120 THE NEBRASKAN W t ill Sanfc 23uvvs. THK S1WI0K lMCNIC. A Utile drive, A Utile Ice; , 1 ,11110 tonstn, Very nice. A little diuup, A little swim, A little ruin, Home auiii. John L. M. Jr. (At the hoarding cluM Your cook is very pretty. Mrs. M. Yes, she mashes the potatoes hy simply smiling at them. Rev. Mr. Gnodc (to worldly-minded youth) Young man, the good hook tells us that no man can serve two masters. Young Naulicus That must he a mistake, heeause 1 know a har tender here in Lincoln who does it right along. R. M.G. Impossible, my young friend. Y. N. Well, he serves schooners of beer, and any sailor will tell you that a schooner is a two-master. The Lincoln Park management is nothing if not enterprising. They have introduced an entirely new wrinkle in the way of sum mer resort attractions. We have been led to believe that the principal attraction at a place of that kind is the summer girl ; but the man agers of Lincoln Park, when they hired the young lady to do the balloon as ension and parachute drop, have gone the summer girl one better and introduced the fall girl. -In view of the fact that the University is to have a boating club next year, Tim Nk mkaskan, with its usual enterprise, will give below a list of the more common nautical ex pressions so that we may talk intelligently about our crew : i. A screw propeller A screw driver. 2. A companion way The way a chum strikes you for the loan of a dollar. 3. After-hatch A setting hen. .. The water line Where a Kentuckian draws the line in his drinks. 5. Alore and after A patent medicine ad. 6. A clipper The exchange editor of the Hesperian, 7. A three-sticker Athree-ceentpastage stamp. 8. A cap-full of wind Dr. Billings' head. 9. A half-hilch A Chicago marriage. 10. Tue quarter-deck Thirteen cards. 11. In stays The average society woman 12. In port The delcrium tremens. 13. Windlass The bottom man in a foot ball scrimmage. The time has now come when the Seniors must bid each other good bye and separate, perhaps forever, but we will be together in spirit, as the ingredients of a whiskey cock tail remarked to each other. Soph. See that Frcchie over there? He's awfully green. Junior How so? Seph. He wanted to know if Anglo Saxon taught anything about fishing. Prof. Allen What is a transparent object? Gadsby I tell you these Senior meetings Amateur Physic-ian Something you can are regular paper mills. sec through. Bnlwby I lail to connect. Why? Prof. A.-Givo an illustration. Gadsby-They do so much "chewing the A. P. A ladder. rag don't you know. u ,-i fp . fr4" y