KILBORN GILBERT, . IHjMBS Kmuio-0 e Photographers Finest Work in the city nt Popular Trices. Special Inducements to Students. 1-3. JL" ii-viUrli j "ML. . . T Telephone 742. - GROCRRIRS s- My tore is headquarters for Fruits and Vegetables in season. I make special rates: to college bonrding clubs. Our stock is first-class only. Wc linve no cheap goods, "CAPITAL CAFE The Only First-Class Eating House in the City. 121 North Eleventh St. $6 Ticket $5.00 C. W. BRANDHORST, Proprietor. . 5 4.20 Meals Served at all Hours. 3 2.60 Glason & Plrtghrr Go. 1120 O STREET, LINCOLN. NEB. UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS. School Books, School Supplies, Bibles, Stationery, Albums, Wall Paper and Holiday Goods. F. n. mcCujsky, Secretary, ni o .St. McArthur St Son, - R,.BL0CK- .v-tv-cj. v Js TWELFTH & O. DRUGGISTS : Soda and Mineral Waters, Ginger Ale Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars