The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, February 16, 1894, Image 2
TiEiSEiUitM&BSttE iwtfwstfwwwiWfc' MMMitfvrin ! I 1 '. f :' ! h i h i I! !: r r 0 fVf .-' fl 1 1 IF i i ii The Nebraskan. A Weekly I'npor leaned nt tlio UnlvorMtyof Nobraskn. Kntkkki) as Pkoosd Class Mau. Mattkii. A. V. MoNTMOHKNCV.. H. G. WllITMOIIK .... ASSOCIATi: KDITOItS. L. n. IM'iwutuy KltKI) Paukk . H. Katfiki.d W. Tj. Wkstkumann Mi&sMahtiia IliniKs. MlRfl llKI.KN OltKflOKY, .1. W. SKAItSON, 0. PUI.1.18. .Kdllor-ln-Clilef Huslncss MiimiKor ..I.ltemry ...Atlilotlo . I.nw .l.ocul EDITORIAL, E. K. BROWN, Vice President. his arms as they were numb. Jt , R- & MOORB, President. IMHOin', Cashier." lumblllTo movT' HcvlsTaken ! BUNION SAVINGS D ANK Nr immediately to his homo. Little m South Tenth Street. hope is entertained of his rccov- wm INTEREST Paid on Savings and Time Deposiis. cry, and the physicians called in say that it is only a question o! Students Who Patronize nts who h-atronizu -y Jft & WAfflPEL THE QTHIERS 2136 O St. Wc have talked Charter Day so much before this that we hesitate to say anything more about it. We cannot, however, resist the temptation to add our mite to the general conijratula- tions to ourselves and each other a few days. No possible blame JIJ can attach to the University in will Novor Regret It any way, as both men were ex cellent gymnasts, and every precaution possible was being . w,..,ui, i k..toIih-.oh. j.h. mcCIhv. , i.i 1 . I'rwl lint. Vloi..l'n-l,l..nt. CVlilcr. taken when the accident oc- joim a. Ami. am'i cmii. She : Columbia Thoy Soli Stylish Clothing at Reasonable Prices. LOCAL. Among the more or less dis tinguished guests of the Univer- NATIONAL BANK LINCOLN, - - NEB. CAPITAL 250,000. DIHKCTOKS A. S. Itnymnml. Olins.West. Tlios. Codiruno First National Bank, LINCOLN. XiMRASKA. CAPITA! 100.000.00 SURPLUS 100,000.00 I OH'ICKKS: N. S. HAHWOOl). Prcultlont. CHAS. A. HAN'NA. Vioo President. K. M.OOOK. Cnidilor. C.S I.IPI'lNCOTT.nnil .1, S. KUKKMAN, Ass't Cushions DIUKCTOUS: ' N. H. llurwood .1. n. MucFnrlnnd I V. M. (Jlitrke T. M. Munmutto 1 Clms. H. Iluunii .lolm 11. Amos 1 Joint KIlZKcrulit H. V.. Miwro 1). W.Tuok HT.IIOBIW KM. Cook .1.1 Carson A. U Cliirk sitv this week are President Schaeiler of the Iowa State Un- on the attainment of our twenty- ' ivcrsit3r ? KinS; of Cornell, Iowa ; fifth birthdav. We know our- liarPcr' 01 S ? loc"m OI , r T TM0 T A M t A V CDV . selves what we have to J Colorado State; Chits, ol Mid-1 The New (.PLUMBl AN DAReKY V thankful lor and what we have land College, Kansas ; Chancel- l!5;57 O STKEKT. to be proud of. Our visitors will lor Snow, of Kansas; Gates of rTRBBH gREBto (jaRBB HN!) p,BB know bv the end of the week. Grmnell ; Chapman, of Wash- H , Just one thought occurs which we would suggest toothers. The ington Ex-Clvancellors Benton and Fairfield, of the University University of Nebraska is dis- of Nebraska ; Professors Whit- tinctlv and entirolv Nebraskan J man of Chicago, Aiken of Uni- r PARTY CAKES A bPEClALTY. 'ss' $very Day 'i ATI! Aside from the slight aid receiv ed Irom the general government, every ce'U spent in the instilu vcrsity of South Dakota, Mc Millan and Frankfortcr of lis TtTrn t 1 9 .AT HAL UAffi 1 ThoOnly First-class EalnR House In he cliy, $6 Ticket - - - $5.00 5 Ticket - - - 4.20 3 Ticket - - - 2.60 MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS. Minnesota ; Presidents Kerr ol C. W. BRANDHORST, Prop. 121 North Eleventh St. comryQrckclsonu:Y Stiff Hats Made to Order from $2,60 to $4.00 the people oi Nebraska, not ns, u''IaN-'"vJiai.oi ioik, v v ir,. r,.,,...,.. "1? u:.,., n:., w,v pn.v .( for 11 lint uliciijout'nu jrot one itiiulc to Onlvr llin individuals hut -m -i nnnnlo i.-UO CI llOl K-ODinSOU Ol IV.lll- uipoot our lii-iul, iiiiyM.v.c, i(irk-H tn(nic. mid Jtic-1 immMiiln inuiMUiMib, Dili .is .1 people. 1 o 1 ,,,,,? W lyiloyoiiKot jmu-w .-till lint wlionjou can KciournUl with the state. In twenty-live ' years, unaided bv priNTitudona-! We, that is the Uni, have'grown !sas and Ex-Governor Saunders of Nebraska. Owing to the snow, which lions of any kind, the people of , makes an out-door drill impossi- Nebraska have erected a Uni- ble tne battalion will fall in line versity which equals, and in m lhc armory at 2 o'clock on some respects, surpasses those Friday afternoon and be inspect which have existed for centuries. d .v lne governor and his stall'. oni1 tnmlu 11s K'l "s JU w lor 11 iV? ROOKS ) STATIONERY -Lincoln Stiff Hat Factory, M So. ittLSt WALL PAPERS Window Shncles mil Mouldings, Artists' and Pliotoyrniilicrs' Mnterials, Drn'viujj I nstnnnents and Supplies. We are indeed to be congratu- After the inspection the battalion . lafed, indeed deserve the aclmira- will fall out and a special comJ and others like them that the Uni ' , -,m,,,,,a ' . I owes its reputation, not to theirs tion of all who understand the j Pny composed of non-commis-; niggardly legislators who be-in ' 1j circumstances under which the. s,onctl oincers ana some 01 ine buildings only to leave them A. T. LEMING & CO., 1106 0 St., 118 N. 11th St. &L University of Nebraska iias!0'" privates will give an exhibi- reached its present condition I lion drill for the rest of an hour. The ofllcers of the battalion i assisted the lieutenant half finished as toys for the ele ments. and standing. An Unfortunate Occurrence. One of the saddest accidents! afternoon. which it has ever been our un pleasant duty to record, occurred in the gymnasium Monday afternoon. George Dayton, of "the class of 'oJS, was practicing what is commonly known as the "brother act" with Boh Anderson. Both were irood gymnasts and tumblers, and had often performed the same thing with great .ease. This time, at the governor's reception, Thursday Messrs. Palmer of Omaha, Dorsey of Beatrice, Guimlette of Hastings, Wing of Lincoln, Nusz and Hetzel of Grand Island, arc guests 61 Phi Delta TJieta this week. The Charter Day number of the Hesperian is quite the best thing in the magazine line that the University has ever pro duced. The cuts and the read- :1J. PANTS PANTS TO ORDER $4, $5 TO $10. LuiKOBt line of WooIimik In tlio Mate. Iiispu'lioii Solicited Lincoln Pants Co. 1223 O STREET. TROUSERS. f f r rcESZ W$M I f ii-Ji (syJ ii Ai JfeJS mtrT!V&J'3 ..voH-W m mi w n mmw iE23W- ,- oHHb I RfclGlff lAP0RT.fS 'nAHJFjructcRs DETROIT, MICH. B - ; SHIRTS! SHIRTS! l A.KRONER H E S however, after doinir it safelv three times, Dayton failed t0 lnfcr mar are equally attractive make the necess i 1 1 in inq nir ana ieu, striKinij head and shoulders on the mat ,5Sue TELEPHONE GST, C. A. SHOEMAKER, M. D. LINCOLN. Nk.I1. Ollce. No. mi L Stroot. C.ruw I'liKir Howrt..7lo9n.iii.; 1 toS.HiHl7toK. in .MunufiiuturcH lils . wn Fldr k. Tliey tit tlio form mid diiiM.tliopyo. A Full Unu ov . . . Men's FurnishingGoods HATS, CAPS, ETC. Our blilitsKodlnvtfrom the iniinufncturor to tlio consumer. No inlddlenioii'H jirollts. Ton per eont discount, tojtudonts. 939 O Slreut, Bnsenicnt State National Hank Building. in such a way as to dislocate the vertebrae of the lower part of the neck. He was instantly paralyzed from the neck clown. Not realizing the extent of his injury, he asked the boys to rub We earnestly Invito all Stu- arv turn whilo The editors are t0 bc congratu- dentp to visit our store before UntpUlno 8. U.,. strkiiiL is'hlted theh- succ this ing any purchases In the HUtChlllS & Hyatt n, striking nis . line of Dry Goodn. ninnic i . , Ladies' Furnishing Goods and I ! Men's Furnishing Goods. Oun t I stocks are especial ly attractive. we reter new students to any of YOU can have the WORLD-HERALD delivered your room for 15 cents per week, seven days in the week. DROP A POSTAL or leave your order at 1045 O St. 2 DAILY tjie tessorsor any old stu livcred at.U" he yDsity as to w. oi uoing Duslnoss. Very respectfully, ,oo , FILLER & PAINE. 133 to 135 South Eleventh St. MAKE A SPECIALTY OF (gSCanon City, 'Bock Springs, Pennsylvania Anthracite All Kiuds of COAL & WOOD on Hand 1004 O St. Telephone 225. . rj