I l4M'innMHMljVMp7JMflffRMHI 18 THE NEBRASKAN case; Men do not go to sec horses work. They can see that on the streets. The ex citement of doubt as to the result is some thing. But so the horses were well matched their speed would be of little consequence, were that all. A swift trotting horse is a monument to careful training and human in genuity, and the crowds that applaud it arc applauding human skill and perseverance. In the foot ball team, too, we have a trained machine, but it is human. Where there is a contest between two well trained human ma chines more than machines, indeed, since each part within its sphere has independent will it is no wonder that such a contest ex cites human interest. College foot ball bids fair to render a great service to the community. In England the people themselves play in their athletic games. In America they hire others to play for their amusement. So while in England a man of 84 is ruling the foremost nation 01 the earth with the vigor of a youth, while in England but lately a man of So tilled the highest and most arduous judicial position in the world, in America men die of old age and exhaustion in their allotted three score years and ten. The college men of the country are beginning to change this. Col lege foot ball and college athletics are giving the youth of the country frames ft for men, and colleges are sending out strong minds cased in sound bodies without which the former can do relative!' little. There is another aspect of college foot ball which makes it a great improvement over the once accepted vents for youthful enthusi asm. Rows with th "town," class fights, and college politics are well enough, nay, inevitable, if nothing better is at hand. But the first two are apt to be quite as "brutal" as foot ball, and engender a vast amount of ill feeling which does no good. College poli tics, such as abound in small schools, aie par ticularly demoralizing. They are for the personal advancement of the participants each one -works for himself. They do no good to anyone, unless to train him for a fut ure as "Boss" of his ward. The absence of politics of the sort that some of the Alumni can remember and such as still lurk about the halls of our ama macr,h one of the dis tinguishing marks of a great school. The author of Tom Brown put the case of foot ball well : "The discipline and reliance on one another which it teaches is so valu able it ought to be such an unselfish game. It merges the individual in the eleven ; he doesn't play that he may win, but that his side may." Those of us who could do nothing in our day but thump each other in the name of class spirit, toss the Lincoln police force, or engage in petty "oratorical" contests for our personal glory, may well envy you, who, whether on the eleven or on the "scrub" side can work for the glory of our alma mater with all the enthusiasm and all the energy we were forced to waste. And ,ve arc thank ful that we may at least come out and cheer for you as you win her renown a renown all her children rejoice in, since being hers it belongs to all of us. Roscok Pound, 'SS. Rah-Rah! Rah-Rah! Rah-Rah! Nebrciska. If the U. of N. sported an eagle he would be perched at the top of the flag-pole stream ing at the top of his voice. Dough, Dough, Dough-re-mi. Fall, Fall so low. Sec? D-O-N-E, Done ! is the present version of Donne's yell. Of course we expected to beat them as badly as we did. But it's a reat relief to know that our expectations are fully realized. The afternoon was a beautiful one but a shade warm fcr foot ball. The crowd was pretty good. About five hundred people turned out, not to mention the omnipresent small boy, who crawled through the fence. The University girl was conspicuous chiefly for her absence. Either the girls have lost interest in foot ball or the boys have lost in terest in the girls.