72 THE NEBRASKAN mind as one reads some recent magazine effusions. They leave no distinct impression on the reader's mind. The writer, in almost every instance, seems to have a great abhor ence for direct statement. After hinting at one or two facts she (it is almost invariably "she") vainly attempts to outline a complete system of philosophy in ten or twelve lines. If the binding were sombre cloth and the print small one might imagine that Spencer had attempted to introduce rhyme into his works, not succeeding very well with it, and at the same time spoiling his philosophy. Those poets that have heretofore been called great, have, as a rule, expressed their facts and implied their philosophy, or rather, left it for the reader to imply. The present ten dency seems to be to express the philosophy and to imply the facts. Scribner's for March has an interesting and timely article, " The Work of the An dover House in Boston," by William Jewett Tucker, with shetches among Boston insti tutions and the Boston Poor by Walter Shir ban. This sketch is doubly entertaining on account of the widespread interest in the College Settlement Association. " Remi niscences of Napoleon at Elba," is the title of interesting papers in the March Century. Harpers contains a comprehensive account of " Slavery and the Slave Trade in Africa" from the pen of Henry M. Stanley, a paper on the celebrated palace and monastry of "The Escunal," by the late Theodore Child, with drawings by Charles Graham and H. D. Nichols. No fiction in the world is more fascinating or more powerful than that of Russia ; and stories of Russian despotism, and the hor rors of political prisoners in Siberian mines and dungeons possess a wierd interest for the reading public. Mr. Thomas W. Knox appreciated this fact when he constructed his story, "The Siberian Exiles," wh'cli traces the history of the Russian gentleman and landholder from the time of his arrest as a suspect, through his dreary impris onment until he is, without trial, sen tenced by the administration process to exile in Siberia. Speaking of Russian life, the special number of the Romance is entirely de voted to Russian stories from the pens of such writers as Tolstoi, TourgerenefT and others. The February number of the Nineteenth Century contains an article " Medical Wo men in Fiction " from the pen of Sophia Jex Blake. The writer reviews the books in which the woman doctor is more or less prominent, and traces an evolution in the conception of the character. She objects to Charles Reade's "Dr. Rhoda Gale," and Will Dean Howell's " Dr. Breen," because they simply serve the purpose of the novel, but are not faithful to the type. At last, how ever, she comes to a novel which is mani festly written w the inside. " Mona Mac lean, Medical Student," by Graham Travers is a book which not only shows the techni calities of the profession, but a true concep tion of the character of the medical woman of to-day. The Haydon Art Club met in the Chapel Tuesday evening, February 28. Two very interesting papers were read : "English Art and Artists" by Mrs. D. L. Brace, and "Art Treasures of the British Museum" by Prof. Hussey. Both papers were illustrated with lantern views. Mrs. Prof. Barbour gave a pleasing piano solo. After the program Miss Barton's "Nebraska Athlete" was exhibited and enthusiastically admired. The Athletic Association is to be congrat ulated upon the enterprise and enthusiasm of its officers and supporters. By joint action with the Oratorical Association, in the mat ter of admission fees, it secured almost enough to wipe out its old debt and by hard rustling of a crowd for the mesmeric entertainment it turned a neat sum into the treasury as a nest egg for the coming season. The Athletic Association is all right. i ' M u lSC"" y gjl TmtmWmmm '"""" "'","?'",I"1B"I j mnmmmmmwm .3- ll'lilill l M, immmmgmm miJ I 1"l m1ujv'ik'! .gMMWlMJMjgMJggjywMlll llINllltllulnjrjLia 1m nB