (I say brief
because I do not want, to impose upon
his time too much, but I should be glad
of anything he would write) of Lis opin
ion of tle effect of the sport upon the
scholarship and discipline of the stu-
dents at the University of Nebraska.
The blanks enclosed ask the following
1. How many years, both in school and
college, did you pin" football?
12, What was the most serious injury
you ever received on the field?
3. Was it permanent?
1. Was it received in practice or in a
f. Did you consider yourself in good
condition at the time?
(5. Do you consider the general effect of
the sport upon you physically and
mentally, good or bad?
It is not known whether these statis
tics ate being taken simply lo gel at the
truth or falsity of the growing stories,
which are gradually drawing popular
prejudice against tL? game, or whether
they are to be used in connection with
the proposed change? in the rules.
Notes on the Contest.
The Wesleyaus are to be commended
for the royal manner in which they
entertained the delegates and the officers
of the State Association. After the con
vention, Chancellor Crook tendered
them a reception and then the college
banqnettcd them. It is a matter of re
gret that some of the delegates did not
stay to enjoy the festivities.
A very common remark made by stu
dents or our neighboring College during
the late fight over the float delegate was,
"I can't understand you fellows at the
State. When we have a fight here we
never speak to our opponents, we say
everything mean we can of each other,
but you seem to be the best of fricuos.
To a stranger you seem to be working
harmoniously together ami have nothing
but good words to say of each other."
We can only say that we do not go into
the fight like little children, and pout
around if we are defeated. We may not
go to Chapol every morning, and once in
a while we are guilty of studying on
Sunday; we may not be posted on the
latest theological discusions, but we
learn what is of much more importance,
to treat our fellow students like men as
much entitled to their opinions as we
The burning question of the hour is,
"What did the judges on the state con
test cost?" The NUIiKASKA WKSI.VAN.
The above is a slander on men who kind
ly consented to act as judges in our late
contest. The character of the judges
makes it unnecessary to answer this slur.
This local is the ofisprim; of Mr. Shank's
distempered mind immediately after the
contest and ho perhaps he is excusable.
"The contest wheel has received one
more turn. Oratory and the Louisaiia
State lottery scheme seems to be some
what mixed up "The Wusi.VAN.
Oh, Nd, Mr. Shank, no one questions
your right to fourth place.
The Kill-Time Whist club had the first
meeting Saturday evening. The club
enjoyed the delightful hospitalities of
Mrs. llerlett at her fine residence, corner
Sixteenth and K. The first meeting was
an experiment but the success was so
pronounced that regular meetings will
be arranged for the rest of the year, and
prizes will be given to the winners. The
club is composed of those who play the
game because they like it, and belong to
this club because they like the members
therein. Members present were: Misses
Ames, Ingersoll, Priel, McDowell, Rey
nolds. Grace Thompson, llerlett, Sizer,
Messrs. Saunders, Clements, Yont, Er
win, Shreve, Kimball, Lyons, B. Wilson,
Great Rock Island Routi
Almost all of the cuts and engravings
for the Junior Annual have been ordered.
The Annual will go to press April 1 and
will be issued on or about the first of
May. Those wishing copies should sub
scribe at once us only a limited number
will be issued.
Ah toiiK a Hum iih David rolmu'il, no limit liiii
tlic CMilrimo, Hook IhIuimI - Paul lie railway
run traliiH ivcHtwunl from (IiIi'iiro,
tit Mock Inland In Ciimiui-n In iiiloptluir an
lit "iiIiiko ealmilalcd lo Improve npeed and
Kl m Unit luxury, mit'cly and comlorl Unit
popular pntroniiKe demuudH. Its rqiilpnu'iit
IritluimiiKlily complete with v Hlllniled IriiliiH,
iiiiijtiilllcMint illnlnir cms, Mlccpurrt and clnilr
onohcrt, all the most clcxtuil and ol leceutl.v
Improved puttcrnti,
I'lilllifal andeiipiitileunimiKeincnt and polite
linnuHl service from employcHiire Important
Item They mini double duty-to tlio Com
punj ami to travelers -mid It Is tmmctlmcH
lank dllllmilt of aecompllidiincnt. I'ltKHvniturii
011 tills llnu will flitil Utile eaiitiu for complaint
on tliatKixmud,
The Importance of tlilt line can he lictter
understood II' a short lesson In KeoKiaphy he
now reviled.
What lit the ureal eastern termini ol' the
Hock Inland itmtel- (.'hleaxo, What olhei
Hiib-eiicterii termini has It V I'cnr.ii. To what
Impmtaiit points does It run train to the
norUivi'nt?-.St. I'liuluiul MlnneupollH. Mliuie
not 11 11111I Wulei town inul Sioux Kails, Dakota.
To what liiiM)itonl Iowa and NchrimkapnlutnV
)ea Mohli'ri, llKVtlptt, lowti; MhimIih hmiI
Lincoln. Nuhraska. Does It touch other Mis
souri river points? -Yes; HI. .losepli. Alehlw 11
Leavenworth and Kansas City, Does It run
trains to Hie foothills oftlie ltoc) iimuntalunr
Yes; to Demur, t'olorado ttprlii'.-n ami
1'iiuliln, solid ventllmled from Chicago. Can
mportaiil cities of Kansas be reached by the
Knuk Inland rtnile'f Yes; Iih capital el y, To
peka, and a lull hundred ollicru In all direc
tions in the state 11111I It Is the only mad run
nlnr to and Into the new lands opened for
settlement lu the Cheyenne and Arapahoe
1 enervation.
It will thus be scon that a line
the Uock Island does, such a varied terrlloiy,
has much In that rcpird to commend It to
travelers, an all connections uro sure on the
Hock Inland, and panni-mrcm can ltily on a
Hiicedy Journey, an over a hulk of the system
tliroiiKh trains are run, and It has become,
and rlRhtlj too, tlio ixmular Hue.
Avery popular train on the Chicago. Hock
Inland & Vaeltle railway leaven Deliver, Pueblo
and Colouido Spring dally It In called "The
World's Kalr Special,'' Is only one day out, and
piifuwuirortfurrlveiit Cblcaiw early the necoud
The Hock Inland has necome a )Mipiil r Col
orado lino, and the train above rufuircdto Is
vestllmlcd. and carries the Hook Inland's
excellent illnliiK cur service.
I "or full particulars usio tickets, map, rates,
apply to any coupon ticket olllcn In the United
States, Canada, or Mexico. or address:
Ocm Tkt. & I'ans. At., Chloap III
K, MT Mirr Chicago. Ill
Shortest, Quickest
and Best Route to
Reclining Chairs Free
On All Trains.
Kor further information, folders,
otc., cull on or uddross,
0. 1 AT A., 1201 O, St.
Lincoln, Nob.
0. 1. A., St. friii I. Mo.
Within reach of all the Stud nts, the management
has decided to offer the paper for the
remanindcr of the year for
25 Ots.4fr"
if you wish to keep posted on University news, Subscribe,
r7RB5H gREflti, (5aKES HNb PlES
u$veby Day
Capital cafe
Tho Only Firot-alass EalriR House
In ho .city,
$6 Ticket - - - $5.00
5 Ticket - - - 4.20
3 Ticket - - - 2.60
C. W. BRANDHORST, Prop. - 121 North Eleventh St.
Stiff Hats Made to Order from $2,60 to $4,00.
Wli pay M.iKI lor a Hut when jmi eun yet one iniule to Order the
KlmpiMii WMir licuil, miy Ktyie, lor Uhn money Hint Just iih wood u
llulV h do yon net u new Mill Hut when jon eun Retyourold
one iiiude iih kmm! us new for 1 JiA?
Lincoln Stiff Hat Factory, M So. 11th St
Window Similes and Mouldings, Artists' and Photographers'
Materials, Drawing Instruments and Supplies.
A. T. LEMING & CO., 1106 0 St,, 118 H. 11th St.
R. H. MOORIJ, President. R. R. BROWN, Vice President.
C. II. IMIIOFP, Cashier.
in South Tenth Street.
INTEREST Paid on Savings and Time Deposits.
Students Who Patronize
Will Never Regret It.
, n Qf They Sell Stylish Clothing at
2130 U ot. HVk Reasonable Prices.
As only a limited number of copies
will be issued.
Leave Your Orders with the Business Managers At Once!
Order at least 5 copies of the
Neatest : Annual
irtsCEver issued at the University
Business Managers
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ever increasing popularity is a source of ,
pride and gratification to its makers.
To ride a bicycle and not to ride a
Pohunbia is to fall short of the fullest
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Pope Mfg. Co.,
Bostoo, New York,
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A beautiful illustrated catalogue free
at any Columbia agency, or mailed for
two two-cent stamps.
4 i