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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1894)
wwm ini7rr"'"" '"" rtMUMMaHSMemfet imthm mttmwmti niii "Miniiii-ii 'JiMaiMi 4 if ft t D 1 if 41 Ul i &' fe IN OTHER WORLDS. Wisconsin will organize u la crosse team. At Smith college the giils had a hare and hound chase recently. It took fourteen girls to run thir teen miles. The philosophical faculties of Hcidelburg and Gotlinger, (Ger), have decided to admit women to courses leading to the doctor's degree. The Central, Kansas, Uni versity's yell is "Rock Chalk! Jnyhawk C. C. We lie I" That of Iowa's college "Dcr Gute Gott Nie Weiss." Unh Courier (Pa) A pinno lovcil n carpet gny On account of its figure trim, "Hut the chair has rooks," tho enrpet said, "I think I'll nmrry hint. Ex. My sweetheart sings in the chair; How often I've wished to sit b'hoir; I tried to get in But my voice wns too thin, And I scarce can repress my fiurce ihoir. Oborh'n J!avii w. LOCAL. The special topics for the Eth ics class have been given out. The world will be informed about next June when the noble senior gets through his investigations. The new members program of the Union society last Friday evening was a success in every particular. The hall, however, was too small to accommodate the crowd and , many were obliged to turn away. The U. B. D. C. have recently arranged for a joint debate with Cottier University. The eager ness with which Cotner accepted Cornor P and Tonth Sta. INCOLN, - NEBRASKA. GoLDGMsmTs Boston Stoke. - . Is the Ohoapost plaoo in town for Clothing, Dry Goods, and General Merchandise, As yet no definite arrange ments have been made for base ball games. Manager Heald has been corresponding with Grinnell and S. U. I. and Omaha Y. M. C. A. teams. Dates may possibly be anv.nged with all these and are almost certain to be made with the last. On last Saturday evening, a number of enterprising Univer sity girls met tn Palladian hall and organized the Universil) Girls Debating Club. Miss Pat terson was chosen president. After a sharp, spirited debate, the newly organized club accept ed an invitation to hear the U. 14. D. C. discuss the question ol' capital punishment. FRANK PACAL, , BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO 'ORDER. Repairing Neatly Done At the Lowest Prices. 1010 P ST. LINCOLN, NUB. 8ULPH0-SALIM BATH HOUSE, Rheumatism Hkln, Blond tuul Nervous discuses, Iji vol and Kidney troubles mid chronic ailments tiro t rented with uniform success. The Ho S M Baths are tho Important feut res of this estiilillsliinent. mid curs mo I Hpccdlly effected where other menus lmvo miii'u. These Artesian Water uro many times stronger than ocean lirlne, and tho tlioioiiRh sHtem of treatment boon results In roller to tnoutll'.ctcd lmtlents. All Sorts of Baths aroilven Inolmllnun rreat hwIiuiiiIuk pool MJxl.V) feet, and JJJytol) te t deep. There are Spring Hoards, Shower and Needle Haths.Trapezu and other conveniences. DRS. M. H. & J. 0. EVERETT, Hth and M Streets. LINCOLN, N KB. R.H OAKLEY, 1044 ojt. Handles all the best grades of COAL 4- the challenge be.okens a lively I &?&!. '"" discussion. The time and place I Hurricane. . .UIUJUUU WU.--.M win oe announced later. Victor Rosewater, Ph. D.. de livered the first in a series of six lectures on Municipal Finance under the auspices of the politi cal science club on last Wednes day evening. The remaining lectures will be delivered before the class in advanced political economy on Mondays and Fri days at the regular recitation hour. The State oratorical contest which should have taken place Vernon and Silver Creek Nut Scranton, Laknwanna, Lehigh, Colorado and Arkansas Hard Coals. Don't fail to try our SMOKELESS and Vernon Coal. Best values in the market , Telephone 66. Nicely Furnished Rooms Gas, Steam Heat, and Water in every room. Lansing & Hall Mock. At 1334 O STREET. PlRJVu auk the hist. ninARCTTr CMnurilQ ulni urn wilt. IllK l 'U lllllc Hioti' Until Hie "lro clmim'il mrllii' niiiiimn lrmli ('luairtlc, will inul this URAND Htiju'ilni' loitllntlii'iH. Tho Rtchmond Sualght (ut No. K cm AltU'rXlCN ittn, fritiii flip liriirlilnvl. miwt ili'llriltri 111 MiWor, ami lilulii'Ht com GOLD LEAF mown In Minliiln. UEWABE OF IMITATIONS, ami oWrvo Hint tin- imiui ol 1 1 io niatiiiriU'Uiirirt ax below 18 Lit cuij iNickiiKV. ?fw iiitANcit w niniMOHnViuoiNU Now in Yiiiii1 Opportunity totmvo nionoy nit HOLIDAY PRESENTS AtE. FLEMING'S, 1224 0 SL WlmluiH Juki rocolvod u nice lino or Oloolui, Watches. .Jewelry, IMiiinniiilH. Hllvorwuru, uto. 0itloliiu Coiiiio teil with tho 8tnio, 0. F. LAHBERTSON, D. D. S, LINCOLN, NUM. ')(lrailuatiMroiil(t'ollo.o of Dentnl Hurnory. I Olllco AlcMiudcr Hllc. Itoonm !M ami !M. cor. iztu ana o sts, C, E, SPHHR, m. D. Practice Limited to IMseitsert of t o TPVT? THROAT TJ1 A TD JEj X JLLi and Nose XSJiixi (Musses Cnroliilh Adjusted. l2IBO STREET, LINCOLN, NE . w Fine foot form SHOES Usual Gourtices Extended to Studeuts, Highest Quality Lowest Prlcos. BARR PARKER, 1109 O Street. J. II. EVANS, Prest. and Trens. C. C. QUIGGLE, Secy, and Mgr. Coiltip of MR. J. L. FRANK, Director. on Saturday, the ioth, has been ynjoo. Dertllieilt, postponed until Monday, the 17th. This was done because the opera house was engaged until then. The house was sup posed to have been engaged last year for the ioth, but somebody was mistaken. This gives an other week for preparation, which will doubtless be welcome to the contestants. Pipe Organ. - Theory and Harmony, MItS. KATK HKKWSTEIt CHUNKY, Voleo DoimrtmiMit. MHS. GKUTHri)H WH1TTEX, l'lu o Depintincnt. Mil. IIKNKY LKITKKU, Violin iJonartmunt. M1SH L1LLIK EICHE, Toucher of Vlollneollo. Ml US KA'IK BCOTIIOHN, Elocution and Dramatic Ait. Compotont InbtructoiH In Muslo, Eloonllon and Drainatlg Art. Brace Bnlldlne 15th & 0 sts.. Lincoln. M Eras Liii Cngnr 327, 329, 331 If. 12th STREET. Telephone 199. LING0LN, NEB. HAT KOl.HOM'8- : : : Home-Made Bread VIENNA BAKERY. Tho LurKOStund Finest Assortment of Candles In tho State. Families and l'mtlekmip piled with leo Cream, lees, etc. etc, KW7 0 HI'HKKT. - - - I'HONK.oU H. HANSEN. CloanlnR and Repairing. TAILOR Special Inducements to Students, Z N STUKKT. We Told You to Take the BURLINGTON When You Started on that Trip. Don't you wish you had taken our uavice? fll liM I Kill A I J. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent. OMAHA. G. W. RONNELL, City Passenger Agent, LINCOLN. USEFUL HOLIDAY GOODS. MODERATE PRICES, W. R. Dennis Co., 1137 O St. RATTERS, : FURRIERS, FURNISHERS. BAKER'S CGLOTHIN HOUSE Complete Line of Famishing Goods, Trunks and Yalises. Kults made to order In Custom Depui uncut. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. 1125 O Street. i-SarIHt . k S PTICKL WORK AND Lens Treatment for the Eyes. LeiiM-h for Far Sltfit, Neitr Hlnlit. AhtlKinutlbiii, CioHM'd Ktos, Uttud in Hiieciiieleb, Eye Olustos, old or bteol. LviiKsorunj imrtsot'Kniuiu inimufiictured to crdoi G. E, THOMPON, Ml8taunr.,ns 1214 O Street. m 1 M 1 1 t 1 m M lt ! 1 WJ 1 ,tl . ... J) i- minnnrrai ju