The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 01, 1893, Page 44, Image 4

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ttctavy (Evumbs.
miliar Talks on English Litcral'ui'c," cm
bracing the epochs of that literature from the
conquest of Brittain to the death of Sk Wal
ter Scott. It is not intended as a cyclopedia,
but simply to arouse interest in the great
names of the buried past. It is very interest
ing. Mrs. Richardson, the author, says,"hand
books of literature, especially those used in
schools, have been too much like graveyards,
where a series of stones record the life and
death and principal events relating to an
author, ending with a few lines from his work
as a sort of epitaph. 1 think this method has
made the study of literature uninteresting."
The author uses constantly the term "our
English authors," and impresses upon her
Our own Marion Crawford is on American American readers, that it is their language,
shores once more, and he will doubtless re- and in k lhey can Justlv tako a Pridc-
main during the spring and possibly a great
The December number of the Century con
tains the first chapter of Wolcott Balcstier's
new novel, "Benefits Forgot." The story is
very entertaining and of goodly promise.
"The Last Voyages of the Admiral of the
Ocean Sea," is the title of a new history of
Columbus' voyages. The author, Mr. Mac
Kee, has presented in clear outline the man
and his work, being guided by the personal
memoirs of Columbus, and not by the words
of critics and maliirners.
part of the summer. His first intention was
to give but two or three readings while in
this country, but if the wishes of the Amer
ican public prevail, the two or three readings
will be lengthened to thirty or more. Mr.
Crawford, as a reader is most "charming and
interesting, and if reports lie true his per
sonality is doubly attractive and draws many
to him. The author of " Gruflenstein" and
The Whittier memorial services which
were held at Haverhill a few days ago, were
attended by a great gathering of men and
women distinguished in the literary world.
Will Carlelon read an ode composed for the
occasion, of which the following are the
closing words :
Greet him in heaven! Make his reception grand,
O, earth-born poets of the father land !
Yoll who Willi lililldiinuK liliillitur iiiv
"Zoroaster" will be ever welcomed by his Sang, and still sing, the funeral dirge of Troy,
own people the Americans. Meet one, who earthly passions risen above,
Worshipped a God of justice and of love !
"The Influence of the Sea Power upon ); who wi' ''Pics decked the heights of Rome,
., r i 13 i it. . This western poet glorified his home;
the Wench Revolution and Empire," by Drink from his placid spirit's gentle rills.
Capt. A. L. Malum, V. S. N., is attracting a O, sad-faced exile from fair 1-lorence hills;
great deal of attention. It is a naval history You who banl of -'tniity and time,
nr c . o i Made even the loss of Paradise sublime,
of Europe from 1793-1S12 and nves inter- ,-,. , , f. . ,
1 ' 1 Greet hun as friend and peer.
CSting accounts of all the navies ol Europe, Thou, prince of Stratford England's flaming star,
especially the French navy, and of all the Thou, laurate loved, who lately ' crossed the bar;"
battles. "l lis description of the battle of the llT' Coi,conl s". y whose great heart and head,
x,., . , , , . ., Philosophy and poetry were wed;
Nile, IS for Clearness and Vividness, one of Swan of the Charles, who in progressive calm,
the best wi itten naval battles ever described. Gave to the world life's thrilling trumpet psalm;
The work is in two volumes and to students A"(1 yo" who are ,he '"St-st and the best,
. n , ,1 I 1 . .1 , .,, With intellect us well us goodness blessed,
interested in such subjects the volumes will And all who hmnmv toUd nm dny lo
be found rich in facts, and the studies so en- With but the hope of heaven to liirht vour wav
- w ft
tertainly presented as to make the chapters
delightful reading.
A new book has been issued styled "Fa-
Hail him as comrade dear !
And Grunt, oh God, his spirit may extend
Through all this eurth, till duys und nights shall end;
Our citizen, our poet and our friend
The slurry-crowned Whittier I