f n 58 THE NERRASKAN forent thing. The first has neither prologue lion of this character would certainly bo of nor epilogue and is but a hit of naturalism great benefit to the students. It would give that gives a breathing sp 1 in this work-a- them excellent practice in speaking and de day world. The last is very likely to be all baling and also enable tlu in to become fa tinsel and trappings and orchestra and long miliar with parliamentary law. The Univer waits light and airy and full of nothingness sity now has quite a large attendance and in the end. The first is restful and helpful could easily carry on a congress suecess and quickening to all men and women, young fully. We hope the organization will be and old. The last maybe nothing but "van- speedily perfected. ity and vexation of spirit." of which wise Professor Caldwell had to give up the sem- pcople will beware. ;nar class in American history of the last Shall University young women, then, go f,ftv ve.irSi on account of overwork. This into "society?" That depends. (ovralleb. was an interesting and valuable study, and the class regretted very much to drop the work. It will probably be taken up again next year. As rapidly as possible the gymnasium appa ratus is being supplemented by valuable ad ditions. The latest include the Swedish climbing ladder, swinging rings, hinge strap, Dr. IT. S. Wanamaker will have charge of the class in Hebrew for the remainder of the semester. Several of the band bows have received propositions to join the great band at the and medicine ball. During the coming week World's Fair next summer, some new suspended horizontal bars of Professor W. R. Fraser is conducting a Swedish pattern will be put up. These moas- class in Roman law, which will prove very re altogether forty feet, and will enable the interesting. The class meets on Tuesday lro cl;iss perform at once, and Thursday at 1 1 :3c a. m. Quito a number of the students went out Fifty visitors inscribed their names on the to the Worthinglon academy to the reception register of the Chancellor's ollice during the given Headmaster Juny Tuesday night, first eight days of February. That is a good One of the most noticeable features was the showing for such blizzardly weather. exhibition drill given by the military com- ..... ,T . .t . . , , nanv under Captain F. D. Eager' s supervis- t t , .7 I I..V. .V.W. V . J tflVIIIIUhW ..V ion. The jood work he is doing out there speaks well for the university battalion. After the reception a dance was participated in by the young people present. club. It is to be organized by Professor Easterday, and will prepare for a concert in connection with the annual exhibition of the band. The companies of the military department There will be an imposing confederate are now busily preparing for the annual cup monument, to the dead of Prison Camp Doug- and flag drill. For this reason they met on laf! erected in Oakland Cemetery, Chicago, separate evenings to give each full sway in The monument is a finely proportioned shaft the armory. 0f Georgia granite, surmounted by a bronze Prof. Conway McMillan, 'S8, Professor of figure of an infantry soldier. A prominent Botany in the University of Minnesota, is confederate commander will deliver the ad- the author of a new book entitled "The Flora dress at the dedication next July. There are of the Mississippi Valley." It is spoken of SJ thousd confederate prisoners buried in .... this cemetery, the record of whose names very highly. was ogt -n the Chicag0 fire The new Hst Steps are being taken to organize a moot js only partially complete. Only one of the congress in the University. An organiza- graves is marked, i J. 3 WiiiijWM7BWjliJllllllL!L!li-!Ll Ll'rt nHTL r!Mg