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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1894)
. . LOCAL Subscribe for the Sombrero. Campbell, ot '97, is a promis ing pitcher Mr. Metcalfe returns to Min nesota next week. Mr. E. C. Ames was initiated by Beta Theta Pi last Saturday night. Chas. Kuhlman '97 will spend Sunday at his home neai Grand Island, Sigma Alpha Epsilon enter tains at the home of Mr. Pace to-night. The next University dance takes place next Friday nt Lan sing hall. Randolph, who did such good work at third last year, will cap tain the team. Messrs. Robbins and Colvin joined the Union society on last Friday evening. Mr. Horn Doubraua was re ceived into the mysteries of Sigma Chi Thursday night. Prof. Fling will deliver his celebrated lecture on "Mirabeau" in the Palladian hall on Friday evening. Work was suspended from 1 2 to 3 o'clock 3'esterday afternoon on account of the funeral of Mrs. Menzendorf. Saturday is the last day of grace for drawings and pictures for cuts in the annual. Get a hump on yourself. Barnes will probably play sec ond base as he will not catch for fear of laming his hands for pitching in he league. There is a rumor to the elVect that the young Indie's classes in physical training will give an exhibition sometime in Aprill. Company D did some extra drilling last Wednesday even ing. They performed some evo lutions that aren't in the tact'es. Mr. H. Dowling, who has been unable to attend his classes for someting on account of ill ness, is again able to attend to his work. Messers. Tucker and Welden returned on Wednesday from Detroit where they attended the meeting ofthe College Christian association. The Senior class met at 4 o'clock to-day." Invitations were finally decided on and money appropriated for the class display in the annual. Nothing more has been heard of the inter-state Field day which was to have been held at Kansas City in May. The K. C. Ath letic club people seem to have backed out. VvvvvvvvV"' The Coliuiimlbia 1 Standard Bil cycle of the World, Krnccful, HKht, nml strong this product of the oldest bicycle establishment in America still retains its place nt the bend. Always well up to the times or a little in advance, its well-deserved and ever increasing popularity is a source of ( prtue ami gratilicatton to its makers. To ride a bicyefe nud not to ride 11 Columbia is to fall short of the fullest enjoyment of a noble .port. Pope Mfg. Co., Boston, New York, Chicago, Hartford. , at any CultuuliU agency, or mailed for imi iwu-ccni iann3. . . . HIQH OLASS WORK A SPQIAL1Y, . . SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO STUDENTS - THE HftrZQfT Tailoring Company 120 Ncrth Uteventh Street, Richards Block. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. -v inu iwu-cciu iiamns. VVVVVVVVVlVS The pictures of the Greek choruses are said to be the sweetest things out. That is the Electra chorus, the u.hnr isn't in it for saccharitnty. The business managers oi the Junior annual inform us th only a limited edition -is lo' J published, hence those wishing copies oi the Sombrero should subscribe at once. Miss Emma Boose, who was delegate from the U. of N. to the students' convention of the Y. W. C, A, at Detroit, has returned. Over a thousand students were present at this convention. The battalion was photo graphed on Monday evening. The delays and annoyances in cident to such occasions made it nearly 7 o'clock before the hungry cadets got supper. Mr. and Mrs. Pierson are as sisting in conducting services at1 the Presbyterian church. These meetings are held ever' night in the week. A great many of the students are attending them. The Junior Promenade com mittee recently turned over $60 to the business managers of the annual to pay for the exhibits of the foot ball and base ball teams and the Glee and Mandolin clubs. The oflicers of the battalion were photographed at 3 o'clock this afternoon. They all looked pleasant and those on whom na ture permitted it looked hand some, as the pictures will show when finished. Congressman Bryan delivered an excellent address on the in come tax before the political science club on Thursday even ing. His plain, forcible deliv ery as well as his clean, logical methods of reasoning rendered his address highly interesting and instructive. First National Bank, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. CAPITAL flOO.000.00 SURPLUS 100,000.00 OKFICKKS: N. S. H Alt WOOD. PrvsMont. CHAS. A. IIANNA, Vice President. K. M. COOIC. Cnnhlor. C. S MI'I'INCOTT.nnd J, 8. FltKKMAN, Asa't Cushion! D1UKCTOHS: N. H. Hurwood J. O. MncFw lend W. M. eiiirko T. M. Mtiruuello Chns. II. Iliinna John 11. Ames John Kltziruruld It. K. Mooru D.U.Cook UT. Dorks K M. Cook J. L. Carson A. II Chirk J. II. Wright, F. R. Johnson. J. H. McClny. President. Vlco-PreMdont. Cashier. John A. Ames, Ass't Cash. She : Columbia NATIONAL BANK LINCOLN, - - NEB. CAPITAL 250,000. DIKECTOKS A. S. ltnyni'ind, Clms. West. Tlios. Cochrane. Boiled Oil 55 cents. Siricily St. Lonis Lead $5.50, B. O. KOSTKA, Druggist and Painters' Supplies 1224 O STREET. CHAS. B GREGORY (U. OKN.'OI.) n SBXOaS A At iiOO 0 Street. ($ PHONE 343- THE A.M, DAVIS GO. Carpets 1 1 1 2 O Street. Furniture 2 1 1 South Eleventh St. LINCOLN, NEB. Pine Baked Goods High Grade Confections Ice Cream and Ices NEW YORK BAffi Telephone 753. 130 SOUTH TWELFTH ST. Why Do you buy ready made clothing when you can have a suit to order for the same money? SEE Wanamakor & Brown's Samples AT L A. BUMSTEAD'S Lindell Hotel Block. 1236 M Street. WCall and see list or Student Customers. TELEPHONE 270. CLARKSON LAUNDRY COMPANY 9 .330-3-4 S 1 Ith St K. H. GLEHSON. Teas, Coffees and Spices. 1 234 O STREET. TEL. 64. OolTeo Honsted Twlco a Week. H.W. BROWN; DRUGGIST, Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a Complete Stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Books, 127 South-Eleventh Street.