The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, December 01, 1892, Page 32, Image 4

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I see her every day
As she passes down the way,
Which before my window lies;
With an air of charming grace
And her pretty smiling face
So full of hope aud glad surprise.
How she trips so lightly by,
Willi her manners coy and shy,
And her fascinating ways;
With her laughter like an elf
And n form so like a sylph,
Welcome as the sunbeam rays.
With a costume most Switching,
How she sets my heartstrings twitching,
To the tune of a merry little dance;
When through her drooping lashes,
Swift as a meteor in its flashes,
I catch the winning sweetness of her glance.
How I envy all the grasses
That salute her as she passes,
Bowing in their reverence there;
And tlie branches indiscreet,
Bending down her lips to greet,
That linger in the meshes of her hair.
Could I like the flowers address her,
Could I like the boughs carress her,
Then my joy would be complete.
For there's naught in the vain pursuing
But there's worlds in the gentle wooing
Of a maiden so coy and sweet.
B. B. D.
literary (Erumfcs.
puzzled readers and especially to those who
have the Browning craze.
"Childhood" is the title of a magazine
recently issued for parents and teachers,
which contains articles from the pen of Julian
Hawthorne and other prominent writers. Its
editor is Dr. George W. Winterbrum, whose
aim it will be to make it a "bright and spir
ited exposition of the most loving subject in
the world."
The Messrs. Cornell announce that they
have completed arrangements for a scries of
books, to be called the " Library of Econ
omics and Politics, under the editorial direc
tion of Richard Ely. One volume is "Amer
ican Charities," by Dr. Amos G. Warner,
the value of whose work is already recog
nized, from the District of Columbia to Cali
fornia. The holiday numbers of the various mag
azines appear with very attractive exteriors
and far more alluring interiors. The " Cent
ury" contains, among other articles, a Col
orado story by Wolcott Balestier, together,
with a portrait of that author. "Scribner"
makes some important contributions to the
Literature of Art. " Harpers " is chiefly a
fiction number.
Of the distinguished travelers and writers,
Theodore Child was amongst the most re
nowned. Mr. Child had a wide acquaintance
with artists and " litoratcurs " of Paris, and
A new novel by Paul Lindan will be pub
lished immediately by the Appleton's. The
story contains phrases of social life in the for this reason doubtless, he was best known
as a jraris correspondent. for tne past ten
years he had acted as Paris' agent for Har
pers and it was while in their' service in
Persia that Mr. Child died on November 2d.
He had gone to the eastern countries to pre-
gay tjerman capital, iserlin ; its title is
"Hanging Moss."
J!(me. Charlotte Embden, sister of Henrich
Henie, hasannounced that she intends to
publish thepoet s unpnnted letters to the
in her possession. She will also publish at
number of one hundred and twenty-two, now Pare a. Series of PaPers on " Livi.nE India
uui ins msit was not accompusnea. rais
writings were graphic and accurate, and it
the same time her reminiscences of Henie.
Mrs. Oliphant's forthcoming history of the
Victorian age of English literature will have
a new and highly interesting feature in the
shape of unpublished letters from well known
and distinguished authors, discussing their
own works. This will indeed be a treat to
will be a difficult matter to fill the gap made
by his death. Among his best known works
are: "The Praise of Paris," "Art and
Criticism," "The Desire of Beauty" and
"Mirror of Fair Women," a superb edition
of which limited to 1,000 copies will, be
brought out by Harpers.