mmvrs. i (i 54 THE NEBRASKAN 1869 CHABTEB DAY 1898. H2?Z later the depiirtmontal receptions in the lcc- The day on which the University received ture rooms and laboratories of the diflorcnt its charter has ahvavs been a rccWctter day buildings; the public taking tins tune for a in the calendar of the institution. It has been general inspection of the University . observed as a holiday from the beginning ; and with more or less formal exercises. For several years it was almost altogether a student's day ; and student- only were known upon the program. Perhaps it might not be'coo. much to sav that students onlv n The list of Charter Day orators includes such names as that of President Angell, of the State University of Michigan : President Peabody. then of the State University of Illi nois ; Professor Winchcll. of Wisconsin ; Rev. D. Lippineott. then Chancellor of the State University of Kansas ; and Washington were known h the audience, thouirh this is not quite true. The exercises weretonductcd Gladden, the noted Columbus 'Ohio) divine in the chapel, and consisted of more or less and author. This year the list will be ex carcfullv arranged programs, including some tended by the addition of the name of Presi literary'matter : but for some time, possibly dent Low, of Columbia College, New York, more parodies, mock-programs, and other The recent death of President Low's father similar student eccentricities. From the out- makes it seem proper to omit the usual Chan set, much of this was regarded even by the cellor's reception, held immediately after the great mass of students themselves with con- address in honor of the day and of the speaker siderable doubt as to its propriety. As the of the evening. Instead of this reception institution added years and numbers it added this year, there will be a reunion of the state also greater dignity : until it was the general officers, the members cf the legislature, and sense of the student body and of the faculty the regents, faculty, and alumni of the, Uni that the time had come for a new departure, versitv. on the evening preceding Charter Accordingly, in 1884, the program was Day. These will assemble in Grant Memo changed. Chancellor Manatt made a formal rial Mall promptly at S o'clock. Each guest address in behalf of the University ; Mr. A. will be assigned an escort ; and at 8 :3c all G. Warper, then a student but since a will go to the University chapel, where a man of mark, delivered an oration as rep- short musical program will be rendered by resenting the student body : and a young the University Chorus and Orchestra. All woman, whose name cannot now be recalled, the buildings will be lighted, and after the read an original poem. There were a large program the guests of the evening will be es number of citizens in attendance, and gen- corted through the different lecture rooms, eral gratification was expressed at the tone of laboratories and museums by their hosts. An the entire celebration. excellent opportunity, and perhaps the only The part taken by the students becoming opportunity possible, will thus be afforded the somewhat burdensome to them, and the de- busy members of the State Legislature to sec sire to hear from the outside world increas- exactly what has been done upon the campus ing year by year, a regular Charter Day since they last assembled, orator was chosen ; the list including some On the morning of Charter Dav the build- of the strongest educators in the union. It ings and grounds will be practically closed to was not long before the chapel was filled the public ; as the members of the faculty and to overflowing, and then a transfer was made employes will be busy in preparing for .the to the opera house; remaining wjth the Funke departmental receptions, to be held in the as long as that was the best th?oity afforded, afternoon from two to six. However, in the and passing to therLansing as soon as that afternoon all lecture rooms, laboratories and