The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 01, 1893, Page 49, Image 9

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Will Raymond spent a portion of his vaca
tion in Omaha.
Over a thousand people visited the Univer
sity during the past week.
Two large boxes of books, which had been
sent off to be bound, were received at the
Library during vacation.
The State Historical Society will hold its
meeting in the chapel, January loth-iith.
Many interesting papers will be read.
Henry Watterson, of "star-eyed goddess"
fame, will lecture during the month under
the auspices of the Palladian society.
The members of the Phi Delta Theta gave
another of their enjoyable dances, Friday
evening, December 1 6th, at their hall. About
twenty couple attended.
The Chancellor was so crowded with work
last week that he did not have time to write
his column for this issue. Next month's col
umn will, however, be doubly interesting.
Mr. Frederick Shepherd and Miss Harriet
M. Curtis were married Tuesday evening,
December 12th, at the home of the bride.
Moth of the young people are University
alumni. We wish them a long and happy
married life.
Hon. C. F. Scott of Kansas, delivered in
the chapel on the 16th ult. the most interest
ing lecture given there this year. His sub
ject was "The Last of the Confederates," a
brief account of General Joe Shelby's Mexi
can expedition.
The Delta Gamma's gave a Pan Hellenic
Friday evening, December 5th. It was a
"cobweb party," and much fun was had in un
tangling the web, after which delicious re
freshments were served. Dancing was then
indulged in until a late hour.
Married, at the bride's home, Lincoln,
Wednesday evening, December 21st, Mr.
Amos E. Perrin and Miss Grace McAllister.
At home, Roca, Neb., after February 1st.
Mr. Perrin is a former member of the class
of '92, and we join his many friends in ex
tending congratulations and best wishes.
Chas. D. Chandler, W. D. Brook and J. C.
Porterlield, all of '92, have returned from the
Black Hills, where they have been surveying
for the past six months. They are all look
ing well. Porterlield returns soon, but the
other two remain in Lincoln for awhile.
Chandler, it is said, will sell pneumatic, tires.
Brook is employed as a draftsman in the B.
& M. engineer's ollices
The State Teachers' Association met in the
University halls last week. This is the third
vear thev have met here. The chapel was
thnmjred evcrv session and late comers were
turned away, showing the need of the pro
posed convention hall. Addresses were de
livered at the Lansing by John M. Thurston,
of Omaha, and James Hughes, of Toronto,
Canada. Congressman Bryan gave an ex
temporaneous speech.
Other colleges in the state are moving for
ward in an energetic way. Frank Dean won
first place in the Doane Oratorical contest.
His subject was, "A Case in Equity," a plea for
better justice in the courts for the Negro race.
There will be nine contestants for the local
at Wesley an, on January 26th. At Cottier
there are three would-be winners. Their con
test is held January 20th. The Lincoln Nor
mal and the Western Normal will apply for
admission to the state association, at the an
nual meeting.
Friday evening, December 23, R. E. John
son gave an elegant dinner to a few of his
University friend. The boys sat down at
7:30 to a table, beautifully decorated with
roses and smilax, and loaded with all sorts of
Hood ihinjrs. There was a tasty little bouton
niere and a card bearing an appropriate quo
tation for 'each one. After these had been
discussed, the boys attacked the main busi
ness of the evening. Ralph "set the pace"
and for over an hour kept his father and
mother busy, serving as dainty and sumptuous
a menu as college boys ever enjoyed. After