The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 08, 1893, Image 1

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    The Nebraskan
Vol, II.
Lincoln, Nebraska, October 8, 1893.
No. 1'.
The Nkbraskan
A Somi-Monthly Taper Issued at the University of Nebraska.
Entered as second-class mail matter.
A. F. Montmoruncy Editor-in-Chief
II. G. WhiTmokb Business Manager
A Representative College Paper.
Subscription $1.00 per year, if paid before January 1,
1893, otherwise $1.50
All subscriptions will be continued until ordered
With this issue the Nebraskan enters upon
the second year of its existence. If the past
year be regarded in the light of a probation
ary period, we think the paper has justified
itself, in other words it has proved that it has
an excuse for living. As to how near it has
come to the fulfillmeiit of the end for which
it was created, we leave to that best of all
critics in the Uniersity, the student-body, to
We think, as we always have thought, that
that the paper that best answers the needs of
a college is the one that most nearly approx
imates the convictions and voices the senti
ment of the students of that institution. The
student-body is necessary composed of more
or less heterogeneous elements, composing
as it does, individuals of widely differing
talents and tastes. A college paper then is
confronted by many of the problems that have
harassed the publishers of news dissemin
ators since the dawn of journalism. Now to
keep abreast of the times and give a faithful
exposition of public opinion, and yet adapt
itself to suit the requirements of a multitude
of readers, our modern metropolitan daily,
and the Sunday edition in particular, is little
short of an abridged encyclopedia, and is
nothing if not catholic in tone.
However, we did not start out with the
intention of enlarging on the principles of
journalism in general, merely such of them
as may be applicable to college publications.
If our University is a little world by itself, its
doings and its opinions are of as great in
terest to all connected with it, as are those of
the greater world to the public at large.
How can these be better recorded and ex
pressed than through the medium of a college
journal, which is, or should be, a sort of
weather-vane thermometer, and barometer
combined, taking note of every shadow of
change and encouraging such as tend to the
general welfare and advancement. This
may be an ideal, but it is not an unattainable
one. Such a paper will not be a field for
party or faction strife. Its motto will be
"The University," and its interest the inter
ests thereof.
It was not our intention to make any ex
tensive declaration of principles for The Ne
braskan. Emerson says in more chaste
phrase that consistency is largely a fake.
Because a man thinks one thing today is no
reason why he should think so tomorrow.
This applies to papers as well as men. The
great University which this paper tries to
represent is constantly changing and The
Nebraskan must change with it. If we
were to make a definite statement of policy
and depart from it a month or so hence
it would furnish an excellent handle on
which our friends (we hope we have no ene
mies) might hang criticism. . We don't like
to be criticised, particularly, if. the criticism
is just. On one point, though, w.e may safely