24 THE NEBRASKAN jK F. J. H. Larson visited the Uni and shook The University has turned out some of the hands with everybody, last week. He is leading politicians of the state. The latest studying law with his uncle in Chicago. T. E. Wing of '93 is at present under ar rest in the Black Hills. Heprmably told some realist that "this is a world of ideals." The Unions have posted a notice of their oratorial contest which takes place in De cember. The .prizes are fifteen and ten dollars. addition to the ranks is the genial Lee Ed wards who is democratic candidate for co o ner. We promise Lee all our business if he's elected. A ladies' mandolin club has been organ ized. Miss Lucy Griffith and Miss Jessie Leland, lirst mandolins; Miss Stella Curtice and Miss Josephine Lottridge, second man dolins: Miss Helen Hoover and Miss Mav About twenty volumes on the period of Moore, uitars. '6o-'65 have just been received at the library. They are a welcome addition for American history students. Phi Delta Theta initiated three men on Friday the 13th. They were W. II. Hay ward ol Nebraska City, and Ralph and Corwin Haggard of this city. "What is the difference between ' Public Opinion' and 'The Opinion of the Public?'" was a question largely discussed in Profes sor Fossler's classes last week. The old cadets will be drilled in sabre and artillery practice lor a few weeks until the "awkward" squad have learned the differ ence between right hand salute and order arms. The board of editors of the "Annual" has met and got down to work. It is intended to bring out the "Annual" on the first of May. Every student should subscribe for at least one copy. Miss Blair, the new instructor in vocal music, will train the Glee club. She is one The foot ball field seemed to have lost something for a few davs. Macfarland went to Chicago. For six years he has got out and practiced and it seems strange to see the two elevens line up without him. His ex ample is commended to some of our dilatory athletes. Of the papers read in the organic branch of the chemical congress at Chicago, but four were written by Americans. It is is interest ing and pleasing to note that two of those were by Dr. Frankforter o( this University. That an alumnus and professer of this college should do as much as all the rest of the country, which was considered worthy of recognition by the congress, is indeed a source of congratulation. Dr. Frankforter is one of the rising chemists of the day. We prophesy that he will rank with Prof. How ard and Prof. Warner as one of our moat celebrated alumni. The long looked for appointments in the military department were made last Monday. The commissioned officers were as follows : of the most popular of our new instructors Com pan' A Captain, F. F. Tucker ; First and materially strengthens the musical de- Lieut., R. A. Bently ; 2d. Lieut., J. T. Bab- partment. cock. Company B Captain, John Dixon ; Kappa Kappa Gamma initiated two more 1st. Lieut., R. E. Johnston; 2d. Lieut., H. new members and completed the initiation of Ricketts. Company C Captain, E.Gcrrard ; their first two on Saturday the 14th. Miss eiu., v. j. oawyer ; 2a. J.ieut., Novell. Dora Harley and Miss Ena Ricketts are the latest addittons. A. I. Weaver manager ol the foot ball team, has gone to his home accompanied by an incipient attack of typhoid fever. Win, Company D Captain, Fred Clements; 1st. Lieut., W. T. Westermann ; 2d. Lieut., A. F. Montmorency. First sergeants : A Otis Weeks. B C A. Elliott. C Foss Durell. D L. Cheney. Of course there was some disappointment. All the Lieutenant's West Point mathematics could not enable him to Johnston, ex-manager, will perform his duties make tjie four captaincies go round the seven .1 1 , . , . i . . . unui ins iciuiu. or eigiu men wno aspired 10 mem