THE ''NBBRA&KAN' 35 since Iowa bentitliim 2 (to oithejlast Thanks- Increase is most gratifying and'will make 'a giving, so they proceeded to credit their forcible uppenl to the legislature this yertrfor side, Iowa surely has a team that should increased revenue. have a better showing, but a combination of Last Tuesday Miss Rissur gave a party in misfortunes has laid them low. Flippin ia honor of her friend Miss Snider of Mount the mainstay of the local team and made a Pleasant, Iowa. A conversational pro majority of the plays for his side. Hisbril- gramme t and "An Art Gallery" made the liant runs outshone everything else, and it evening pass pleasantly for all. was through the gains thus made that Ne- Mis8 Maud Hnmmod entertained a few braska got over the line twice. Yet he could fi. ml w wnl. nt hlr hnm nn Spvonnnti. not do so well without being well supported by the remainder of the team. Captain Johnston directed the plays in good shape, and showed his ability in this direction bet ter than in outward playing. He was handi capped by injuries received at a previous game. The teams lined up against each other as follows : NKBRASKA, IOWA, Oliver Left end and right Hull Howe Left tackle and right. . . Van Oosterbout Yont Left guard and right Zollman Hopewell .Center Aldrich Jonea .Right guard and left. Riggs Sinclair Right tackle and left San ford Church Right end, and left Johnson Psce....s Quarter back Sawyer Johnston, capt. . . . Right half back Elliott Flippin Left half back Dawson Moaner Full back Larrabee Lieutenant Prince of Fort Omaha acted as umpire, while Chas. Wilson of Omaha relereed. Nebraska made a touch down, and Iowa two touch downs and a goal in the first half, while Nebraska alone-made a touch down and a goal in the second. It was nearly dark when time was called. (Eorraltefc. street. Cards and dancing were the amuse ments of the evening. Miss Qehan and Mr. Guilmette were the winners at cards. Iowa college, at Grinnell, wanted to play play our team in their city on November 19th, and guaranteed expenses if we would come. Of course it was too near the Thanksgiving game with Iowa to accept. Several of the Cadets lost parts of their uniforms in the fire at E. Hill's tailor shop Saturday. As the boys had not accepted them on account of misfits, the Pettibone company will be responsible for the loss. Phi Delta Theta fraternity entertained at their hall two weeks ago. A number of Phis from Kansas were present. A very delight ful musicale programme was rendered by the members of the fraternity, assisted by a 'few friends. The students of the composition class, English No. 5, are looking for that "dead corpse" which was spoken of in a. Shake speare class recently. If captured, Professor Bates will immediately disect it with apen and some red ink. 1 Our gymnasium was much admired by the Kansas boys. It is one of the finest equipped buildings in the west, and visitors are not slow to measure its worth. The young ladies of the physiology and personal. 1 Miss; Roberts and Miss Gere visited (Rising last week. u"u : Miss Risser was in Council Bluffs Thanks- hygieneclass were very surprised to have an givin week. , examination last Friday vening. After this Miss Lau spent Thanksgiving with Miss more attention will be paid to the lecture. Burks in Beatrice. Nine hundred aiid twenty-three students E. W. Brown came back to school'ifrom were emrdlled'by December 'i at. "The 'late the' Norfolk sugar -factory, but'hasbee'n ESSSK