THE NEBRASKAN in s A western editor has devised a scheme for kreping subscriptions paid up, that is said to be a startling success. Every time a delin quent subscriber is mentioned in his paper, his name is inverted. For example : "uqof souof and wife are spending a lew days in Chicago." Every other subscriber under stands what it means, and there is a grand rush to get right side up again. Ex. Tins Nehraskan contemplates a scheme of this character for next year. Delinquents beware. An expert mathematician has calculated that the amount of energy spent in an aver age foot ball game is suflicient to breakup WHAT PROFS WILL DO. WHAT SOMK OK THIS l'KOKS WILL 1)0. Miss Conklin will bo in Chicago all sum mer. Professor Lues will be in Europe all sum mer. Miss Jo Treeman will spend a month at the Fair. Professor Bates will have his headquarters for the summer at Burlington beach. Professor Hitchcock will spend a week in twenty acres of the heaviest soil known in Chicag0j am may g0 eftSl for lhe mmm0Vm iuu country. zs.v. Dartmouth has turned out forty college presidents, two hundred college professors, sixty members of congress and twenty-four governors. Among her famous alumni are Daniel Webster and Rulus Choate. Ex. First Boy I don't like Caisar. Second Boy Why? First Boy Too much Gaul. Ex. Miss Jones, the librarian, will spend a month at the Fair, and two weeks in Wis consin. Mr. Max Westcrmann wilf be in Lincoln all summer, with a two weeks' vacation out in the Mountains. Judge Dales, the genial steward, will be in Lincoln all summer, and spend Sundays in his cottage at Milford. A Chinaman was invited by a fellow coun- Miss Wilder will divide her time about try man to take a drink. He responded sadly : equally between sight-seeing at the Fair and "Wish I could. I can't. Belong to the Band housekeeping in Lincoln, of Hope. Can't drink, can't smoke, can't rroiessor ancrman ana uimiiy win oe at the World's Fair through June, and in Mass achusetts for the rest of the summer. swear ; wish I could ; I can't. Belong to the Band of Hope." Wcllslcy Prelude. In Iytttin and Creek He wo 5 quick as a streak; In dress he was foppish and tony; The latter was due to his being an ass, The former was due to his pony. Harvard Lampoon. FAST DYI5. Professor Wolfe will spend two weeks in Chicago the last of July. The rest of the summer he will be in Lincoln, working. Miss Trcmain will visit the Fair from the There's one consolation," thought the last. of June . tiU thc middlc of Jul'' aftcr wnicn sue win reiurn 10 i-incoin or j;o east. bargain-hunter as she was blown to atoms by a dynamite cartridge, "this is a fast die." Hcrvard Lamfoon. The Shirt I'm completely clone up every few days. The Peamut Poor fellow 1 But I'm con tinually roasted. Pittsburg Bulletin. Mr. and Mrs. Menzendorf go to the World's Fair the ist of July, and will visit there and at Bloomington, 111., for a month. Miss Ellen Smith will be busy all summer finishing the catalogue and copying records. "T' 'RTlWHlMitvtt. iffiwwiHir i " " " " "" MPMMWWMMJIUllllllMIIIMMn'""'"''"" WW" iH