f I 12 THE NEBRASKAN one, would be willing to pay to go to chapel SCLXlb 23tlVrS. if everybody would do likewise. , Here is the list. May it be ten times as long in our next issue : A boy mid girl played hcziquc, Hesperian fl10 Tho irl 8ftl(l thc b,iy wn8 n snltluc' ' The boy then replied "you're n friqne," y t Weaver. ' 5 ' ' ' And now they any they don't spiquc; J. A. Canlield '. . . . 5 00 J.H.Johnston 5 ' E. A. Gcrrard 5 00 Mr. Wood B. Wittc : "Hello, Cooper." G. B. Holt 5 00 . Mr. Nevers C. (who is walking with W. B. H. Ricketts 3 00 W.) : "Why, 1 thought that man's name was F. F. Tucker . 2 00 Jfcrby" E. M. Johnston 5 00 Mr. W. B. W : "Oh, it is, but I call him Cooper because he whoops cm up so much. T. F. Fisher 5 00 H. G. Whitmore, . , 5 E.C. Strode.....' 5 00 . ... ... .. . "Well, said the man with the Ferris F. M. Broan . . . . 3 00 wjlcei jn xs head, "I cannot wholly sec how II. A. Franke. : 2 00 those things can be holes when they are knot E R Dark 200 holes, but I suppose that it is because they are not halves that they arc holes, although thev J. P. Bcardslcy 2 00 nrc w holcs L. T. Thayer 1 00 Hugh Walker 1 00 C. S. Skinner 3 00 Prof. Allen (lecturing) : It is a well settled J. A. Lunn 500 principle in natural philosophy, that two A. F. Montmorency 5 00 things cannot occupy thc same space at the W. H. Sawyer ? 00 samc time. It is equally true that one thing TT ' cannot occupy two different places at one and W. H. Raymond c 00 ., J D the same time. Roscoe Pound 10 00 c. j . r Student (interrupting) : Professor, arc Neal 5 00 there not exceptions to the latter rule? C. O. Morrison 3 00 prof A. (sarcastically) : Perliaps you can J. W. Searson 2 00 give ns one. H. J. Butte 2 06 S . 1 think so R. H. Johnson,. . 2 50 Pr)(. A . WcU R. L. Cheney 2 50 . , , Student : The other day I telephoned up A.B.Taylor 2 to , r- 1 r 1 VI n 1 J D to my friend in Omaha and he was able to be W. H. Forsyth 1 00 up tiiere anci lcar at the samc time l And the formula, on the blackboard, for a G. L. Town 1 00 double convex lens, looked like the music to T. B. Rilsbury 1 00 "Tarara boom dc aye" te 1 t K 1 J.tjl