The Nebraskan ); 'I Vol. I. Lincoln, Nebraska, March, 1893. No. 6. The Nebraskan. A Monthly Paper, Issued at the University of Nebraska. For Special Terms of Subscription for balance of school year see Inst page reading matter. Entered ns second-class mall matter. T. E. Wing Editor-in-Chief H. G. Whixmobe Business Manager The Representative College Paper. Notino to Subscribers and AdvortiBors. AU subscriptions and advertising bills arc payable to the Business Manager. No other person attempting to collect subscriptions or bills of any kind has authority to do itfie same. We regret exceedingly the apparent death of the University Debating Club. Extempo raneous speaking is better than recitation ; debate better than oratory. If the club is not resurrected this month it will be " sure dead," for these spring days savor strongly of football, tennis, and evening strolls, to the exclusion of the heavier indoor meetings. A good, healthy start right now would give the Debating Club impetus enough .to carry .it through to the end of the year, with an im mense amount of pleasure and profit to all of us. (Ebitorial. The change in editorship of the Ne braskan, which retires the writer of the pseudo-philosophic account of the Local Contest given in our last issue, makes it seem proper for the present editor to express his opinion on oratorical style. The withdrawal of our predecessor alone makes possible this expression of opinion for we should consider it discourteous, indeed even insulting, to print, as the opinion ot this paper, what is known to be radically opposed to the ideas of n "brother-editor." Oratory should appeal to the intellectual and emotional rather than to the (esthetic sense. Any school girl or boy, may, with practice, go through an excellent and perhaps, to some, .a pleasing pantomime before an audi ence, but what is artificial cannot be effective. We believe that the conversational style is both the ideal and the practical one, not one whit ahead of the times, and we propose to stick to it, for better or worse, till the end. It is unfortunate that Charter Day comes so near Washington's Birthday. The stu dents seem perfectly willing to transfer the pleasure of the legal holiday on the 22d to the special holiday on the 15th, probably be cause it comes a week earlier. We don't care particularly about having two holidays, in fact, mid-week holidays are terribly exas perating, but to have to go to school on Washington's Birthday is throwing cold wa ter on a student's patriotism. Rather than run the risk of cooling any more patriotic sen timent in this University, we believe the au thorities will have to give us two holidays next year. Local patriotism demands Char ter Day, national patriotism Washington's Birthday. Not because the students want both, but because conscience and duty de mand both. " By their fruits ye shall know them." We believe the function of the college paper is to try to reflect the best thoughts of the best class of students in college, and to express the judgment of the best element in school on all live questions that may come' up, in college politics, society, or whatever students are interested in. Above all, the ideal col- wtm.tmmm