The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 31, 1894, Image 2
The Nebraskan. A Weekly lnjx ijAiied nt ilio I n vor ilyof Nobnukn. ENTKHKII A8 h KCONI) f LAPS MAIL M ATTKII. AJF. Miintvoiikncv KtlMo'-ln-Clilor lira. Wiiit.mouk Hiinlntw Maimirer AHOCIATi: r.MITOIIP. L. n. JMi.mtHY Literary Fiu:r Haiinkb uhloilo L II. llATt'lKl.l) . ,..I.nw W. L Wkatkiimann KxclmiiRtt MIS8.MAIITHA Hl'IIKH. 1 i I 1..,. m ., K. K. DROWN, Vice President. R. K. MOORU, President. f HUnion SaydJgs IUnkK? hi South Tcntn acreec. mtm iTTTfiTT Paidow Saumfls and Time Deposits. Students Who Patronize Mips OitwimtY J. w. Hkahson, O. PIM.MH. ...Locitl EDITORIAL from some other recess and put it in here. To have recitations and examinations going on at once is bad enough, but after. a week of this kind, to start out .i .-.i i. .. T. 1 .ll 1 ......... KJ UN ilUUllllM aUIUUSlCI 3 WUI N IS il vve nave wukcu, pn-uiui-n, t oven raved "college spirit" until good deal of a strain on the some people have opined that we , nninS S of the average were a little crazy on the subject, j student's brain- We Pretlict thal Perhaps we are. But here goes again. The way that the stu dents of the U. of N. supported, days. We get two weeks at Christmas and this year two .days at Charter Day. This is probably the reason why it was not thought necessary to leave a vacant day or two between the two semesters. It seems to us. Students wno rawoii. - P'i atHICDC that it would have been ndvis-i.lTOTipft Ar W AH PEL Tf vJcir Mit:K able to have taken a day or so, w, Novor Regret It. Thoy sou oiynsn uiounnu i or rather did not support, the Athletic Association last Salur day night was nothing more or the result will be very listless and heartless work for the first week or two of the second semester. 2136 O St.- .1.11 Wrlulit. r. i:. .Johnson .1 II MrCliiy. Pioxl'lonl. Vlce-l'roddpnt. Cashier. I John A. Ames. A-Vl ChIi. he : Columbia NATIONAL BANK i LINCOLN, - - NEB. CAPITAL 250,000. niUKCTons A. S. Haymnid. Chas.West. Thox. Cochrane. A. II Clark Reasonable Prices. First National Bank, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. CAPITAI $400,000.00 SURPLUS 100,000.00 OKF1CEUS: N. S. II AUWOOD, T'renldmit. , UHAS.A. I1ANNA, Vleo l'rciddont. V. M.OOOK. CrtHlilor. C. s Liri'iM-uriiium .1, 8. FIIKKMAN, Ahs'I Cashiers DIUKCTORS: N. H. Hurwood J. I. MucFarland V. M. Clarke T. M. Marquette Chas II. Hnnna John H. Ames Joliu Kltzircrolil II. K. Mooro n. u.Comt C.T. IlOKlfR KM. Cook .1. L. Cnnwn President Schieffer of thelTlie New (OLUMBIAN BAKERY t T m y r less than disgraceful. It would university 01 lowa maae a re- 1337 O STREET. not have been believed before Port t0 the Bojird of ReSents' T7RB5H gREHt), (ZflKES HNt) pIBS , that niirht that there were less ' showing the total income of a , H PARTY CAKES A SPECIALTY. .than seventy-five out of our number of State Universities to j i, 200 students who had enough ' D0 as '"ows : ., J JM:n,,:. energy ana get-up w siuena a.uiigau ,W)uuu A MIT A I PflHH 6 Ticket S5.00 Hectare iriven for the benefit of Wiscosin 380,4. s8 ' JJ. 1 111.11 illl UH1 JJ 5 Ticket - - - 4,20 our most imnortant organization. ! California 33q,oq3 Ir wasn't tvn nprps?nrv to it-, Minnesota . 302 soo , MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS- it s asn t c en necessaij to at- minnesoui 3o-,5oo c w ERANDHORST, Prop. - 121 North Eleventh St. 4 A j .... i . !... i.. A.. !. Ai.t ... I i innnio i-iiw v- i ICI1U 111U 1CCIUI C, IMUllgll lllUl WUH I "ia --,yw -to be desired. If any had heard i Nebraska 1531825 very Day The Only First-class Ealng House in he City 1 -Eli Perkins before, or didn't care .to hear him at all, they might at "least have.purchased a ticket or 'tickets. Fifty cents or a dollar Iowa 125,000 These figures may explain why we haven't a 'great jnany things that we want and- need. r- -i ., . . ... is not a fortune ana mere are ve rank very low in income, few of lis vho could not have j Nearly all the other important spa.ed it. The typical Nebraska State Universities have a great student seems to be, above every- deal more money to work with thing else, selfish. If you give , than the U. of N. Until our him a two dollar entertainment revenue is increased we cannot for a quarter, if the night is hope to rival our richer sisters, balmy and June like, if he has It is wonderful that we have -his lessons for a week ahead, he done as much as we have. Con- may possibly turn out. If the entertainment is only worth what he pays lor it, if it looks as sidering our income, we think it is no mere boast to say that the University of Nebraska does if it might snow next week, or more than any other University if there is an examination with-! in the west, if not in the coun in a month, he turns himself into (try. That, under existing cir a regular clam. His shell and 'cumstances, the U. of N. should his pocket book are closed as have made.for itself a reputation tight as a time lock with the extending not only over the combination lost. Will we ever whole United States, but to the awake to the fact that we are , intellectual centers of the Old not individual atoms struggling World, is little short of the mar against every other individual vellous. It must be that we have atom, but an organization, a be-. had some master minds among ing which will thrive only as our students. Other"' schools are each part thrives? Some parts; known by their faculties. We may not be interested in the pur- are known by our graduates, suits and amusements that others Chicago points to Von Hoist are. Nevertheless they ought to and Harper, obtained for the support those pursuits and institution by Rockafeller's mil amusements to some extent. The lions. We point to Howard, help given to the whole Uni- Warner and Little at Stanford, versity in this way will repay a MacMillan and Frankforter at thousand times any slight per-1 Minnesota, and Caldwell, who sonal inconvenience occasioned, j remains with his ama mater in Don't be a clam. spite of flattering offers else- 1 where. These are onr own, pro- The U. of N. is as a rule quite j ducts of Nebraska's own intel generous in the matter of holi-' lectual workshop. It is to them Stiff Hats Made to Order from $2.60 to $4.00. Wh- pay 15,(10 for n Hut when jou enn ret one miulo to Order the flmpool your heuri, nnyMyie, for Icsr money and just as pood a Hat? Why do you Ret h newHIn lint when you can pet your old one mmle its fjood iih new for 11 .2fiV Lincoln Stiff Hat Factorj, 1M So. lift St BOOKS, STATIONERY mMl Mlsr Window Shades and Mouldings, Artists' and Photographers' Materials; Drawing Instruments and Supplies. A. T. LEMING & CO., 1106 0 St., 118 M. 11th St. and others like them that the Uni I , owes its reputation, not to the niggardly legislators who begin buildings only to leave them half finished as toys for the ele-! ments. .PANTS- PANTS TO ORDER $4, $5 TO $10. Largest line of Woolenti In the HtU. Inspection Solicited. Lincoln Pants Co. 1223 O STREET. TROUSERS. ii JmjMiKtttt I M DETROIT, MICH. OMB SHIRTS! SHIRTS! TELEPHONK 085 C. A. SHOEMAKER, M. D. LINCOLN. NMJ. umce, io. ii,h i, btreet. Ground Floor. Hours. 7 to 9 a. in. ;l to 3. Mnd7 to8 p. in We earnestly Invite all Stu dents to visit our store before making any purchases In the line of Dry Goods, Cloaks, Ladles' Furnishing Goods and Men's Furnishing Goods. Our stocks are especially attractive. We refer new students to any of the professorsor any old stu dent in the University as to our manner of doing business. Very respectfully, .. . MILLER & PAINE. 133 to 135 South Eleventh St. A.KRONER MuiiufueturfH his wn Shir b. They fit the form and pleuM? the eye. A Fuu. Link ok . . . Men's FurnishingGoods HATS, CAPS, ETC. Our shirts ko direct from the manufacturer to the consumer. No middlemen's profits. Ten per cent discount to students. 93JI O Street, Basement State National Hank Building. Hutchins & Hyatt MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SgCaiion City, 'Bock Springs, Pennsylvania Anthracite All Kinds of COAL So WOOD ob Hand 1004 O St. Telephone 225. 'X