The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, December 01, 1892, Page 31, Image 3

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orators have always come out second. While
it has been attributed to the difference is the
style of delivery, yet it behooves us this year
that uninterested judges shall be choosen to
decide upon this question, Pastoral delivery
has upset us betore, but the University still
adheres to its style, which we believe to be
superior to that of denominational schools.
(Efjc Chancellor's Column.
The Nebraskan (was it?) recently called
on the Junior class to bestir itself in the mat
ter of "The Annual" by which was doubt
less meant a publication similar in general
scope and purpose to the Sombrero. The
call was certainly prompted by loyalty to the
University, indicates plenty of spirit, and has
back of it very unselfish devotion to class in
terests. It recognizes the creditable charac
ter of the Sombrero believes it to have at
tracted favorable attention to the institution
and to the class, knows that much matter that
would not otherwise see the light is thus
brought before the public, and sums the
whole matter up in the assertion that "it was
a good all-around ad." All of which is true.
But there is another side to this matter
which ought to be carefully considered. No
man goeth to war without first counting the
cost unless he courts defeat; and as care
fully as the cost was counted last year, defeat
(financially) would certainly have come
but for the assistance of the Regents, and
some pretty heavy personal subscriptions.
These can scarcely be secured annually. It
costs a large sum of money to carry such an
enterprise through to success ; and the greater
part of this must come from our students.
Now it ao happens that the crowning glory
of this institution is-its democratic character,
that it exists for all alike, and that its oppor
tunities are freely offered to all. This is the
reason that such a large proportion of our
students are more or less self-supporting ;
and that a still larger number come, from
families in which all are making great and
positive sacrifices that the one may be
well schooled. Such students have no right
to spend a dollar unnecessarily; nor must
we establish customs of subscriptions or
expense that will burden them in giving or
humiliate them in refusing. It is easy
to say that it is but a single dollar; but
the single dollar sometimes looks very large
to a man who has worked hard to get it, and
has thus far saved it by much self-denial.
Again, all experience and observat on
prove that the burden of editing, publishing
and disposing of the edition falls upon very
few no matter how good the intentions nor
how many the promises of associates and
others. This burden can rarely be carried
without serious loss in other directions loss
rarely compensated by the editorial or busi
ness experience gained. It is not infrequent
that a man is utterly broken in University
work by such an experience, aud is obliged
to withdraw with an incomplete education.
Further, it is rare good fortune and the
happiest concurrence of all lucky stars when
such a publication is carried without friction,
irritation, wounded feelings, broken friend
ships and bitter heart-burnings. Custom
custom, so often fatal to all that is pleasant
and good decrees that such a volume must
have within its covers some personalities.'
And when have personalities been free from at
.least subacidity? Of course it was only "funny'
but the hurt was there ; of course it was
all very plain to us ; but somebody misread
it to our sorrow. Of course no one thought
how it would "sound to others" but when it
is all too late the enemy to the institution has
the excerpt in, his pocket-book for comfort to
himself and as a text of warning to others.
It is doubtful whether any other form of pub-
lished matter has so frequently and so sor
rowfully illustrated the painful truth of the
Chinese proverb z "A word once spoken, a
coach and six horses cannot bring it back."
What has been thus hastily written has been
a caution, not a protest ; advice, not disappro
bation ; a call for serious reflection, not an ,
unfriendly criticism.