The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 01, 1893, Page 50, Image 10

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the dinner, whist and cigars made the even
ing pass quickly and pleasantly.
The local Oratorical contest has been post
poned until February .j th. At the last meet
ing of the association Rufus Bentlv was
chosen president, T. E. Wing, vice president,
and A. MeMullen, secretary and treasurer.
Fisher, Stroman,Turrel and Tallmadge were
chosen as delegates to state convention. The
winner of second place in the local will be
chairman of the delegation. F. 1). Eager will
represent the Delian society in the local con
test, the winner of the Chase-Wheeler con
test, the Palladia.) society. The candidates
for the latter are: C. C. Marlay, E. M. Pol
lard, F.J. 11. Larson, Miss Flora Mullock,
W. Wilson and C. R. Welden. Tom E. Wing
and R. E. Johnson will also contest in the
"A Perjured Padulion," an "emotional
tragedy in live acts," was presented in the
chapel Saturday evening, December 10th, for
the benefit of the Athletic Association, by the
University Dramatic Club. The University
Orchestra furnished the music. But a small
audience greeted the performers, barely
enough money being received to pay for the
staging and the orchestra. So the Athletic
Association is as badly oil as ever. The plav,
a satirical "take-oil" on university literary
society life, full of local hits, was wntten by
Miss Louise Pound. The different casts were
well taken and elicited much applause, espe
cially those of Enrico Watkins, Diamond
Witherspoon and Alessandro Smilhers. The
performance certainly deserved a better house.
All such efforts should be encouraged, and we
hope it will soon be repeated. The following
is the cast of characters :
Enrico Watkins - Francis Carlyle Tucker
Leonidas Rebenhorst - Chas. F. Stromal)
Diamond Witherspoon - - Wilhi Cather
Sophomorista Saltonstall - Louise Pound
Maria Thompson - - - Delia Scolield
Prepletta High) Olivia Pound
Alessandro Smithers ... II. A. Lord
President of the Padulion - R. II. Johnson
2nu5tcal Hotclots.
The Whitney-Mockridge Concert Co. will
be at the Lansing Monday, January 91I).
The liftieth anniversary ol the first produc
tion of Wagner's Fliegender Hollander was
January 2d, 1S93.
The music department have just received
a new edition of musical books, biographies
and technical books.
The Mendelson Quintette gave a concert
at the Lansing, December 19th, under the
auspices of the Palladian society.
Sir Arthur Sullivan's music to Tennyson's
play of "The F01 esters," is considered to be
among the best of his compositions.
The music department have added the new
magazine, "Music," edited by W. S. B. Math
ews, to the periodicals ol the library.
The wide-lamed Gilmore's band disbanded
at Cincinnati. It returned east in November
and reorganized by cutting down the band
The organ at Plymouth church, Brooklyn,
was recently rebuilt from a bequest of the
late Emma Abbott, who for twenty-one years
was a member of this church.
Another American woman, Marie Groebl,
has achieved great and gratifying success in
foreign lands. She had the rare distinction
con I erred upon her, of being chosen by the
renowned Professor Hcrkomer, to create the
part of the heroine in his last opera.
The twenty-fifth term recital, of the music
department, was held in the chapel, Tuesday
evening, December 20th. The programme
consisted of orchestra, chorus and individual
work. The opening number consisted of a
dramatic overture rendered by the orchestra.
The following programme was given : Vocal
solo, by Miss Boose; Misses Pearle Camp
and Vesta Gra gave instrumental solos ;
Miss Grace Gingery sang "The Message:"
Dancla's march for violins was well rendered ;
Miss Belle von Mansfelde played a violon-