g t it WjM Hi wwmuimgBamirmMji' H "Tfnou s II l 'A EXCHANGES. We were about to insert nn item concerning smoking and Harvard graduates, but on look ing through some dozen other exchanges we find it in about half of them. Wo therefore re frain. ( Lives of poets oft remind us, I If we use the proper uienns- Discard metre, riiytnc mid reason We can shine ittnagiirinefr. Kansas Cit;; Journal. This is not from a college pa per, but it applies so well to much college verse that we hope to be pardoned for inserting it. Eight students of Ohio Wesle yan were expelled recently lor cutting the electric wires at the oratorical contest. fix. Ohio Wesleyan seems to be a typical religious school. It was the scene last year of the most disgraceful hazing perpetrations anywhere in the country. They are calming down, it seems from the above. In time they may become civilized. The schedule for the Yale-Havvard-Princcton debates is as follows: Yale '?. Harvard, March 20. at Cambridge ; Har vard vs. Piinceton, April 20, at Frinceton : Yale vs. Princeton, May 10, at New Haven. Corner P and Tenth Sta. NCOLN, - NEBRASKA. GOLDGMBM'S BOSTON STOHE. lI Is the Cheapest place la town for Olothmg, Dry Goods, and General Merohandise. FRANK PACAL, BOOTS AMD SHOES MADE TO ORDER. Repairing Neatly Done At the Lpwpst Prices. 1040 P ST. LINCOLN, NKB. SULPHO-SALINE BATH HOUSE, . nhoumatlam- Nkln. Word and Nervous ' dlteiiic, h.viT unci Kidney troiihlon nml I chiotitc nllniciitx nru t rented with unirorin Tho Ho f it Bnths nrotho Important font res of thlfcesWihllBlinunt unci cure nro speedily effected whero other moans have failed. These Artesian Wators are many times , Mrouircr than occun lirlno, and the thmoiiirh BVHtein of treatment boon rcoulis In relief to tlio mulcted imtlenttc. All Sorts of Baths nreilvcn lucltidliiKn , jrrent swimming pool Wlxl.Vi reel, and SJfetoV fe t deep. 1 Thoro are Spring Iloanlo, Shower and Ncedlo HathH.TraiH'zeai.dotherconvenlence. DRS. M. H. & J. 0. EVERETT, Hthnnd M Streets. LINCOLN, N EH. ' J'jH-A("-Ctt-C mm lYtm&i STRA akf, the hest. I CIGARETTE SMOKERS who iv will luff to l ltllU more limn Hie price rlnnwd Ictrtlie enllimrj tncclo I'lptrvttr, will mid 1HIJ BRAND Mipcrlor to allot hen. The Richmond Sualght CutNo.l CJAItlT.TTICH ... .,.,,.1,. mm iln lirlL'lilett. mint dcllrntO III iliixiir. and lilglu'l cl GOLD LtAF t grown 111 Mrgnun. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, nml ottcno Hint the name of the iimnuruuturvrrt as below U on cu-ry jueVage. fv nrtANCH WT, KtcitOHpViRCtHM Now In Your Opportunity to tavo money on HOLIDAY PRESENTS AtE. FLEMING'S, 1224 0SL Wlin him liit received u nlee line of Clookx. JWutclicn Jewelry, Diamonds, Silverware, qlo. (iptleian i mine icci wmi cue more. 0, F. LAMBERTSOH, D. D. S. LINCOLN, NEIL IjOraduateof OhloCollo.e of Dental Rut-gory Olllcu Alexander Hlk. looms S3 and M. Cor. 12th and 0 Sts. C. E, SPHHR, 7. D. Practice Limited I. Diseases of t o ld YE ANMNnsE BAB. Glass.s CarefulD Adjusted. 1215 O STREET. LINCOLN, NE IP R.H OAKLEY, 0440&plN1SB FOOT FORM Handles all the best grades of COAL Highest Quality Lowest Prices. Rock Springs Nut and Lump. Canon City (Genuine). Hurricane. Colorado Smokeless. Vernon and Silver Creek Nut. Scranton, Lakawanna, Lehigh, Colorado I and Arkansas Hard Coals. Don't fail to try our SMOKELESS, and Vernon Coal." Best values in the J market. ' Telephone 66. Usual Conrtices Extended to Students. J. H. EVANS, Prest. and Treas. BARR PARKER, 1109 O Street. C. C. (jUIGGLE, Secy, nnd Mgr. Bras Laity Cum ' 'q6 at Welleslev 5,300 last 3'ea'flb""l)uil3"a college boat house, and this year the class of '97 has raised $1,250 to put in order three acres of land which the trustees have granted as an athletic field. Puling complaints about eveiything under the sun are the most characteristic feature of the editorials of the Harvard Advo cate. Considering that this pa per comes from the leading Uni versity of the country, it is mis erably weak. It is, indeed, a fair sample of the literary col lege magazine. Twice a month it inflicts sixteen pages of sickly sentimentality and bosh on the Harvard public. A series of character sketches called "Col lege Kodv ks" was for a time a slightly redeeming feature. Now even these seem to have stopped and the friends of the editors must wade through oceans of amateur fiction, occasionally bruising their leet on reefs of poor poetry. Of course it is not all absolutely bad, but most of it is, arid the good is not enough to excuse the accom panying evils. If the paper doesn't improve it ought to cease to exist. Nicely Furnished Rooms Gas, Steam Heat, nud Water in every rdom. Lansing Hall Mock. -At"133irOSTREET. 3 GO c m 0 M , i 327, 329, 331 N. 12th STREET. Telephone 199. LINCOLN, NEB. EAT FOLSOM'S- : " Home-Made Bread i VIENNA BAKERY. The Largest and Fluct Assortment of Candles In the Statu. Families and Iartletu- I plied with loo Cream, lees. etc. etc. ' IfflT O SntEKT. - - PHONE. 5d. ' H.HANSEN TAILOR Special Inducements to Students. Cleaning and Repairing. MSI N STREET. CD k 03 ' We Told You to Take the BURLINGTON When You Started on that Trip. Don't you wish you had taken our da vice? I J FRANCIS. General Passenger Agent, OMAHA. G. W. BONNELL, Passenger Af LINCOLN. City Passenger Ageut, Read The Nebkaskan to get the news. USEFUL HOLIDAY GOODS. (If -u vx. MR. J. L. FRAM, Director. ic Voiee Department. Pip (tan, zzr. Theory and Harmony. MHS. KATE HBUWPTEn CHENEY. Voice DoimrtiiK'nt. MliS OEUTHirUE WH1TTEN, l'lu o DenartnionL Mil HENHY LKITNEH, lolln Iej)urliuenU MIBB IMAAK EICHE, Teacher ol Vloliiieullo. MISS 1CATE SCOTHOltN, Elocution und Dramatic Art. Competent lnetructors In Music, Elocution und Druniutlu Ait. Brace Boiling 1511 i 0 sis., Untoli, Heb. MODERATE PRICES. W. R. Dennis Co., 1137 O St, RATTERS, FURRIERS, FURNISHERS. BAKER'S CGL0TH1N HOUSE Complete Line of Farnisliing Goods, Trunks and Yalises. Suits made to order In Custom Department. Entire Mctltfactlon Kuamnteed. 1125 O Street. (f)PTICHL MQPA V- AMD 4 Lens Treatment for the Eyes. Lei)M?s for Far Bight. Near HlRht, Afctlfninitlhtii, Crot.-el E es, titled In J-'iKx-rueleh. Eye GlaHK-8, jjold or btcel. Ixat)K'B oruny parts of Kmtue niaaufaeturcd to cr(ler G. E. THOMPOK, Mft?cc,taunr.,nB 1214 O Street.