The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 22, 1893, Page 21, Image 10

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With this issue, the College of Law is in
troduced to the readers of the Nkiikaskan as
a part of the University. It may seem a lit
tle strange that after two years of successful
work the Law department needs any intro
duction ; but it has not been lonir since its
existence, if not unknown, was at least un
thought of by many of the students of the
academic college. Owing to an unfortunate
combination of circumstances, we have not
in the past been able to identify ourselves
with the interests and feelings of the Univer
sity to that degree necessary in order to
arouse our enthusiasm and pride in our insti
tution. However, under the new order of
things we expect to see all this changed.
Now that we hold our sessions at the Univer
sity, we hope that a closer contact with Uni
versity methods, and with the students of the
other departments, will incite our members
to a more vigorous and student like methods
of study. The aim of the school, as ex
pressed by Chancellor Canlield, is to have
students study, and not simply read, law.
During the early part of the year 1891 the
idea of opening a Nebraska School of Law
in connection with the State University, was
much discussed by the lawyers of the state,
and particularly by the local bar association.
In Jul' a committee of local attorneys met
with the Chancellor for the purpose of devis
ing plans to accomplish this purpose. There
were many difficulties in the way of the pro
posed department. Tne University buildings
were already full ; there were no funds for
such a purpose, and even the forlorn hope of
a legislative appropriation was more than a
year ahead, as the legislature did not meet
before that time. However, at a meeting of
the Hoard of Regents held August 18, 1891,
the Law School was established as a depart
ment of the University. A sufficient amount
of funds to run the new department for the
ensuing year was voted from the University
W. Henry Smith, who was then at the
head of the Central Law School, was chosen
dean ; and a faculty which comprised the
names of some of the best lawyers in the
state was selected, and the work begun. A
class of thirty-eight was enrolled for the first
lecture. During the early part of the year
the lectures were delivered in Nebraska hall,
but owing to the crowded condition of the
building the Law School was removed to the
Burr block. This enabled the department
to have more commodious rooms ; but it was
unfortunate in that the Law School was thus
separated from the University proper. Lec
tures were held here during the ?ear, and a
class of eleven was graduated in June. The
enrollment for the next year was fifty-five,
of whom thirty-two were graduated.
An effort was made at the last session of
the legislature to have some adequate pro
vision made for the Law School : but the
same close-listed policy that makes the site
of the new library bvilding resemble the
wreck of a World's Fair hotel scheme, made
it impossible to secure an appropriation, aside
from thai given to the University as a whole.
However, in spite of lack of support of the
legislature, the Law School has steadily ad
vanced in numbers, efficiency of instructors,
and methods of instruction. Our instructors
and lecturers are the best obtainable ; men
who are successful in their profession, and
are in sympathy with the students.
Judge M. B. Reese, as dean, needs no in
troduction to the people of Nebraska as a
man of ability and integrity, and no word of
commendation as a teacher to students who
have been under his direction, lie has been
a member of the faculty since the organiz
ation of the Law School, and is a practical
and efiicient teacher. His geniality makes
him at once the friend of every student, and
serves to brighten even such a tiresome sub
ject as common law pleading. Judge Reese
was chosen dean to fill the vacancy caused
by the resignation of Mr. Smith, which took
place at the close of the last academic year.
The faculty is made up of the following
instructors : Hon. H. H. Wilson, a graduate
of the University, and a lover of his alma
mater, evidence ; Hon. Joseph R. Webster,