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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1893)
The Nebraskan oi. II. Lincoln, Nkbraska, Octobkr 22, 1893. No. 2. T M B NEBRASKAN The Hcsfcrian said it wished its readers to 1 e u 111 11 1 1 i,"i""n. .7 77, . , " 'ticizo it if there was good cause (or criti- nemi-Monlhly Paper Isstietl at the University or Nebraska. cisilK otherwise these words would not be Kntercrt as second-class mail matter, penned. We realty fail to see any particular hoard ov kditoks: connection between the library and the fact A. V. Montmorhncy TMitor-iu-Chief that students receive a special discount on 1,. n. PiwiiuRv Literary clothng at s Neither is it intheprov- J. H. Johnston Uhletic -. , ,. . ,. ' , K. J. HATFiiu.n I.w School ince ' the exchange editor to inform us that w. i. Wkstkrmann Kvchangc guarantees good work on shoes. It Miss Martha litTRKs, i savors verv much of back woods journalism Miss IIklsn Grkc.ory, 1 Local - . . J L. C. Oukrmbk. to put advertisements in among the reading II. G. Whitmokk Business Manager matter of a paper. We beg the Hesperian A Representative College Paper. for the sake of our common pride and care, Subscription $i.oo"ie7yeir, if v id irefbn! January l, tMe University, to cease this pernicious habit. 1893, otherwise $1.50 ' All subscriptions will be continued until ordered Great development in any one direction is stopped. apt to cause a weakness in some other. This (PMtnrtrtl has it seems been the case in our scientific department. In botany and chemisUy we are unexcelled, but nearly every visitor, or If il were not that we firmly believe that too at east many a . remarks the tota ab. much of a good thing is an impossibility, we gence of inslruclion in astr0nomy. Of course would hesitate to appear before the University tQ ive thorough instruction requires the out public again so soon. Inevitable and una- I;iy of a great amounl of moncy for appara. voidable accidents delayed our first issue until Thjs is pi.aclicany impossible, but it chronology was badly mixed. Some tilings SQQms as if SQmQ eiementary work mjcht be were referred to as yet to be which had become done Ag k is ther() is no way by wh; h we ancient history before the paper finally es- can get even a general idea of this science, caped and made its bow to the public. We W(J vcan jiardy nave a Yerkes telescope or sincerely apologize for our shortcomings, or even a 1Juje Qie such as Lick p,eSented to rather our longcomings, and promise that it the University of California, but we might shan't happen again. get SOme idea of how the stars go "round " and round " with an opera glass if we were It is rumored that the glee club which ma- taught how. terialized as a double quartet is to be drop- : ped It is to be hoped that this rumor is The football season is now open. There false We have longed for n glee club for has been lots of enthusiasm displayed in lhe years. It would be too bad to lose what we preliminaries. There have been a hundred 1 1 . 1 :. :, crrifirp must or so students standing around in the way of have gained towards it. borne saciinct ihum j 1 , t i n innlit hut it the players and shouting a little every even be made by each member, no doubt, mu u l 1 s m will be for the University and that should be mg. Some of them have contributed of their enough for any loyal student. worldly goods to the support of the team. IIIMIMfllWWiliWtMMBB