The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, December 01, 1892, Page 34, Image 6

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shoulder, and CliurcH took" his place. The must suffer to the tune of $125, which on the
ball died near the ceht'dr of the field shortly part of Nebraska had been stored up from
after K o'clock. lcal patronage in previous games at Lin-
Its an "airy" day when we get left.
There is a host in the fraternity of signs.
Several Do 'mites came up and smiled at
our defeat.
Sweeney was with us, but left his pocket
book at home.
Quite a sprinkling of Weslcyan and Cot
ner University students were present.
The Omaha Athletic club was left in
charge of advertising the game and the way
they accomplished it was sad enough to
cause the omnipotent Zeus to register a kick
and press his electric button for zig-zag
lightning sufficiently to pierce the hearts of
the entire organization. When the mana
gers of the Nebraska and Iowa teams came
into Omaha two days before the game, they
The"Siirma Chis" had the "tallyho,' found Dracticallv no advertising done. The
and took in the game from its , lofty height. O. A. C. raked in 20 percent of the receipts for
The small boy, without the necessary taking charge of the game. If another game
quarter, managed to find a (dole in the fence, is played in Omaha, the advertising will be
Tim NiimtASKAN scoreboards were ad- left in charge of interested parties, and not to
mired by all. For enterprise we cannot be any Omaha organization. The proper per-
excelled son t0 advertise an Omaha game hereafter
'worthingtonAcademybroughtoutaband should be lhe manaSer of the Nebraska
Yli-Wll lull Vl lI CiJ-Wll.Vi. J wv...w, ,. .. ..
joyed the game.
Nebraska is very apt to furnish a disagree
able stratum of air when some exciting con-
Our team, band, and cheerers went up in n
special train over the Union Pacific. The
whole train was tastefully decoruted with
scarlet and cream banners, and attracted
much attention on the way. The boys
test like a foot-ball game is on hand, but marched up town behind the band, and did
seldom has she lowered the temperature to about as effective advertising as had before
the freezing point, and mingled a drizzling been accomplished. The Paxton had been
rain with the elements as was the case in selected as the stopping place, but a reluc
Omaha Thanksgiving when the great Ne- tancy to let Flippin in came very near chang-braska-Iowa
game took place. While only ing the plc-and will do so hereafter. The
a few of Omaha's steam renovated and managers of the Paxton ought to be in Hal
nursery bleached sports braved the chilly ifax rather than any northern city of the
blasts to see the game, they at times won- United States. There was a great deal more
dered where they were at, and whence they old gold on the foot-ball field than scarlet
came. No amount of cold weather will stop and cream, which appeared strange,
a student crowd when the crowning event of To see the Hawkeyes put up such a
the school year is about to take place, so the fine game when two of their best men,
crowd that went up from Lincoln make a Stiles the center rush, and Gillette, end, were
strong comparison with about 300 Omaha not with the team, was a surprise to Ne
spectators. Several Iowans came 250 miles braskans, and they don't yet understand
to see their boys wallop Nebraska. All the how Kansas could beat them' 24 to 4, and
while the financiers of the teams were trying Missouri 24 to o, when their full team was' in
to devise a plan whereby $205 could be the game. The best of feelings exist between
made to cover over $450 worth of expenses, the Iowa and Nebraska boys. Of course the
but they were forced to admit that each club latter thought they had an account to balance