The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, June 01, 1893, Image 1

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The Nebraskan
Vol. I. Lincoln, Nebraska, June, 1893. No. 9.
T I-i E NEBRASKAN. from being connected with such a great
Anthly Paper, Issued at the University of Nebraska, student-thought director as a college journal
Entorod n"88ownd-cln88"mnIl nrnttor! ought to be,- and helpful to the rest of you,
noAitn op kditohs: because the paper has had an influence, we
T. E. Wing EdItor-in-Chiof trust a strong and healthy influence, in dc-
Miss SSSiiKroN ::::::::::: l Lltorary waning your attitude and action in college
FiiKi CooiiKY ) life. Just as Goethe dying, murmured,
Miss Mattih Buuks Locnl and Miscollauy t. ,, ,. . L . n, . ,,
R S. Bulla ) More light ; so we as we oxpire oflicially
KD w;;. -. th,otlc wouln beg for "more college spirit."
II. Q. WiiiTMOUB Business Munngor b o i
- 1 iere iins been much accomplished, but
, - p f" - " . Jl ,. the work must go on till the highest good
(EbUoVldl nas keen reillized. We must consider our-
selves units, must not lose our personality,
r. . , . , , , . but at the same time and in harmony with
Owing to the unavoidable absence of a ,. ... t , , .
, , ., rt. . , the highest good to ourselves we must con
part of the Nkukaskan stall from the city, . , ., , . . A r
1 ,,,,,, . sider that we are fractional parts of one great
we were compelled to call on other parties to ,L , ,, . . .. ,, , . -
. . ,l , , ' . unit and that in working out the solution of
assist m getting out the paper. We arc in- ., . . ., , . ,, - , ,
, , , , T tt r 1 1 r t-. this great unit we work out the fullest solu-
debted to Messrs T. H. Johnston and 1 . F. A. .,.,,... , i i
,...,,. . ..... , , , T tion of all its factors. We hate to leave the
Williams for editorials, and Messrs. W. L,. TT c XT , ,. ,., - ,
, T , ,., ' ... , , U. of N. and the Nkukaskan for we have
and . 1. Westermann for aid in other dc- , , c . , . ,-, ,
J , , , , , , been proud of our connection with it. Proud
partments. We wish to thank the gentlemen . .. . n. L , .. .
',.,.,. in a small inoflensive way, not believing we
for their kind assistance. ,. , . , ,, ., , A r .
were the lever that moves the world but feel-
ing that we had a hand in some small mcas
With this issue the present management of ure in aiding and guiding studont opinion
the Nbiiraskan makes its final bow and toward what is higher and better and worth
steps down and out. Before we go we wrfnf ier. And as we go we leave our blessing
to express our thanks to everybody in any upon the paper that has become so dear to
way connented with this paper, either as us, and upon college journalism in general
contributor or reader. To the public we are at our University. We shall watch with in
grateful for their negative indulgence in that tcrest its future growth and development,
they have not driven us forth bodily, but May it grow in "grace and influence, advanc
have consented to read what we have meted ing alike the honor and usefulness of editors
out to them ; to the Board we are grateful for and students and clear old Alma Mater,
their never failing zeal and interest in behalf
of the Nkukaskan, without which the paper DurinS the summer months the genial
could never have attained the high place registrar will remain quiescent and inopei-
among college journals that it now occupies. atlve
We feel that the year has been a helpful one Next comes the Fourth with picnics, pyro-
to us all to ourselves perhaps most of all in technics and patriotism galore. That day
the experience and pleasure we have derived one hundred and seventeen years ago Chris-