The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, March 09, 1894, Image 2
n : i m Tit li' i 'pirAvi ! 1 111'. IN IsliRASkAN A Woo'dy l iiior IphiumI nt tho t'lilvorxllyor Nohnokn, Rntki ki ah -Kt:nNi Clash Mau. Maitkii. A. V Muntmuiiknoy Ktlltor-lifChlor H.G, Wjut.mohk llueliuwMuninroi' ASHOOIATK KltlTOHH. L. 11, 1M.S111HY KllRH ItAHNKS 1. II. llATl'IKM) W. I.. WV.SVTKIIMVNN ..Mlfli-nry . ..Athlullo . K.noIhiiiro .I.ovnl MihsMautiia Huhkh, MlRS IlKI.KN (lllKOOHY, J. W. HKAUSON, O. 1'Ut.l.IH. i EDITORIAL Special attention is called to the notice of attempted arrange ment for a joint debate given in another column. It tnav look to many too m.tch like mere imiln., Alonaendorf to Mansfield, Ohio, tion of other schools, but we ' wcre he,d iu the chnPel at l don't see why we should hesitate 0'clock yesterday afternoon, to undertake such an enterprise j The services were short and on that amount. We may wellsilP- In tact it was the reg imitate whatever we see good in u,ar chaPel exercise with the ad whnt Harvard and Yale do, not ' dition of sl ftw remarks by the because thev do it, but because Reverend Mr. Gregory. It was it is good, 'joint debates seem thought that no service could be to have proved universally satis- more fiwine than that in which factory. Though thev have lhe deceased had taken so large taken "the place, to a large ex- a Part for s0 many yars- The tent, of oratorical contests there faculty were seated on the plat- is no reason why they should, not oxhist side bv side. A de- bating league between Kansas and Nebraska does not nccessi- renr- Thc floral utlerings were tate our withdrawal from the ' many. A large lyre was pre State and Inter-State Oratorical Rented by the faculty and and Association. If the debate can another large piece by the chorus,, be made a success financially.' Aflcr lhe services the body was and we see no reason why V cannot, it certainly ought to be carried through. If it is to be done this year it must be done in a hurry. Professor Adams has done it all so far, but the matter will soon be in such a shape that the students will have to do their part. They should be ready to do it heartily audi thorough. For the first time in the history ofthe University a member of the faculty has been taken away from us by the irrim destroyer. in the death of Mrs. Menzendorf , the University loses one who has ' esteemed a friend, and cherish served it faithfully for ninejloving memories of her noble years. Though her department character and faithful devotion was not one which brought her ' to our interests ; therefore do we in contact with the general mass extend to the bereaved husband of the students in her regular work, her assistance at chapel exercises and willing aid given to student's programmes of all kinds had made her known to nearly the whole University, and liked and respected by all who! knew her. Her long connection with the University makes her loss all the harder. She , . , , ' ' had been here longer than any student, and it is not the loss of a mere instructor that we must mourn, but that of an old and sympathizing friend. Professor Monzondorf has the sincere sym . , tt puthy of every one in the Uni. lie loss is of course the greatest, and his grief the deepest. But the whole faculty and the whole Universitv must feel that their loss is, too, a personal one. The vacancy in the musical depart ment will he filled with difficulty, hut the place Mrs. Menzendorf leaves in the life of the Univer sity will never he taken by one who will fill it as she did. Mrs Menzendorf's Funeral, The final service before the removal of the remains of Mrs. lorm' the lad,es ofthe faculty in tne ''rsl fur rows, the chorus in the next, and the students in the taken to the depet and left for Mansfield, Ohio, on the 2 .-55 train- The chapel was crowded b3' students who took their last opportunity to show their respect and Iovc for lheir old Wend, The chorus met at half past four on Wednesday and passed ap- propnale resolutions as follows : Uur beloved friend and in- 1 jstructor, Mrs. Emma Cochrane ' Mcnzendorf, having completed j her earthly labors has gone home t0 rest ; and inasmuch as we, the members of the department of music of the University of Ne-, orasKa ieei deeply tne loss ot so j and aged father our tender sym pathy in the great affliction. Copies of these resolutions shall be sent to the sorrowing relatives and the press of the city. The man that doesn't sub scribe for at least one copy ofthe annual oughtn't to be allowed the privilege of attending the University. The most absorbing question at present is "Vacation or no Vacation." R. II MOORK, 1'rcsUknt. -1Union Savings BankKt hi South Tenth Street. INTEREST Paid Students Who Patronlzo Pishbb & Wabpel Will Nevor Rogrotlt 2136 O St. You Want a SPRING SUT JZLZLC. BHLBRS, Repairing and Cleaning also Neatly Done. 7 6 South Eleventh St. '"TSSSASXtS1!! Ti New r.OLUMBlAN BAKERY 1S37 O STREET. FRESH gREHt), (?BKES AND 4fc VERY DflY Capital cafe MEALS SERVED i C. W. BRANDHORST, Prop. Stiff Hats Made to Order from Vh pity J5.00 for n Hnt when phupeot our limit, any tlyir, nai? ny 110 you koi a new one made an pooil as new tor ft Lincoln Stiff ROOKS, STATIONERY " "m Window Shades nnd Mouldings, Artists' nud Photographers' Materiuls, Drawing Instruments and Supplies. iA. T. LEMING YOU can have the DAILY WORLD-HERALD delivered at your room for 15 cents per week, seven days in the week. DROP A POSTAL or leave your order at 1045 O St. .PANTS PANTS TO ORDER S3.00, $4, $5 TO $10. Largest lino of Woolens In the state. Inspection Solicited. Lincoln Pants Co. 1223 O STREET. N ip & TROUSERS. TELEPHONE 6S5 C. A. SHOEMAKER, M. D. LINCOLN. Nell. Offlce. No. mi L Street, Orounil Floor. Hours, 7 lo 0 n. m.; l to 3. und 7 to 8 p. m We earnestly Invite all Stu dents to visit our store before making any purchases In the line of Dry Goods, Cloaks, Ladies' Furnishing Goods and Men's Furnishing Goods. Our stocks are especially attractive. We refer any of the professorsor any old stu dent In the University as to our manner of doing business. Very respectfully, MILLER & PAINE. 133 to 135 South Eleventh St. K. K. BROWN, Vice Frcaident. 0. H. 1MH01W, Cashier. on Savings and Time Deposits. THE Clothiers 1 hoy Soli Stylish Clothing at Roasonablo Prlcos. PlES PARTY CAKES A bPECIALTY. The Only First-class Eatns Houao Sr. ho City, $6 Ticket $5.00 5 Ticket - - - 4,20 3 Ticket - - - 2,60 AT ALL HOURS- - 121 North Eleventh St. $2.50 to $4.00. on onn fret one nimlo to Order tlio for lets money und Just hh jhhm! n iws money und jusi hh ihhmi n I at when 011 can kcL your old .-nil na - ? Hat Factory, 184 So. . Uth, S), WALL PAPERS & CO., 1106 0 St., 118 H. 11th St. SHIRTS! SHIRTS! A.KRONER MimufncturoH his vn Slilr s. They lit tho form und . leu so tho eye. A Full IiInb op . . . Men's FurnishingGoods HATS, CAPS, ETC. Our shirts go direct from tho munufnoturcr to tho consumer. No mlillkinen'n profits. Ten p r cent discount to Btuitonta. 933 O Street, Basement State National Bank Building. Hutchins & Hyatt MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Canon City, Bock Springs, Pennsylvania Anthracite All Kinds of COAL & WOOD on Hand I004 0St. Telephone 225. M . TAaf XtmmEfflfSHt iiMii raffSl "'Bft'l7C'fflteL-.5BlMM,pfi5