The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, February 09, 1894, Image 1

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,j ft
No. n.
Mr. MoMullen Wins. His delivery brought him quite
The local Oratorical Contest far down in the total .standing.
is a thing of the past. Out of Mr. Wur.burg then smug
the eight one was chosen who 1 "Die Botsehnft " His tenor is
will represent the Uni at the
State Contest. That the repre
sentation will he a worthy one
everyone is certain, even the
deeated contestants. Mr. Mc
Mullen's subject was popular,
well handled, and well delivered.
The usual difficulty was en
countered at the last moment in
obtaining judges. John M.
Ragan was sick and H. D.
Estabrook was unable to be
here until nearly nine o'clock.
Rev. E. II. An lis and Prof.
Lecse were chosen to fill the
vacancies, and at about S : 15 the
ball began.
The program was" opened
with a guitar and mandolin duet
bv Messrs, Hebard andfYounir.4
The selection was well received.
The first oration was "A Cen
tury of Dishonor.1' by Mr. Ned
C. Abbott. Mr. Abbott present
ed one side of the Indian ques
tion. His oration was well
belter than we often' hear in the
chapel of the U. of N. Healinj,,v for lhc nmiMleinenl of
received an enthusiastic encore thi, C0lnmitleet Thero mve
students seem to think that the III. of N. people and all bound
committee having the Promen- for a glorious twenty-live years
ade in charge does not mean!okl celebration. The patrons
hiiHinnuu nnri i,..t ii, nt:nnuinrc as follows: Gov. Crounse
w..... ..v.t,u, ,,iii vi 1 11 l iiiv, iij,iv.vd '
put- up from time to time are
and responded with "In Days of
"Evolution theNalional Task,"
been exactly one hundred and
and staff and ladies , Chancellor
and Mrs. J. II. Can field ; Dr,
and Nrs. B. F. Bailey ; Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Raymond ; Mr. and
fifty tickets placed on sale, and ! Mrs" C" H" Gcrc ' Mr- slnd Ml
that is all that will hn n1rl. At ! M- Raymond ; Mr. and Mrs.
by Mr. A. F. Montmorency.: lhet prc8enl lime it is neccssnrv I C. II. Imhoff; Mr. and Mrs. S.
Ihis oration received second ' (orthe commitlee t0 scll exacl,y H. Burnham ; Mr. and Mrs. C.
place. It was delivered well, I fivc morc lickels l0 meel ncUml j E. Yates ; Mr. and Mis. I. S. P.
though almost too rapidly and . cspcnseSi As it is necessary to I Wecks ? Mr and Mrs- Clx'
lacking in gesture. know exactly the amount which ! Phil,iPs ? Mr. nnd Mrs. E. P.
"The Recent Social Unrest.'
Mr. Shreve's deliverv was earn
est, but showed some nervous
ness. Mr. L. C. Smith, the winnei
of the Chase and Wheeler Con
test, concluded the oratorical
pait ot the program with "The
Courage We Need." lie has
TT . l-r -TT
is coming in before anything is "oimcs; wr. anci mrs. . 11.
spent, non.orc tickets will bc,Morrill5 Mr- and Mrs" U C'
sold after Monday, February 12. Burr 5 Mr" and Mrs" A" K'
It js a great nuisance lor the Goud3' ? Ml'" su,d Mrs" Jolm
members of u.c committee to Hewiu : Mr" and Mrs" A" E"
run alter students who have en- Hargreaves ; Mr. and Mrs. W.
gped their tickets to obtain theB" Hargreaves; Mr, T. E. and
monev, audit would be a great ' Urs- P" H. Calvert; Mr. and
helb if each one would come un Mr" R- H" Oakley : Mr- and
improved his delivery very much at once amj b his C.QU The j Mrs" A" R" Humphrey ; Mr. and
since the Palladian Contest. committee has been endeavoring Mrs" F" S" Bartlct ; Mr. and
While the decision was being . k ., Char(e, Dav danco ' Mrs. J. C. Allen; Mr. and Mrs.
compiled the Aeolian Quartet a strictly University affair, but J" G" Hasings ; Mr. and Mrs. J.
from goodness - knows - where
this laudable eflbit is combated
indicted two songs on the audi- , ' enmn oflwirtlo wun u.,,.., .,.
, . . i 1 1 j 1 1 u duiuv oiuMv.iuo tuu iitnv u'i
rtitrtn mil hi Hilivrrv hrm v 1 rt- MK : 1..
;:";; " ' " wu,u "'"'y n spiritto see lhc advan.
awaroeo nisi place oy an pres- ."
W. Dawes.
followed with
Gronlund's Lecture.
Wednesday evening Lawrence
: Mr. Cramb
-The End of Life." Ills sub-' ,ft , , , oc,ie1 """ "'"''"""- ist. lectured before the Political
iectwn. almost ,00 broad fo, , 'Y'n ' IT ' l S " for ,h "' of students who KcOMOmv dllb ilnd ils friends it,
, 1 . , , .Ifc-", 7UllwO ., lll. HVIOlVli ,
lage of a purely University n . , , .," 11.1 1
r3 ! Oronlund, the celebrated social
awiirnmrTnTii-&rnrue--sfiuTT T7r.:.:LT;r . tt:
sell their own tickets to outsid
ers. Almost all of the tickets
i( 1 11c hum wf- ,i ..,...,! ,,.;.,.. n.,fi ,,..,, . ism an licoi
,n ? thn. IT,,; toeing and cong.atu- , b d allvudy No one ,r. . , . n
lan in the I'm- 1 , 1 ovurvifi,? rtn 1 e lower it
:... :. r.,11 ..,i la,lons' nnd CNeiybody went w-n be adm5tt.d nt the door , .. ..
chapel. His subject was "Social
ism an Economical Blessing."
oor of the chapel
snori oration.- Air. uum . wnS made known.
the foundation for the best de- tjlc
livery of any m;
versity. His voice is full and h()ine, sonu. lo reioice. others to .....,. 4.:..,..." , ,, ,' was filled by an appreciative and
resonant, and if properly used ,, ;of ., i;M, Kf ,, ,, '' ' even enthusiastic audience.
,j ,.. , ii- ,ii:...... J ' PO tick
wouiu in- iut-111 ... '. Well satisfied with the result.
:ets will be sold at the 0.
wa, however, too monotonous.;
and lacked gesture. '
The winning oration was next
on the program. Mr. McMul
len's subject was "'Blaine, the
Man." It abounded with eilec
tive climaxes and oratorical
effects. If our orator gets rid
of a slight thickness which is at
times discernible in his voice
and makes his pauses a little
less marked, we will' be repre
sented in the State Contest and
the Interstate by as good a de
livery as the Uni has ever
Owing to Miss Blair's illness
the next nuraner, a vocal solo,
was omitted.
Miss Florence Smith then de
livered a thoughtful, well writ
ten oration on The Meaning of
a -University Education." Her
delivery was marred by the thin
ness of her voice.
Mr. A. G. Chapman next gave
'Another Side of the. Question."
Though Mr. Clrtiifman tied
Students nredominated but miinv
door. Conseauentlv nnv stu- . .., ' .. , -,r
rri, ,v.,,-i-;rrc r iiA ,r.,,.;o .. .-.. outsiders were noticed. iur.
"v ' "- " l'- ""' ddent who sells his ticket toanlP. , ,.
1 VJl UllllJUll S)UK
outsider is more man hkciv 1101
judges were as follows ;
2 s
Miss Smith 8
Chapman 4
1 I 'to get in himself. No tickets
.5'o will be sold to such persons if
o s the committee can help it. Ad-
i mission to the "gallery will be
7 2 j placed at twenty-five cents. The
I "2 ' music will be very tine and the
t 51 decorations very beautiful, and
o 7 j those who do not care to dance
P -1 will undoubtedl)' be more than
I entertained. Nevertheless, every
The preparations for the j student will be heartily wolcome
Junior Promenade are progress- to tiny floor. As a last word.
Smith 5
7 8 S
S S -1
1 1 1
2 8 (i
8 1 8
4 7 2
(5 fi 7
ft 5, fi
ing rapidly. The Hall of
Representatives at the capitol
This Promenade is for every
University student who dances.
has been secured, and the ante1 It doesn't matter whether you
rooms will be fixed for dressing i dance much or little, whether
rooms. Check stands will be! you have a new suit of clothes
run in each dressing room, and, or a new dress to wear or not,
every preparation has been made
for the comfort of those attend
ing. Irvjng's orchestra of six
teen pieces has been engaged to
play. Lemonade will be served
at several places in the room.
All carriages are, rcauested to
for .second place on to the east door. Many
come. You are sure to have a
good time if you go with that
intention. In Charter Dav week
we are all students together.
Let us forget whether we are
fraternity people or literary
society people or "non-jiners."
Only remember that we are all
e earnestly and
attractively. He speaks again
Saturday night in chapel, and
Sunday night, at the Universalist
church. His lectures are well
worth the attendance of all in
terested in social questions. His
views are of the most conserva
tive socialistic order, and have
no savour of anarchy.
At a meeting of thSeiiioiL
cJnss held on Tuesday afternoon
Miss Faulkner and Mr. Fling
were appointed a committee on
class photograph)', and Miss
Weston, Miss Taeat and Mr.
Johnson on invitations. The
commencement orator has not
been chosen vet. Several names
were suggests, but none of them
could be obtained. John Jt
Ingalls is the next on the list.
The junior and Senior classes
in chemistry are invited to spend
the evening with Prof. Nichol
at his home, Thursday eveningj
"February 8.