mm THE NEBRASKAN 79 place and arc being filled as rapidly as possible. A spherical black-board for work in spher ical geometry, has just been received by the department of Mathematics from Andrews & Co. of Chicago. The cast of the Nebraska Athletic has been on exhibition in the Art Studio. It goes to the Nebraska Exhibit at the World's Columbian Exposition. Many of the students took advantage of Charter Day and visited all the departments of the University, which during the regular work, they seldom have the opportuity to sec. There was a meeting of civil engineering students, Thursday, February 23, 1893, in room 4. Interesting papers on various sub jects connected with railroad construction were read. No one is now admitted to the gymnasium on Tuesdays and Thursdays from Cwc to six except the young ladies registered for this work. A permit must be obtained before any outsider is admitted. Prof. Nicholson has just received some fine speecimens of aluminum apparatus, compris ing an air-bath, water-bath, and chimney cylinder. They are a gift from a learned German professor at Berlin, a friend of Prof. Nicholson's. The third-year German students have or ganized a club for sight-reading and study of German literature. They will meet every other week on Saturday, and have christened their club the "Edelweiss, suggested by the book they have just taken up. Misses Burks and Lindley recently enter tained a number of their University friends at a "Valentine Shadow" party. The gen tlemen chose their partners for cards from the shadows of the ladies cast upon a screen. Miss Scothorn and Mr. Welch won the val entines. On Tuesday evening, March 7, Prof. Wightman will give a lecture in the chapel on "Dante and Florence." Lantern views will be used in illustrating the lecture. The students, especially those in the literature and art classes, will be interested and ought to be there. The members of the Phi Delta Theta gave an informal hop at their hall last Friday even ing. The floor of the main Hall was cleared and canvassed for the dancers. Good music and light refreshments made a pleasant even ing for the jolly company. Sixteen couples participated. Who said the Hesperian was the most en terprising paper in college? Did anybody see its interesting account of the local con test? For some inexplicable reason its "rep resentative" editors are mum on a subject that many of the students they represent have found good enough to discuss for some time past. We don't want to find fault, but we were disappointed, partly because we would esteem their comment highly, and partly be cause we hate to see this glaring evidence of a decline in enterprise in rustling news on the part of a sister journal. Mr. Emil Salich, C. E., is giving a course of lectures on the technology of sugar manu facture, in the sugar school. Mr. Salich is the engineer who built and equipped the fac tories at Grand Island and Norfolk, in this state. Lectures are given daily at 4 p. m., in room 4, Chemical Laboratory, andare open to evory one. The school is beginning to attract attention from those interested in the beet sugar industry. Letters of inquiry have al ready been received from New York, Penn sylvania, Massachusetts, Utah, Colorado, Kansas and California. Prof. Reynolds, the mesmerist who has been giving entertainments at the Y. M. C. A. building the past ten days, gave an exhi bition of his power in the Chapel Wednes day evening, February 22, before a large au dience composed mostly of students. The spirit didn't seem to move very readily upon so learned a class of people as the students and the Prof, had to try. some seventy-five or a hundred cases before he succeeded in se curing four good subjects. The tedious wait ing, however, was more than compensated for by the spectacle of Yont singing "I Feel Like," and of John Williams dancing a "hoe-