jit-aim iimiiwi.wgsjar- - - -jifej ' msisz "j. XI "V MM M -- i I l Ml.K ARE THE IlEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS ulm nn u-lll. Ing to )Ky a 111 llo liiiiri' than I lie price i'lnii'l!i'il for tlio otiliimn tnuli' cipirciti'x, will Mini IMS BRAND wupoilor toall others. The Richmond Straight Cut No, I CKiAU KTT KS are made from Hie iirigliti'M, iim-i di'llrotc In itavor, ami lilnlioi com GOLD LEAF ', lrriiwn In Yli'L'llihi. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, ami olwrvo that tins iiatiit' or tin' iiiatiiirai'tiii'i'rs as liciow Is on every iMckapi. ?V DtlANCH " KICfWOND VIRGINIA NO KNIFE Piles cured without knife or detention from business. Rectal, bladder, kidney, nervous, blood and women's diseases. Strictures cured. RECTAL AND CHRONIC DISEASES. Dr. T. M. Triplett. Specialist. Newman Block, 1023-27 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. L A. BUMSTEAD. y w oy fK vn Men's Furnishings, Lindell Hotel Block. nastes Agent for Wanamaker & Brown's Custom Made Clothing. Suits to Order, $13 and Up. Fit and Sat isfaction Guaranteed. Valises, Jewelry and Notions. 1336 M STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. PROF. JOHNSON'S Daneing Aeaderny, lansiiJg theatre. Class Days and Nights. Tuesday Afternoon, 4 130 to 5 :3o. Evening, 8 to 11. Friday Afternoon, 4 130 to 5 530. Evening, S to 12. JUVENILE CLHSS - Saturday Morning, 10 to 12. Nebraska Pant and Suit Co sO. R. OKKLGY. Tlio most complete Merchant Tailoring Houso in tlio west. Selections may Ito mini's f mm OD different styles of suitings and I'nnt Goods. Overcoatings, Imported and Domestic Worsteds, Casslinores, Chovlots. Ktc. Prices the Lowest. INSPECTION INVITED AT 1217 0 STREET. Four Travelling Men cover the territory of Nebraska, East Iowa and Kansas. Pants made to order, 1, $5, $G, f7, up. All work finished in first class order and guaranteed perfect. E, II ILL, Citlsr. TELEPHONE 270.- -1 -o-jss.ev- CLARKSON LAUNDRY COMPANY 330-332-334 South Eleventh St.