84 THE NEBRASKAN i Barb or bccattsc he was a Frat. That time, and the men of that opinion on both sides have gone, we hope, to join the shades of the old 17th century bigots. If there is anything good in a man let it come out and let it have its influence on the rest of us. It makes no fe Chancellor's (Column. ON ALERTNESS. Each period seems to have its peculiar characteristic; a something which distin guishes it from the preceding age ; a "mark vt 1 1 I J weary, rlease torget tne personality oenma this paper, if the ideas presented are good, or if you get any pleasure out of reading what we print be satisfied, if not, ask us to re sign and we will, if we can't improve, but don't, if you value our opinion of you, come around and intimate that what we write would difference, so long as the idea is helpful, who brand" bv which we readilv recognize it originated it. This Frat-Barb grunting and ThJs cimracteristic may not have the same growling and jealousy makes us exceedingly manjfestation (quantitative) in different com- munities or in different nations but the peculiar quality of the age can be detected without much trouble. The aroma may be subtle and faint, but it is in the air. The distinguishing characteristic of this age is alertness. The term is used as mean in? something more than activity, celeritv : be very nice if we didn't wear a Frat pin. something olher than qickness, promptness, Friendly and even sharp criticisms are good briskness It is rather the condition-preced- for any college paper. We hope to be cnti- em of these Jt s ft certain intentness and cised for therein lies improvement, and we keenness of perception, a ready play of all certainly shall criticise when we feel like it. lhe facult;es Its 0pposites mark the stolid, There is a difference though between sharp sodden sulen man . the man who -s buf. ha,f criticism and sarcastic slinging of mud. We awake. who hears indistinctly and who hope to continue in the "Representing" bus.- sees diml . whose senges must be stirrcd ness till the end of the year and, Providence Qr nQt at al, The aert man ig the permitting, for many years to come. There elic needle . the other is sim , a bar of is a big field hereto represent though and we U1 r .U1 . .. to . , .. . . iron capable of some use, possibly, m the wish the Hcs-bcnan all possible success in its , , r ., , . . , . . J . . hands of others ; but supine, heavy, inert "representing business. , , A , rr , , . , , & u'hpn l.t n nnp I r. no nlrf ic tr ha Torono .. a. ..v hiviiv.1 A k ...N. w . U, OLVP&0 We are going to take a resolution right here in public. It is this : We shall be glad to discuss, soberly and earnestly with the Hesperian any question either of us may bring up. We shall not do an more scrap ping on this Frat-Barb question. We've had our "say" and shall keep quiet hereafter. St. Peter isn't going to ask whether we were a "Pal" or a "Sig before he lets us in. As long as he isn't we needn't worry about the matter here at the U. of N. where there are plenty of more profitable subjects to discuss. ive, to be delicately poised, to sense things and conditions and men and relations with the finest possible "feelers." There is something about this alertness that amounts almost to commercial or pro fessional instinct. The hot strife of the world of today gives phi' to this rather than to the judgment ; certainly rather than to very deliberate judgment. Just now all things are done in haste. The ox team gives way to quick-stepping horses, and the horses to steam. The mail becomes weeklv. then daily, then almost hourly, and is in turn There are about seventy-five Sombreros supplanted by the telegraph and telephone, in a box down in the Hesperian office. They The slow going merchant-man becomes the are for sale cheap. The business managers clipper, and the clipper gives way to the are also in a box and are vainly trying to steamer, and the steamer to the best of its persuade '93 to do the square thing and help class, the ocean greyhound. Travel con- them out of the hole. tinues by night and by day. The world in