THE NEBRASKAN IS itctavy. to us laden perhaps with the scent of the pure forests unci with very little else. Mere seem ing vagaries of an imagination that delights Is Bret Harte losing his skill in story-tell- i the aspects ol nature taken unawares, and ing. His last ellbrt in the Century will hard- s guiltless of motive or purpose as some of ly add anything to his reputation. On the his own characters. These creations may be whole it is rather a rambling, desultory, in- justified, if justification is needed, on the plea consequential sort of -i narrative, but en- of art for art's sake, and some of them are livened at intervals by characteristic touches the very embodiment of art. Others of his in which even the most casual reader could sketches, howevei , for they are not all so not fail to recognize the hand of the author, charmingly illogical, are most vivid pictures The Kentucky girl talks western slang with (f the life of the mining camp and frontier a southern accent, probably the result of towns. At times showing us the very depths some previous residence in California, which of human misery and vice, yet investing even is hinted at rather than expressed. How she these very often with a glamour and a jaunty acquired her thoroughly western manner is ir that while they are not intended to, and less evident. However, she is not lacking do not decive us as to their real nature, win in native wit, and very cleveily gives the our admiration for their skillful handling. Scotch-Englishman, a chance acquaintance, What though his heroes are gamblers and the benefit of her ideas on Highland scenes, highwaymen, adverse circumstances shaped Right here the author unconsciously or other- the careers of many of them, and they were wise cannot refrain from making a slight none the less men for a' that. John Oakhurst comparison of the land of the Scots with his willingly sacrifices his life for the "Outcasts own beloved California, to manifest disad- of Poker Flat," and Jack Hamlin, in addition vantage of the former in western eyes. The to his wonderful nerve and skill at play is not chance acquaintance proves to be the true lacking in generosity and fair-mindedness, but unappreciative heir of the McIIulishes, They are not border ruffians, but rather the not loath to part with his desert island for unicores of a former respectability. There American gold, and we close the magazine is something wonderful about even their wondering whether the lady from Kentucky greatest achievements and successes, which was prevailed upon by the consul's western ure met with the equanimity of habitual man friend, or by her daughter at the instigation ners. of the dissipated youth from MaeCorkleville Harle's style is indescribable but unmis- to embark in the fruitless enterprise. takeable. Lazy description is succeeded by It. is below Harte's usual standard, and action with startling suddenness, and yet in does not do him justice by any means. His such a provokingly subdued manner that we inimitable sketches of life in the Sierras wonder whether anything has really hap- would lead us to expect something better, pened and turn back to read it again. He is He has contributed more than any other man fond of introducing incongruous persons in to the literature of that interesting but over- incongruous places, and then ingeniously described region, and it is a relief to turn adapting them to their surroundings in a way occasionally from the ponderous style and that might be ludicrous if it were not so well heavy metaphor of some more pretensions done. We cannot help feeling that he is in writer:? who really never wrote anything half sympathy with his own characters, erring so delightful, to one of his breezy sketches, human beings though they often are. Many of his stories are like zephyrs wafted There is a slight tinge of philosophy in over wavering plains and snowy mountain many of his works that is not incompatible tops, and as apparently aimless. They come with the nature of his subjects. His heroines