The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, April 01, 1893, Page 92, Image 12

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Scmb 23urrs.
It'nir haired co-ed with face so sweet,
Pretty luuids mid dainty feet,
Thou dost seem to me complete
As you trip along the street.
Yet my wit cannot devise
Why you, of all, so bright and wise,
Should'st wear that horrid glass disguise,
To hide from view your lovely eyes.
It was a cough
That took him off;
It was a coflin
They took him off in. Ex.
versity Experiment Station. The Library
of the Department of Agriculture has sev
eral rare works difficult to obtain ordinarily.
These include works on beet sugar, irrigation
and one volume Columella's De Re Rustica,
published in 1535 on general agriculture.
Few people, whether connected with the
University or not, have an adequafc idea of
the amount of what may be termed "outside
work" that comes to the Department of
Chemistry. This work comes in the form - -;
. .. , , . The cholera will he here this summer, they say,
of requests for addresses, requests lor in- vvc wLsh there was some one who could keep it away,
formation, often of an expert character, and nr. Hillings should see this long felt want and fill it.
requests for analysis. Since January 1, 1S93, He should cholera microbe, and learn how to kill it.
over fifty requests for analysis alone have
been filed by the professor of chemistry.
The majority of them are for analysis of
cattle foods, dairy products, sugars, syrups,
waters, soils and minerals. In many cases,
to give the information asked requires the
work of an expert for a week.
L. H. Davis, '95, Exchange Editor of the
Nbbraskan, started home Monday, March 6.
On the evening of the 8th, when he arrived
at the house, about nine miles from Bronson.
Kansas, his father was unconscious and died
before morning. Mr. Davis was a prominent
landowner of Southeastern Kansas and from
the active interest he took in politics was
widely known in his state. Me was a prom
inent Mason. A very peculiar circumstance
in connection with his death was that he
dreamed on the same night and while appar
ently in good health, that he was in the cem
etery surrounded bj' the greatest concourse
of people ever assembled in Bronson. His
dream was fulfilled within forty-eight hours.
Davis, '95, has a very large circle of admir
ing and devoted friends in the Universit' and
he and his family have their sympathy. The
Nebraskan especially wishes to express its
sorrow and regret that one of the most effi
cient members of its staff is in trouble. Davis
will not return to the U. of N. this year.
The NEBRASKAN for the rest of the school
year, including this issue and a copy of the
SOMBRERO, for SIXTY CENTS. See Whit-more.
High on the throne of Knglish Lit.
Peterson exalted sat,
He eyed the class; he paused n bit,
Then warbled through his hat:
"The mighty characters here drawn,
Surmount the common level,
And most of all, for brain and brawn,
I do admire the devil.
Oh how odd, if Tucker guesses,
That some day he'll win caresses,
That he'll gain the hope he presses,
That, "There's music in the hair."
When from custom he digresses,
With his Paderewski tresses,
He should also put on dresses,
Same as other "women" wear.
"Class Day programs are such a bore,
Never could see what they hid them for,
Think I want to act a fool,
Telling my friends what I've learned in school?
Besides, the guys that get high marks
Will nail all the places the hungry sharks,
The class can't do itself justice, I fear,
When 'the brightjights' only of the class appear.
"The class ought not to be ruled by a clique,
The plan I propose is to have a picnic,
In which everyone of the class can take part
And shine to advantage, the dull with the smart.
We'll camp near Milford's placid lake,
And stuff ourselves with pie and cake,
Oh 'Ninety-three's nothing if not progressive,'
And a physical feast is surely expressive.