The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, March 01, 1893, Page 75, Image 7

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"thin i.s too severe. No mortal over sinned
ho badly as to deserve this. It i.s unjust."
Kaseinatod, 1 drew nearer. As I ap
proached it seemed as if there was something
familiar in the chant. Finally I recognized
it. A great revulsion of feeling came over
me. I was no longer surprised. The pun
ishment no longer seemed out of proportion
to the crime, I only wondered that it had
not been more severe. I felt the heartiest
sympathy for the other ghosts. T now un
derstood the convulsions and spasms. It
was Lottie Collins dancing "Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-aye".
The torture was too much. I gave one
shriek of agony and awoke.
D. A. Haooaud.
The management of the Nkhkaskan has
asked us to take charge of the exchange col
umn. This is to be a new feature of the pa
per, and, approving the idea, we were con
strained to accept the responsibility of be
coming its editor, despite a natural dillldence
arising from a lack of experience in newspa
per work. The policy of the column will
have to be developed by trial. However, it
may be proper to remark that our desire is
to make the column interesting to the stu
dents of this and neighboring schools. How
far we shall succeed remains to be seen, but,
to the end that every possible means of suc
cess may be within our reach, we request
every college editor to whom this issue
comes kindly to place us on his exchange
" The principal parts of the verb Mlunco,' "
says an exchange, "arc llunco, fluncere,
suspendi, expulsum."
"The best of us being unfit to die, what
an inexpressible absurdity to put the worst
to death." Hawthorne.
A club is being formed at the University
of Wisconsin for holding the cross country
runs that are so popular in eastern colleges.
This is a branch of athletics in which N. S.
U. could profitably take a hand.
Sympathetic Subscribers should $cnd Sub
stantial $uccor. i.v.
Only Si per year, see? Whitmore.
The Hopkins mansion, valued at$i,ooo,
ooo, which was recently presented to the
University of California, will be used for an
art school and museum.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technol
ogy has been assigned i ,200 square feet ad
joining the space allotted to Harvard for its
exhibit at the World's Fair.
The Phi Beta Kappa honorary fraternity
at Kansas University has elected six mem
bers of the senior class to membership, and
will elect four more. The election is based
on the grades of the candidates, more espe
cially on their grades in literary work.
The nmn who litis n thousand friends
Has not a friend to spare ;
Hut he who has one enemy,
Will meet him everywhere
By a recent arrangement of the faculty of
the University of Wisconsin the results of
original investigations made by the students
or faculty of that institution, will be pub
lished. Only original papers will be pub
lished, and the issue in each case will not
exceed 1,500 copies.
W. C. Coleman of the Kansas State Nor
mal will represent Kansas at the interstate
oratorical contest at Columbus, Ohio. The
subject of his oration is " The Philosophy of
Reform." K. S. U. received sixth place in
the stale contest. May we be more fortu
nate on the 10th than our neighboring sister.
Name immaterial; object fun;
Officers, numerous ; membership one ;
Meetings, continuous ;
Voting, unanimous ;
Treasury, emptiness thus it doth run.
Michael F. Sweeney, of the Xavier Ath
letic club, raised his record for the running
high jump at the midwinter games of the
University association in Philadelphia last
month. He jumped six feet three inches