36 THE NEBRASKAN i A obliged to give up his studies on account of eye trouble. Miss Lizzie Bonncll visited in Lincoln a few days last week. 1 Miss Day of Beatrice visited student friends for two dnys recently. " Fred GumI, lives at home now, nfe his par ents have moved to Lincoln. Professor Sherman is delivering sonic in teresting lectures on Hebrew poetry. Miss Josephine Trceman spent Thanks- (Xvt anb ZTCuste Sir Arthur Sullivan has nearly completed a new opera. M. Padcrcwski the great pianist, will com mence his tour of this country at SanFran cisco in December. Dr. Hans Biilow opened the new Bcch stein Concert Hall in Berlin with a piano recital on October fourth. Verdi's new opera "Falstafif" is to be giv- giving with Miss Martha Hutchinson in en in Milan next season. It is rumored that Ashland. Verdi is setting "Don Quixote" to music. Professor Green, dean of the Kansas law john Philip Sousa has signed a five year school, came up with the boys and saw the contract as director of a new military band foot-ball game. with which next year he will make a tour of H. A. Shannon of Omaha and Amos Per- this country, rin of Roca are circulating among Lincoln Tne slyie of the World's Fair Art Build friends for a few days this week. ing is ()f the Ionic of ,the most refied and Mr. A. C. Fling who is teaching in the classic detail. There will be rich ornament- DeWitt high school, spent his Thanksgiv- ntion of statuary and sculptured friezes. ing vacation at the University. T ,,., j n a J Mr. Zrellner received the thousand dolla.i t Max Westerman visited in Chicago and pursc offered by the Saengerfest committee saw the Thanksgiving game, and Miss Tuttle of Cleveland, Ohio, for the best American witnessed the foot-ball game at Omaha. composition. There were over one hundred Professor C. L. Ingersoll represented the competitors, experiment station at New Orlean s in a re- The great work of Dr. William Mason cent meetings f the directors of agricultural .Touch and Technic" is now completed, college experiment stations. It is a standard work, and has superceded The foot-ball boys had their picture taken a11 the older works of many writers on Sunday morning, and while together elected this subject. It is in four volumes. E. O. Pace as captain of the team for '93. Two hitherto unknown symphonies by Hopewell was second choice for the place. Mozart have recently been discovered--one Miss Sarah Wool Moore read a paper on m C and the other in F. They are dated "Ethnic Limits of Art" at the congress of the 1772 vhen Mozart was in Tyrol. The association for the advancement of women, works are said to admit of no doubt as to Which convened at Memphis, Tenn., last their authorship. In Boston there has been formed recently, The Senior class has a "prominent" mem- the "Public School Art League." These ber who attended one of the Keene plays at people believe that children should have the Lansing Thanksgiving week. Several their aesthetic taste cultivated at as early an "prominent students" witnessed Keene in age as possible, and that the refining and "Pthello" at Omaha Thanksgiving night, educating effect in the school room of ob- cbutj the society editor faU.ed to reach there. jects offart cannot (be .over-estimated.. .. w